Export from Widget

Hello. In my case, I need to add the ability to upload to excel from pivot tables. As far as I understand, this is a possible corrective version of the "PivotTableViewConfig" module, but as far as I know, modules cannot be loaded into their own package.

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Hello Roman,

You can export pivot table data to Excel from the dashboard only in Freedom UI.

Please find more information here.



I want to further ask on this. In freedom UI, Nor form edit pages neither list pages edit pages, there is no 'list' type component. Components in these edit pages are:

spline, bar, line, doughnut, area, column, scatter --> ( those are 'chart' types),




There is NO 'LIST' type component in new UI page/form/list edit Pages. 

Again, how can We 'create' list type dashboard element in new UI? And beside system being in new UI or old UI, How can we export pivot table? 


Ismet Sinan Ekici, 


Sorry for the misunderstanding, but pivot tables are not currently available in Freedom UI.  You can use pivot tables only in the Classic UI, but unfortunately, there is no way to export them yet.


To answer your second question, to create a list element in the dashboard of the Freedom design, you can use a regular list element: 



Best Regards, 


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