Hello Creatio Community!

When I copy an Application, only the application fields are copied. Its details(like the Application forms related to it) are not copied. 

My functional requirement is to copy the application together with the App Forms. How can these be done in Creatio ? Is there any similar implementation

(back-end development)?


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Hi community


In the case section I have configured 2 different pages based on the category field.

Is it possible to control which page a user can use based on the functional role that the user belongs to?

Screenshot by Lightshot (prnt.sc)

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I configured the permission on case category lookup values based on the functional role that can use it, but It doesn't work.

Is it possible to hide some lookup values based on permission ?

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Hi it would be great to be able to group series by trimester.

For example if we want to compare signed opportunities by quarter, either we have to create 4 tables at the moment with filters on specific dates (need to rework the dashboard each year), or make due with visualization of 3 months. But we would like to group per quarter for the whole year and compare par current versus last year.

Also, in the visualization, could we have months in text and not numbers ?

(January, February, etc... instead of 1, 2, ...)




We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.  


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 


Best regards,


Ditto - we have the same need to be able to report quarterly results ie.  Sales Sold by Quarter by Sales Manager


Hi Team !

Do you have any idea on planned availability ? :)



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Hi. I'd like to filter with parallel AND & OR filters in one and the same filter setup.

Is this possible? And is it possible everywhere?



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from another objet like account, it is possible... but you will retrieve only one contact by account...

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Hi community,

does anyone have experience with IP warming with elastic email? The standard throttling mode for warming up cold audience is set to 25 E-Mails per day for the first 3 days, than 50 for the next couple of days ect.. From my experience with other tools and ESPs the warming was a bit faster. I am aware that the limits can be set individually, I am wondering if any of you already tried to warm up a bit faster starting with higher thresholds.

Thanks for your input & have a great day,


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Q:   IS Creatio custom web service DDOS safe ?

In other words:   If I create a custom web service (Anonymous) for integration with external systems (of course with basic security logic to identify the source which is accessing my endpoint), Is creatio DDoS Safe? Or in this case i should use application firewall (like cloudflare) infront of creatio ?

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As i was strugle on this issue and finaly figure this out... i belive that this will be helpfull for others...


We have 3 currencies that involve on our process.

US Dollar, ILS - Israel Shekel, and ERU

we neede to translate the relevant currency from 1$ into 3.2 ILS (3.2 as the current rate)

when we try to approach the currency table - the Rate field was 0.0

when we try to approach the Currency Rate Table - the Rate field showed unreasonble number.


so... we checked and we didn't understand why and what. and eventualy, with a GREAT help of creatio represntative, we got this solution:



1. setup the base currency to our currency - in our case is ILS

2. setup the other currencies as follows.

    example - US Dollar:   setup the Ratio = 1000,  setup the rate value to = 3289.000 (in case the 1$=3.289 ILS)

What happened on the back end is that the Currency Rate table is getting the values from this update, and setup the field "Rate" into 304.000 (in that case)

when we want to setup a calculation that uses this rate - whats needed to be done is:

A = get the ratio number from the relevant currency, from the currency lookup table.

B = get the Exchange Rate from the Currency Rate table, for this specific currency.

and do this math:  A/B   >>> and the result will give you the correct rate !

in this example the rate will be:   1000/304  =  3.289   (1000=Ratio from currency table, 304=Exchange Rate from currency rate)


Then we take the value from that result, and use it in the process.

actualy - when i come to think about it - we need to do this process in the currency table, and save this value for all uses... 


If someone has bump into this issue and would like to share her/his opinion... i will be happy to see... maybe we did it all so complex for no reason ... but it works :-) 





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Thanks, I actually saw that article. i am not sure whether we need to integrate to this site of the the central bank in Israel... 


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Hi Creatio community,


I am using Creatio sale. I want to ask that How can I manage my Sale teams KPI on Creatio sale?


For example: 

- I can set up the Target KPI to my Sale team members such as: Number of Call, Message, Mails; Revenue

- I can control the KPIs of my team members by seeing how each person has performed


Please help me on that

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Hi there,


Thank you for your question,


To control KPI of each member, we would recommend using Dashboards. With it, you display the results of each member of your team. More information you can find in the article here.


As for target KPI, at the moment there is no corresponding functionality to setup constant numbers in Dashboard section. Our R&D team works on implementing such tool in future releases.


As for now, we would recommend using Gauge dashboard to set up KPI requirements.


Please let us know if any additional questions arise!


Best regards,



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Hi all,

we want the option for "Delete connected records also" to be disabled/hidden from the page.


Please suggest a way for the same.

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Create a replacing module and select the MultiDeleteResultPageV2 module as a parent and add the following method in the replaced module:

getItemToolsConfig: function() {
						var deleteButton = {
							className: "Terrasoft.Button",
							imageConfig: this.get("Resources.Images.DeleteItemIcon"),
							classes: {wrapClass: ["constraints-icon-delete"]},
							markerValue: "tools-button",
							caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.DeleteRecordButton"),
							style: Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.TRANSPARENT,
							menu: {
								items: [
										caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.UnlinkRecord"),
										click: {bindTo: "callDeleteService"},
										tag: "CascadeUnlink"
						var ignoreButton = {
							className: "Terrasoft.Button",
							imageConfig: this.get("Resources.Images.IgnoreItemIcon"),
							hint: this.get("Resources.Strings.IgnoreHint"),
							classes: {wrapClass: ["constraints-icon-ignore"]},
							markerValue: "ignore-button",
							click: {"bindTo": "ignoreRecord"}
						var toolsContainer = {
							className: "Terrasoft.Container",
							items: [deleteButton, ignoreButton],
							classes: {
								wrapClassName: ["constraints-item-tools-container"]
						return toolsContainer;

and the following code to the schema diff:

						"operation": "merge",
						"name": "ByConstraintsContainerHeaderDeleteButton",
						"parentName": "ByConstraintsContainer",
						"propertyName": "items",
						"values": {
							"menu": {
								"items": [
										"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.UnlinkRecord"},
										"click": {"bindTo": "callDeleteService"},
										"tag": "AllCascadeUnlink"

Save the replaced module and refresh the page, the option will be removed.


Best regards,


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I tried adding System.Net in Business Process Using property and it is throwing me error "A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods".

Is there any workaround?

Best regards,

Solem A.

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