"No address found" error when sending email using explicit email credentials

Hi! Version 7.18.3

We configured email sending using explicit email credentials (as described here https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/sending-emails-u…)

When trying to send test email error "No address found" is received:


All required parameters for credentials config are set.  Those parameters were tested (email address added in Your profile => Email accounts => New and test email sent)


Can you help with this issue? 


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According to the stack of the error the problem is in the email recipient email address that can be missing during the process execution in the script task. Please debug the code of this process in Visual Studio and check which values are passed to which variable of the script task and check which particular parameter is not being filled in.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

thanks for the suggestion. I made sure that all parameters that are specified in guige as required are passed. Specifically when calling  EmailSender.Send method for EmailContract.DTO.Credentials these fields are set:  ServiceUrl, Port, UseSsl, UserName, SenderEmailAddress, ServerTypeId,Password. 

In stack trace you can see that this call is the last call that we are controlling, everything past it is inner platfrom code:


I cant'd dubug inner platform code, unfortnatelly (or can I? If yes, can you help me to set up debug for this case? )

Also, checking properfies that could be additionally set for EmailContract.DTO.Credentials i cant figure out what should be additionally set ( taking into account message of the error, which says about address):

Maybe you can suggest what I am missing here? 

Thanks, Iuliia


Юлія Дяків,


You can debug the server code and the article I sent previously describes how to connect to the server code and how to connect to the IIS w3wp.exe process that runs the application pool to debug the code. All you need to do is simply open the root/Terrasoft.WebApp/Terrasoft.Configuration/Terrasoft.Configuration.sln file in the visual studio and connect to the IIS process as described in the article. Then you need to find the process schema and set breakpoints to the code. Also you will need to download all symbols (in the Visual Studio Debug->Options->Debugging->Symbols->Load all symbols).


Also as I already mentioned the problem is with the recipient of the email. It can either be not filled in or filled in incorrectly. That's why the sending script task code should be debugged.


Best regards,


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