
I need to send an image through an API to convert it to base 64, I tried to do it using the Web service tool but it does not allow me to place an image or file field to use it from the bpm, I was looking for some information and I saw that it could be done using a script, I just haven't found a way to do it. Could you help me with some example or idea so I can do this please?




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Hello Laura, 


Please refer to this article for more detailed information about such functionality.  

Also, similar questions have already been discussed in the below posts, please review them for the detailed information:



Please inform us in case of any questions!

Best regards,


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Dear Community,


We are having an issue while connecting to our plateform's mobile application for all users. An error occurs when we try to test it after setting up workplaces, list of sections, pages and details in the mobile app wizard config and binding workplaces data.


below is the error displayed in the message log:

Model Name: SM-A525F

Platform: Android

Platform Version: 12

Resolution: 412x867

IsHybridMode: true

RootAppDirectory: creatio

ApplicationVersion: 8.1.0

ApplicationMajorVersion: 8.1

UseNativeSynchronization: true

UseNativeImport: true

UseNativeExport: true

UseNativeLogout: true

UseNativeMetadataSync: true

UseNativeFullSynchronization: true

UseDataService: true

IsDevMode: false

CurrentDateTime: 2023-09-22T16:53:52.064Z

ServerUrl: Url

ContactId: 96b911ed-39f0-4ca1-b828-d816b829d145

CultureName: en-US

ApplicationRevision: null

WorkplaceCode: Chartering

ProductInfo: {"ProductName":"Creatio","ProductEdition":"studio","CustomerId":"111","Version":{"Major":8,"Minor":0,"Build":6,"Revision":3439,"MajorRevision":0,"MinorRevision":3439}}

Type: Terrasoft.ServerException

Message: Server request returned error

AdditionalInfo: {

"statusCode": 500,

"url": "platformUrl/ServiceModel/MobileMetadataService.svc/Load/Chartering/en-US"


Stack trace:













Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you in Advance,


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To resolve your issue please go to advanced setting -> Action -> generate source code for all schemas. Then make the "compile all". In case, if this issue continues to reproduce please send us the letter or register request via the portal with a detailed description of the problem. Add the information about the instance on which you have this issue and provide external access to this website. Also, please send the credentials for the mobile application. 

Viktoriia Hrynchuk,

What is the best way to provide external access to the website without dealing with GDPR problems?

I asked because I have same problem as described in the thread.

Michał Zieliński,

Just write to us at support@creatio.com and we will help you set up external access and solve the problem. 


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Hi everyone, 

I have a question regarding filters within the Campaign feature. Here is the scenario.

We have an email that we want to send as part of a campaign, we will call it "Email A". Now, we only want to have "Email A" sent to our customers if:

A) They have not received "Email B" in the past 45 days.


B) They have not received Email C this year.


How could this be setup as a filter within this campaign? Thanks in advance for any assistance. 



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Best reply



To implement your filtering logic please set up the filter like in this screenshot to the "Add audience" element: 



To implement your filtering logic please set up the filter like in this screenshot to the "Add audience" element: 

Viktoriia Hrynchuk,

Thank you for this logic, it truly helps. In looking at this logic, regarding the "Bulk Email" recipient category, I assume there is also a "Trigger Email" recipient category, correct?

A few things to note here:

1) The emails involved in this scenario are trigger emails not bulk emails.

2) The selection "exists" in the criteria you noted does not exist in our platform. Is this something that needs to be added?

1)The two types of emails (bulk and trigger) are located in the one BulkEmails object. So when we created emails B and C we chose the trigger type of this email and then added this email to our filters which we set up in the previous letter. 

2)The 'exists' condition you can find if choose the field Quantity during the setup filters.

Viktoriia Hrynchuk,

Thank you so much for clarifying this. Now I understand how this logic works. I am still trying to learn my way around Creatio's campaign logic. So, many thanks for your assistance.

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Hi all,

Does anyone have experience using batch updates via the API and atomicity function. 


I have followed the documenation similiar to the below, both with and without the prefer header. My understanding is that if one of the requests below fail, then any successful ones in the array will be rolled back. However, this doesn't seem to be happening. 

On use of the below, if the second POST fails, the first POST still appears in the database.


