Display showInformationDialog on hover

Hi Team,


I need one functionality where the pop-up should get displayed with custom message whenever I hover on a specific field value. How can this be achieved?


Kindly Help!


Thanks in advance



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Hi Sakira,


You can populate tooltip field property on the Page Designer. Is this what You are looking for ?



Best regards,




Hi Sarika,


Columns on the page don't have inbuilt onMouseOver event. You can only add popup hints as described here and only for the elements with the following data type:

  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.LABEL
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.COLOR_BUTTON
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.HYPERLINK
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.INFORMATION_BUTTON
  • for elements with the specified generator property

Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


The aim for the functionality is that on field hover , a method should get invoked from the edit page and the showinformationdialog would be a part of that function only.

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