I changed the SQL Server Authentication settings to Windows Authentication Mode. But when I login to Creatio I get a Login Failed error.

What do I need to set in the Connection String?


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Hi community!


I have to integrate with a third-party tool that cannot send a request to the auth service and handle the cookies correctly.


Is there another method similar to webhooks using an API key in the URL or in the data itself?


Thanks in advance,


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Possibly only through Oauth. 

Link to documentation: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/deployment_add…;

Best regards, 


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Does anyone have any successful experience with authenticating to an external web service that only uses Token-based authentication?

I found a similar post, how the solution was proposed to be passed in the heder of the Authorization request: 

Authorization: Bearer .

Unfortunately, this method did not work. Please help me solve the problem

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Hello Olga,


Could you please clarify this question?

What difficulties arise?

Hello, Anastasia.

Now in the CRM - system only two methods of authentication are available - the basic and Auth 2.0, when setting up a web - service 

Only Token - based authentication is available for the web-service that we are trying to integrate with.

How can I configure Token - based authentication?



I will try to describe the problem in more detail

In the documentation of the web service, in addition to Token-based authentication, there is a description of the authentication method based on OAuth 1.0a

Here is a successful request to Postman


When I tried to send the same request from Creatio (I copied the parameters from Postman), I get an error



Hello Olga,


Please review this video material, as it may assist you in implementing your task:



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Good day.

After authorization I get 401 error with loading https://[url]/0/conf/content/_FileContentBootstraps.js

There is file in the same folder _FileContentDescriptors.js which is loading also with problem.

Do you have any ideas what problem it is?

File attachments
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Just a guess, maybe the AppPool identity user does not have permissions for the folder?



Try to remove the static content and generate it again.

To do this, delete the \Terrasoft.WebApp\conf\content folder and start compilation.

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Nowadays that security is so important for all companies, it would be ideal to have a two-factor authentication system in Creatio.

It would be a great feature that many users would use.


Hello Igor,


Thank you so much for your idea. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in the future application releases


The currently supported authentication methods are listed in the Authentication Academy article. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I want to make use of and set up OAuth 2.0 Authentication in web service authentication. For that I found below the academy article :




While setting up as per the article, there is one required field in the OAuth Setting fields which is "Auth code request URL".


But the API endpoints for which, I have to make use of Web Service OAuth Authentication, is not having settings for Auth code request URL required parameter.



Please guide and help me on this point that how I can set up OAuth Authentication in web service without Auth code request URL.

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Hello Pratic,

Unfortunately, the is no way to set up OAuth Authentication in web service without Auth code request URL.

This parameter is necessary to identify users.

Best regards,



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From the /ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login authorization API respond with 4 Set-Cookie headers in the response. But according to the spec [https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6265#section-4.1] , "Servers SHOULD NOT include more than one Set-Cookie header field in the same response with the same cookie-name."  From the client application, it can't get the all 4 header values, only first one retrievable. Could you please give a fix or suitable workaround for this.

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Best reply

Hi Anusha, 


it's now allowed in HTTP/2 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7540#section-, which specifies:  Compressing the Cookie Header Field
   The Cookie header field [COOKIE] uses a semi-colon (";") to delimit
   cookie-pairs (or "crumbs").  This header field doesn't follow the
   list construction rules in HTTP (see [RFC7230], Section 3.2.2), which
   prevents cookie-pairs from being separated into different name-value
   pairs.  This can significantly reduce compression efficiency as
   individual cookie-pairs are updated.
   To allow for better compression efficiency, the Cookie header field
   MAY be split into separate header fields, each with one or more
   cookie-pairs.  If there are multiple Cookie header fields after
   decompression, these MUST be concatenated into a single octet string
   using the two-octet delimiter of 0x3B, 0x20 (the ASCII string "; ")
   before being passed into a non-HTTP/2 context, such as an HTTP/1.1
   connection, or a generic HTTP server application.
   Therefore, the following two lists of Cookie header fields are
   semantically equivalent.
     cookie: a=b; c=d; e=f
     cookie: a=b
     cookie: c=d
     cookie: e=f

Please also check out this article:




Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.


Hi Anusha, 


it's now allowed in HTTP/2 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7540#section-, which specifies:  Compressing the Cookie Header Field
   The Cookie header field [COOKIE] uses a semi-colon (";") to delimit
   cookie-pairs (or "crumbs").  This header field doesn't follow the
   list construction rules in HTTP (see [RFC7230], Section 3.2.2), which
   prevents cookie-pairs from being separated into different name-value
   pairs.  This can significantly reduce compression efficiency as
   individual cookie-pairs are updated.
   To allow for better compression efficiency, the Cookie header field
   MAY be split into separate header fields, each with one or more
   cookie-pairs.  If there are multiple Cookie header fields after
   decompression, these MUST be concatenated into a single octet string
   using the two-octet delimiter of 0x3B, 0x20 (the ASCII string "; ")
   before being passed into a non-HTTP/2 context, such as an HTTP/1.1
   connection, or a generic HTTP server application.
   Therefore, the following two lists of Cookie header fields are
   semantically equivalent.
     cookie: a=b; c=d; e=f
     cookie: a=b
     cookie: c=d
     cookie: e=f

Please also check out this article:




Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.


Bogdan Lesyk,

Thanks Bogdan. It was really helpfull, will check alternative way to process from the client API side.

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Hi community!


I'm trying to set up a call to a web service (the built-in no-code approach), which uses a custom HTTP header for authentication called 'X-API-KEY'.


