I know the Modified By field shows the last to modify a case.

I'm trying to find out how I can track users who may have modified a case multiple times.


If User A modifies a case, the User B modifies the same case, I want to be able to track (either exporting to excel or in a graph/dashboard) and record that User A did modify that case, even if User B was the last to do so.


Is this possible? Every combination I can come up with seems to only track the last to modify a case.

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You can set logging up on the object (and specific columns) under 'change log' although I am not sure how easy it is to export from there. Alternatively you could create a detail/section linked to Case (Case Audit) and have a business process that writes specific changes (like modified by) when a record is modified.

Hi Jason,

To track multiple modifications by different users in the "Case" section, enable the change log and add all the columns you need to monitor for modifications.

Rob Watson,

Thank you, I'm working with the logging now.

Goparna Nasina,

Thank you, working with the logging now.

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I want to know my client secret in creatio studio's system settings, but it is encrypted how can I know what it is to integrate my application with creatio

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You cannot decrypt the encrypted field. 
The data in the secret field is hidden because it contains confidential information for a specific system. 
You don't need the secret key from system settings to set up OAuth integration. Please follow the instructions provided to resolve the issue:

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I have been asked to help with an environment built within the default package of "Custom."

It seems that the previous user did not create a new prefix or package to build out their new objects and fields but rather kept the default prefix of "Usr" and package of, "Custom."


As far as I know, they have kept all newly added elements in the environment without external factors for additional dependent packages.

I have attempted to transfer the elements in the configuration section and have accomplished that, but of course, I will run into compilation errors and dependency issues.

My end goal is to upload this project environment to the marketplace safely. So my question is this:

How can I safely transfer the elements of the default "Custom" Package to a new package that can ultimately be exported for the marketplace?

Thank you in advance for any help someone can provide.

Like 2




By default, the "Custom" package is the highest in the package hierarchy and depends on all packages below it. If you want to transfer all schemas from the Custom package to another package, you need to make sure that the new package has dependencies on the required packages.
If the new package has the necessary dependencies, you will be able to successfully transfer the schemas and avoid compilation errors.
The problem is that such a package will likely have many dependencies on other packages (depending on which type of Creatio product it was developed on (for example, Studio has fewer packages, so there will be less dependencies on packages that may not be present in other Creatio environments)). If you want to publish this as an app on the Creatio Marketplace, we recommend following the guidelines described in the Creatio Academy article.

Thank you.

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Hello creatio community,


I have created a column into the object "RegDocumentType" named "Order". This object is used as a foreign key in "DocListInFinApp" which is displayed in "FinAppLendingPage" screen.


I want to apply a default sorting by RegDocumentType.Order in FinAppLendingPage as below:

"DocListInFinAppDetail": {
	"schemaName": "DocListInFinAppDetail",
	"filter": {
		"masterColumn": "Id",
		"detailColumn": "FinApplication"
	"sortColumn": "Document",
	"sortColumnDirection": Terrasoft.OrderDirection.ASC,
	"sortColumnIndex": 0


The filter applied its working when I open the page. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?

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In case you need to modify the default sorting you need to use the initQuerySorting method override (should be done in the detail schema and also replace the "UsrOrderColumn" with the column you need to use for sorting):

initQuerySorting: function(esq) {
                    const sortedColumn = esq.columns.find("UsrOrderColumn");
                    if (!sortedColumn) {
                    sortedColumn.orderPosition = 0;
                    sortedColumn.orderDirection = Terrasoft.OrderDirection.DESC;

Once saved you can refresh the page and the default sorting will be changed.

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Suppose we have the following code:

var fundId = this.get("FundId");

                    var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "FundSchema" });


                    esq.getEntity(fundId, function (result) {

                        if (result.success) {

                            var currentamount = result.entity.get("FundAmount");

// empty result.entity for some roles




And we have two roles A and B.

When I tried with role A, the result.entity is empty.