Any help greatly appreciated 


	"requests": [
		"method": "POST",
		"atomicityGroup": "g1",
		"url": "City",
		"id": "t3",
		"body": {
			"Id": "62f9bc01-57cf-4cc7-90bf-8672acc922e3",
			"Name": "Spokane"
		"headers": {
			"Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
			"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
			"Prefer": "continue-on-error"
		"method": "POST",
		"atomicityGroup": "g1",
		"url": "City",
		"id": "t2",
		"body": {
			"Name": "Texas"
		"headers": {
			"Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
			"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
			"Prefer": "continue-on-error"


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Hello Harry,

Batch request is simply a set of separate requests for optimization of a call process. If the first transaction succeeds but the second fails, the database updates made in the first transaction aren’t rolled back. Here you can find useful information how to use batch in the right way:


Best regards, Anhelina


Thanks Anhelina, I'm not sure that's quite right though... Here is an extract from the link you provided:


The value of atomicityGroup is a string whose content MUST NOT be identical to any value of id within the batch request, and which MUST satisfy the rule request-id in [OData-ABNF]. All request objects with the same value for atomicityGroup MUST be adjacent in the requests array. These requests are processed as an atomic operation and MUST either all succeed or all fail. Requests within an atomicity group that may have otherwise succeeded but are rolled back due to failure of another request in the same atomicity group MUST return a status code of 424 Failed Dependency.

Hello Harry,

You're right, it's impossible to implement such request. We made a task for R&D department to add Odata functionality in Creation and allow atomicity in future releases. 

Best regards, Anhelina!



Hello, I would love to know whether there are any updates regarding this issue? Can't find anything about atomicityGroup nor batch requests in release notes of versions 8.1.1 to 8.1.4 that were released after the last comment in this thread. Also when using atomicityGroup in batch requests with version 8.1.2, no rollbacks are made upon failure. Thank you for any information.

Best regards,

Vojtěch Šalda,



Unfortunately, there is no exact ETA on this matter.

The R&D team is aware of this issue and working on adding Odata functionality in Creation and allow atomicity in future releases.


Best regards,

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How to add new icon in the icon list for Freedom Ui

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Not possible to add.

It would be great to be able to use any mat-icon. For now, I would love to at least get a complete list of the icons available. I’ve noticed that the list changes depending on the context of what the icon is for, although you can change the icon name in the viewConfigDiff to any available and it works (as long as you know the available icon names)



Unfortunately, there is currently no way to add a new icon in the icon list for Freedom UI.

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. In case you would like to check what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-28339. Feel free to share this number with us at any time and ask your questions.

Hello @Malika, Can you please give me information of this task number PR-28339 

Hello @Malika any update on this task PR-28339 

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I am relatively new to CRON expressions and trying to get a grasp on it through reading on Quartz.net. Basically, I would like to add a timer element to time an email to launch every two weeks on Friday at 9:00 AM. 

What would be the best way to write this expression since Creatio only allows 7 parts max? Thanks in advance for any guidance provided.


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 Hello Lucas,


If the CRON expression cannot be created using this quartz generator then this CRON expression won't work in the app. Indeed, expressions like this:

0 0 * * Fri [ $(expr $(date +%W) \% 2) -eq 1 ]

won't be processed by the designer stating that there are more than 7 parameters in the expression. But I will ask our core R&D team to add suppoting of complex expressions that will make it possible to use expressions like the one above.


Thank you for this idea and helping us in making the app better!

Oleg Drobina,

Hi Oleg, thank you for the feedback. Also, adding the ability to add a frequency of every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, etc. to the timer campaign element can help as well.

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Is there any way  to change the color of all tabs on all the  record pages across the system by using low code

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There is no such functionality for now. 

But we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. 


hank you for helping us to improve our product. 


So now if we have to use this functionality how we can achieve  this using by code?

Surbhi Garg,


We don't have an example of it's implementation for now.

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Can anyone guide to develop a business process to achieve the following:


Based on the selection of multiple checkboxes, approvals should trigger parallelly and move to the next stage when all the multiple approvers have approved.

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This approach is covered in the post here: https://community.creatio.com/questions/approval-business-processes


You may review the process structure, explore Creatio documentation, and leverage conditional flows for effective parameter handling.


Hope it helps!

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Greetings Creatio Community,

Quick question regarding the exit from campaign element in Creatio. As diagramed in the academy example below:

Two questions here:

1) For the "Reached the goal" element. Does a specific folder have to be selected even if the "Is this step campaign goal" checkbox is checked?

2) For the Unsubscribed Exit Campaign element: Should there be a conditional flow  with setup responses from transferring participants connecting to the emails in case they unsubscribe from the either of the email messages? 

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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The exit elements can be a little confusing. A participant doesn't have to necessary arrive at that element for it to apply to them.

Question 1: No folder needs to be selected. The purpose for that element in the context of the image is to indicate that the participant met the goal, or arrived at that element. More on this below.

Question 2: For the unsubscribed, it does not need to be connected. It can be free-standing as shown. At anytime, if any participant meets the conditions of that element (meaning they've unsubscribed and their "do not use email" is now set to true), they will exit out, regardless of where they are in the campaign. This ties back to question #1. That folder that can be selected is a way to define conditions that, when met, will immediately exit the campaign as though they arrived there (and met the goal). An example of this is that maybe the participant now has an order in the system, so regardless of where they are in the campaign, you want to stop marketing to them for this campaign since they've already bought something. 

Hopefully that helps make some sense.


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