Sort values in Lookup

Hi Team,


Please suggest me some way of sorting the lookup values in order.


For example, if the two values are 151 and 50, ideally 50 should appear first and then 151 should be there. but in creatio, sorting is done based on the first character or number which is why 151 is appearing before 50 in the list.


Similarly, I want to be display another lookup with values , A , A+S and S in the order A , S and A+S. but right now, it is sorting it as  A , A+S and S


To resolve this sorting issue, I already had tried numbering the values with 1, 2 and 3 as :

1. A

2. S

3. A+S


which is helping in sorting but the client is not satisfied with this approach as it is adding extra numeric values in the lookup .

kindly help!





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