When I tried with role B, the result.entity has object value inside.

Both has fundId loaded in value and should be getting the same result.entity object.

I am trying to find where might be the root cause that results to this.


May I know is there any place in creatio that configures only certain role is able to get the result.entity or is there any other way to find the solution or root cause of this like code sample etc?


Thanks for the help!

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EntitySchemaQuery checks for access rights when retrieving data, so the issue is in the entity's set of access rights for roles A and B. You need to check if users from both roles have access to the object (object permissions) and the record (record permissions) for the record that is returned for one role but doesn't return for another.

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It looks like there are some duplication in localization, but it is hard to define the source of error.

2024-04-02 09:47:54,132 [278] ERROR INFRADIM\bpm_db_admin ConfigurationBuild LogErrors - System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.

   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)

   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.PrepareLoadedResources(IEnumerable`1 resources, IEnumerable`1 schemaHierarhy, IEnumerable`1 cultures)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.LoadRuntimeResourcesForSchema(Dictionary`2 localResourceSets, IEnumerable`1 schemaHierarchyIds)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.LoadRuntimeResourcesForSchema(Dictionary`2 localResourceSets)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo cultureInfo, Boolean createIfNotExists, Boolean tryParents)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaResourceManager.GetString(String name, CultureInfo culture)

   at Terrasoft.Common.LocalizableValue`1.GetCultureValue(CultureInfo culture, Boolean throwIfNoManager, Boolean useCultureFallback)

   at Terrasoft.Common.LocalizableValue`1.LoadCultureValues(IEnumerable`1 culturesInfo)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Schema.LoadLocalizableValues(IEnumerable`1 culturesInfo)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchema.LoadLocalizableValues(IEnumerable`1 culturesInfo)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchema.LoadLocalizableValues()

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchema.InitializePrimaryInfo()

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.get_DefSchema()

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.InternalCreateSchema(String name, TSchemaManagerSchema baseSchema, UserConnection userConnection, Guid uid, Boolean fromMetaData)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.InternalCreateSchema(String name, ISchemaManagerItem baseSchema, UserConnection userConnection, Boolean fromMetaData)

   at Terrasoft.Core.MetaDataSerializer.d__7.MoveNext()

   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.DeserializeSchemaManagerItem(Stream metaData, UserConnection userConnection)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.DeriveSchemaManagerItem(UserConnection userConnection, EntityCollection orderedSchemas)

   at Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManager`1.CreateRuntimeSchemaFromMetaData(Guid schemaUId, UserConnection userConnection)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchemaManager.FindInstanceByName(String name)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchemaManager.GetInstanceByName(String name)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientContentGeneration.ConfigurationClientContentFileGenerator.GetClientUnitSchema(ClientUnitSchemaManager manager, String schemaName)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ClientContentGeneration.ConfigurationClientContentFileGenerator.d__27.MoveNext()

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Thank you for your question. According to the error code, you can see that the error occurs when preparing loaded resources (PrepareLoadedResources).

However, this error can occur in many different cases. Most likely, there are duplicate values in the DB tables.

The best solution would be to open a ticket with the Creatio support team so that we can analyze the issue in detail based on reproducing the error and analyzing the application logs.


Thank you.

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We use Creatio 7.18.

I am trying to setup a FastReport as part of which I am trying to populate a table with Reportees of the current user.

I used below to get current user id, but it returns “Supervisor” user (reference - https://community.creatio.com/questions/terrasoftsysvaluecurrentuservalue-equivalent-c).