I haven't found a way to add a header to the web service via the UI. Is there some way to achieve this?




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Hi Robert, 


Usually such operations is performed by using OData: 





Please also check out this articles to find some useful tips: 


[Call web service] process element -




API Keys - 







Bogdan L.




Hi Bogdan,

thanks for the answer!

However, that's not quite what I was looking for ;)


I know of OData and how to use it. Unfortunately, the 3rd party service doesn't support it.

What I'm looking for is actually a way to add custom headers to HTTP requests when calling external web services via business processes.


I know I could use a script task and program it myself, but I was wondering if it also worked when using the standard web service integration.




Robert Pordes,


Actually we don't have practical examples of such implementation. 


So in this case as you said you may use a script task to achieve required result. 


Probably the link of how to Run business process via web-service will be also useful for you:




Thank you! 




Bogdan L.

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Hello all,


I am trying to enable OAuth 2.0 authorization for configuration web services on a on-premises Creatio v7.17/MS SQL instance. I followed this article and got stuck at Point #3 (Creating default resource). Has anyone been able to enable OAuth 2.0 successfully?? Pls find below some details reg my use case - 


On trying to add a default resource from the Creatio GUI, we get an error. Ref "Error.png". There is no mention of having to change/fix 'IdentityServerClientId' and 'IdentityServerClientSecret' system settings in the Academy article. The article only mentions OAuth2.0 settings. I went ahead and set the same ClientId & ClientSecret in the above two system settings also. The same error continues.


I have attached a few files for your reference - 

  1. 'Error' log file.
  2. 'OAuth20' log file (It says [BadRequest] invalid_scope)
  3. appsettings.json file used to setup IdentityService.
  4. There is a console error which says Ext.JSON.decode is unable to decode the JSON string. However gives no info reg which JSON string it is speaking about. Ref "ConsoleError.png"
  5. Pls find below value of all relevant system settings - 
    1. OAuth20IdentityServerUrl & IdentityServerUrl - "http://localhost:90" (This is where IdentityService is hosted)
    2. OAuth20IdentityServerClientId & IdentityServerClientId - "bpmonline-designer"
    3. IdentityServerClientSecret & OAuth20IdentityServerClientSecret - "665b6f638c2da3ecc5d3a1868eb9352f6e01ee4a"
  6. Few other data points - 
    1. Creatio installation website is still on HTTP and not on HTTPS. 
    2. Identity service website supports both HTTP & HTTPS. But setting the HTTPS url as the Server URL errors out.
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There are a few possible root causes of the issue and it's hard to tell the exact one only with the information provided and with no access to the instance. 

Please contact our support team via an email: support@creatio.com and submit the support request so we could check all the needed details. 

Thank you in advance!

Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Thanks Anastasiia. I have already done that

M Shrikanth,


I have the same issue. Did you find any solution?




Mohamed Ouederni,

No yet Mohammed. I have written to Creatio support and the issue is yet to be resolved. 


I'm having the same issue, too...did you or creatio support find something out?




Hello together,

I have successfully configured OAuth 2.0 authorization on my localhost. I had the same error as you, to check ClientId and ClientSecret. After checking with Creatio support, the problem was in appsettings.json with Clients part of configuration. I have copied Client block of code from Step 10 of this article into appsettings.json (\"AllowedScopes\": part was missing) and after that successfully Generated default resource. Please try that and let us know if it worked. Thanks.

Getting the below error ,could you please help on this.

We are able to integrate.Just need a small change need to give  Authorization server Url for OAuth 2.0 integrations http://localhost:5000/
need to go to root dirctory of identityService and run dotnet IdentityService.dll in cmd or terminal

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Hello Community,


The Academy guides on how to create anonymous custom configuration services using WCF / .Net Framework - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/back-end_development/configuration_web_service/configuration_web_service#title-1243-3

Suppose, I have a Creatio cloud instance on Linux using .Net Core. How does one go about creating an anonymous custom configuration service??




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Best reply

Hello Shrikanth, 

In order to enable Anonymous service for .Net Core edition of Creatio all you need to do is to add information about this service to "AnonymousRoutes" block of ..\Terrasoft.WebHost\appsettings.json file. 

It should look like this:

"Terrasoft.Configuration.[Service name]": [
    "/ServiceModel/[Service name].svc"

Please note that there is no need to change service's source code.

Also, in case if "System.Web" name space is being used, it has to be changed to "Terrasoft.Web.Http.Abstractions". 

Kind regards,


Hello Shrikanth,


To create a configuration service you need to authorize via the AuthService.svc. Please refer to the following article: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/creating-configu…

Please let us know if any questions or concerns left,





Kseniia Prokopenko,

The documentation clearly says that there is way to create a configuration service with Anonymous authentication. Hope you went through the Academy link I pasted in the question.

My question was - 

The documentation only lists out the steps for the WCF based configuration services (Used by .Net Framework on Windows). How does one go about creating an anonymous service on a Linux installation of Creatio using .Net Core?

Kseniia Prokopenko,

Hi Kseniia, Request and appreciate your assistance for the above query

Hello Shrikanth, 

In order to enable Anonymous service for .Net Core edition of Creatio all you need to do is to add information about this service to "AnonymousRoutes" block of ..\Terrasoft.WebHost\appsettings.json file. 

It should look like this:

"Terrasoft.Configuration.[Service name]": [
    "/ServiceModel/[Service name].svc"

Please note that there is no need to change service's source code.

Also, in case if "System.Web" name space is being used, it has to be changed to "Terrasoft.Web.Http.Abstractions". 

Kind regards,


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