In a section edit page, we have created custom buttons and have functionalities to hide and show the button. If we refresh the page Button enable/ Disable are working fine

But once we open the edit page, the button visibily/ page opening are not working properly until we refresh the page

we tried  this.reloadEntity(); inside init:function(){} Method.

Please Suggest me how to solve this issue.

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Could you please describe in more detail what the problem with the button is when refreshing the page? I mean, how should they work and how do they actually work? If you have a chance, please send screenshots.

I think, this button works only in Page mode. So, you should also add this button to Section. (see more in….)

Kind regards,


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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to retrieve information from my apps in Creatio CRM. When I open my Studio, I notice that there's a request that brings me the apps and their respective IDs. It would be incredibly helpful if someone could share how I could do this using OData or if there's a similar schema seems like it's called "Environments"...  or any other method to achieve this. Ideally, I prefer it to be RESTful.

I've attached some photos for reference to illustrate my situation.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Try to retrieve information using $metadata.

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Any examples?


If I'm not mistaken, you can use this odata request to get the information you need


If this is not what you wanted, please specify what exactly you mean by "apps".

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I have a module that I created withing the email app titled "Text Chart List" 

In the design mode, everything in the module looks to be perfect and aligned, but in the preview mode, it looks completely off:

Is there any reason why this is happening? Also, are there any workarounds/solutions that are recommended? Thanks in advance.


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The display of images on a mobile depends on the template styles. This may be due to the fixed size of the images. Unfortunately, the content designer does not allow you to configure the mobile version separately, so we recommend checking the CSS styles of the content block with these images. The only thing to do here is to experiment with the template itself (width, font, etc. in the block/section/column settings) and see how this is displayed in the mobile app.


We have already registered this problem for our development team and the issue has been prioritised thanks to your request. 

You can also contact technical support at for a more detailed analysis. 



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We are finding that changes made to text colors on home page labels does not appear to change after saving and viewing in the UI.  The only color that shows is black or white.  This is on the latest version of creatio.  anyone else seeing this issue?  Support ticket has been entered but just curious.

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Hi Chris!


We noticed that you have sent us a request on our support email. 

We have provided you with the answer in that request.


The main cause is overrides in specificity of custom CSS styles.


Have a nice day!


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Hello Creatio Community,

I'm experiencing an error while working with Creatio and hope someone might be able to shed some light on this issue.

The error message I'm receiving is:

Has anyone encountered this specific Terrasoft.Common.ValidateException error before? I'd like to understand what might be causing it and how I can resolve it.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Could you please specify how did you reproduce it? 

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Hello everyone,

I have tried sending test emails to the personal emails of myself (an iPhone owner) and another co-worker (an Android owner). When I viewed the email on my phone it looked perfect, but my co-worker showed me what his email looked like (see below).

As you can see, though the image is set to left alignment, it appears centered on the Android device. Can anyone provide insight on why this is happening, and possible solutions? Thanks in advance.



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Hello Lucas,


Please contact Creatio Support on this matter.

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I have a question regarding the Product List 2 Columns Title+Image+Text+Button module in the email designer.

Is there a way to remove the border around the article pieces? Thanks in advance.


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Best reply

Hello Lucas,


Yes, it's possible in clomn configurions:


Please find more infromation here:…

Hello Lucas,


Yes, it's possible in clomn configurions:


Please find more infromation here:…

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Hello Creatio community!


My first post on the forum. I have a business process that populates a Ticket Number field in a custom Tickets Section. This business process sets the field value and sends a message to the section's client module which includes the below code to handle the message and refresh the section so we can see the updated ticket number.


			init: function() {
			subscriptionFunction: function() {
				Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMyProcessMessage, this);
			onMyProcessMessage: function(scope, message) {
				if (!message || message.Header.Sender !== "RefreshTicketPage") {
				var message2 = message.Body;
				if (!this.Ext.isEmpty(message2)) {
			destroy: function() {
			    Terrasoft.ServerChannel.un(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMyProcessMessage, this);


The code works fine, but the problem is upon clicking Save it closes the section edit page and shows the list, which does correctly include the updated ticket number. I want it to refresh the field and STAY in the edit page so the user doesn't have to reopen the section from the list after saving. Does anyone know if this is possible? To refresh the section while staying in the edit view? I'm using cloud and Classic UI and have attached a screenshot of the view I would like to refresh and remain open on the screen.

File attachments
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Hi all,


How to copy a new business process from the development server to the production server?


Thank you.

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Hi David,

Processes are transferred to the same other custom changes. Please see this article about transferring changes from site to site:…

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How can I enable Multi-Factor Authentication? 

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Hello Nicola,


Please pay attention that as 2FA is currently in beta testing, there is list of some limitations:

1. Integrations only work through OAuth, as the integration cannot pass the second factor.

3. Additional configuration of the mobile application is required - the mobile app utilizes the system setting MobileExtendedAuthenticationUrl.

3. Only one authentication provider is allowed (provider with built-in second factor).

4. The provider must be registered with the name "InternalUserPassword" for the proper functioning of password expiration checks.

5. Not supported for portal users.

6. There is no possibility to specify which users require a second factor. It is enabled for all users.


Please contact support team if you want to enable it.

David Lashar,


The email will be sent to the email specified in SysAdminUnit.Email



is 2FA now out of beta testing finally ? Saw some 2FA parameters in Creatio 8.1.1, but unsure if this means out of beta, did not find any documentation in the academy.


Damien Collot,


This functionality have not been implemented in the system yet, but i have added your inquiry to the registered idea to increase its priority.

Hi Mira Dmitruk,


Is this functionality planned anytime in the upcoming releases? Could you let us know when we can expect this feature?

Shivani Lakshman,


Currently the ETA for the implementation of this functionality is around June of this year, however note that the roadmap might still change.

Mira Dmitruk writes:

Shivani Lakshman,

Currently the ETA for the implementation of this functionality is around June of this year, however note that the roadmap might still change.

Thanks for letting us know, this is a long awaited feature. Hopefully also available for Creatio Growth users, not just Creatio Enterprise.

Damien Collot,


This feature should have no such restrictions. 

Has this feature been released?

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