Can anyone help with the correct way to get Current user Id in Source Code for Data Provider class to setup FastReport?


var appConnection = HttpContext.Current.Application["AppConnection"] as AppConnection;

var currentUser = appConnection.SystemUserConnection.CurrentUser;

var userId = currentUser.Id;

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App connection always returns "Supervisor" since this user is a system operations user. If you need to get the current user who manually triggered report generation and the custom code you need to use the same approach but with using UserConnection instead of appConnection (as Ryan described in his first example):

var currentUser = UserConnection.CurrentUser;
var userId = currentUser.Id;
var userName = currentUser.Name;

Or maybe I didn't understand the required result:)

Oleg Drobina,

My bad! I misunderstood his statement. Since I was trying it out in a source code schema and not a script task, I only tried using the 2nd method. The 1st method correctly returns the required information. Thanks for pointing that out, Oleg!

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Hi all,

I've added a button to the left container of the orders page labelled 'Update quote costs'. The button is visible on the condition that the boolean 'Recalculation required' (a field on the order) is true. I've added the diff and the method to the section schema and the section page.

(edit - added gif of button)


When I open the page from the section for a record where 'Recalculation required' is true, the button does not appear. If I refresh the page, the button then does.


I believe this is because the header loads before the data so when it first loads, it can't read the 'Recalculation required' field.

Is there a solution to this? If not, I can move the button to the header container as the conditions do work this way. It just doesn't look as good.

Nb. using Freedom shell on classic pages

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The problem is not in the container, when you open a page from a section, the system still thinks that you see a section page. Therefore, the condition for your button isn't applied.

In order to fix it, you need to create your button in a combined mode, for example.

Take a look at the button and its condition is defined in a SectionV2 page as well as PageV2.

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Hi all, 

Just wondering whether is there any way that we can run some javascript code / callback function upon completion of business process execution in client module?


If so, could you provide the sample code for reference?


Thank you very much.

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If this is needed for versions lower than 8.0.6 (version when the LiveEditing feature was added out-of-the-box that will reload entity automatically in case changes to it were applied by a process) - you can always send a socket message to the client-side logic (like in the example but the message sending mechanism should be in the last script-task of the business process, on the client-side create a method that is triggered upon receiving the message)  or use an already-developed marketplace addon for it.

To elaborate more on what Oleg mentioned. There's no way to have a callback for when the process completes (the callback commented in your code is a callback for the completion of *starting* the process). A process can have things that wait for a period of time, so not really possible to wait for completion.

The approach to take is for the process to notify the client-code that it has completed by sending it a message. This article shows how to send the message: 


If needed, this article shows how to receive the message in a Freedom UI page: 


However, if the page is Freedom UI, a better approach is to enable live data updates for the object so the refresh happens automatically when the data changes in the process. More about that here: 


From the code you posted, it looks like this is a classic page, so you'd have to go the first route for sending a message from the process to the client page.


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I have read through on locking fields using client module in Creatio. I have found that we can simply setting the "isModelItemEnabled" to true/false. And for more complex situation, we can create a function named "isModelItemEnabled" and write our code logic and return boolean value conditionally.


At the same time, I noticed that "isModelItemEnabled" is triggered before "onEntityInitialized" is triggered. This results to some of the values required to be used in "isModelItemEnabled" undefined.


Is there anyway to workaround this?

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Best reply

Rather than create a function, use an attribute. Then in the onEntityInitialized you can read any values and then set the attribute to true/false. See an example here: https://customerfx.com/article/completely-locking-a-page-via-code-inclu…

Also, just to point out, you mention locking a single field. If all you need is to lock a single field, there's no need to use IsModelItemsEnabled. Instead you can bind the visible for the field to an attribute and set as true/false as needed. See https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-enable-or-disable-a-field-on-a-pa…


Rather than create a function, use an attribute. Then in the onEntityInitialized you can read any values and then set the attribute to true/false. See an example here: https://customerfx.com/article/completely-locking-a-page-via-code-inclu…

Also, just to point out, you mention locking a single field. If all you need is to lock a single field, there's no need to use IsModelItemsEnabled. Instead you can bind the visible for the field to an attribute and set as true/false as needed. See https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-enable-or-disable-a-field-on-a-pa…


Okay, I will try it out. Thank you very much Ryan, best as always😄

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