Suppose we have the following code:
var fundId = this.get("FundId");
var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "FundSchema" });
esq.getEntity(fundId, function (result) {
if (result.success) {
var currentamount = result.entity.get("FundAmount");
// empty result.entity for some roles
And we have two roles A and B.
When I tried with role A, the result.entity is empty.
When I tried with role B, the result.entity has object value inside.
Both has fundId loaded in value and should be getting the same result.entity object.
I am trying to find where might be the root cause that results to this.
May I know is there any place in creatio that configures only certain role is able to get the result.entity or is there any other way to find the solution or root cause of this like code sample etc?
Thanks for the help!