Hi community, im currently working on creatio 8.09 and not long i go noticed that as a user with the System Administrator Role i could see all of the Business Process Tasks that has my user as owner in my notification feed but as soon as i remove said role the notification feed wont show any of the tasks assigned to the user.

With System Administrator Role:

Without System Adiminstraror Role

Any idea on how to solve  this issue?


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Best reply



The problem is most likely caused by the fact that Operations permissions are enabled in the SysProcessElementToDo object, but there's no specified role that receives access rights.

Try to add the role All employees to resolve the issue.


Check that the operation permissions for the SysProcessElementToDo object are disabled.



The problem is most likely caused by the fact that Operations permissions are enabled in the SysProcessElementToDo object, but there's no specified role that receives access rights.

Try to add the role All employees to resolve the issue.

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How can I route messages coming from whatsapp, when the client selects "contact advisor" in a chatbot?

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Please specify if you are using a marketplace app or the basic Creatio functionality? Also, please provide us with a screenshot and a more detailed explanation of your business goal.

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Hey Community,

I'm stuck with problem trying to apply detail business rule on my edit grid. So the problem that business rule is looking to UsrParent.UsrStatus column. And i have the error that this column was deleted or renamed.

I've tried some solutions on Community but nothing is working for me. 

Here is my code:

		methods: {
			onActiveRowAction: function(buttonTag, primaryColumnValue) {
				this.mixins.ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2.onActiveRowAction.call(this, buttonTag, primaryColumnValue);
			generateActiveRowControlsConfig: function(id, columnsConfig, rowConfig) {
				//var gridDataColumns = getGridDataColumns();
				this.columnsConfig = columnsConfig;
				var gridLayoutItems = [];
				var currentColumnIndex = 0;
				this.Terrasoft.each(columnsConfig, function(columnConfig) {
					var cellConfig = this.getActiveRowCellConfig(columnConfig, currentColumnIndex);
       			 if (!cellConfig.hasOwnProperty("isNotFound")) {
					currentColumnIndex += cellConfig.layout.colSpan;
				}, this);
				this.applyBusinessRulesForActiveRow(id, gridLayoutItems);
				var viewGenerator = this.Ext.create(this.getRowViewGeneratorClassName());
				viewGenerator.viewModelClass = this;
				var gridLayoutConfig = viewGenerator.generateGridLayout({
					name: this.name,
					items: gridLayoutItems
				getGridDataColumns: function() {
                var baseGridDataColumns = this.callParent(arguments);
                var gridDataColumns = {
                    "UsrParent.UsrStatus": {path: "UsrParent.UsrStatus"},
                return Ext.apply(baseGridDataColumns, gridDataColumns);



Like 0





Do you add this business rule to the grid schema or to the detail edit page schema? Business rules added to the edit page should work properly without this error.


Alternatively try this approach with lookupListConfig in either grid schema and edit page schema of the detail (added to the schema attributes):

"UsrParent": {
                    "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
                    "lookupListConfig": {
                        "columns": ["UsrStatus"]

this should also get the value (and load itself) of the UsrStatus column.

Oleg Drobina,


Thanks for ur answer, i already tried this one added in schema detail/page and still the same issue.

Also copied business-rules from page to detail schema.

Here is full code for Detail schema 

define("RdtSchema670160a3Detail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator",
	"ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2"], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "RdtProductionRawProducts",
		attributes: {
			"IsEditable": {
				dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
				type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
				value: true
			"RdtProduction": {
                    "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
                    "lookupListConfig": {
                        "columns": ["RdtStatus"]
		mixins: {
			ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2: "Terrasoft.ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2"
		businessRules: /**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/{
			"RdtRawProduct": {
				"a51ae6d8-b23d-4245-a06f-6f81a6a20f0d": {
					"uId": "a51ae6d8-b23d-4245-a06f-6f81a6a20f0d",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 1,
					"baseAttributePatch": "RdtType",
					"comparisonType": 3,
					"autoClean": false,
					"autocomplete": false,
					"type": 0,
					"value": "0e937c72-3826-40c0-ac62-30d70746cea0",
					"dataValueType": 10
				"7864a234-ef49-4a9c-ac19-9967fb5b255a": {
					"uId": "7864a234-ef49-4a9c-ac19-9967fb5b255a",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 3,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction",
								"attributePath": "RdtStatus"
							"rightExpression": {
								"type": 0,
								"value": "22c74599-4c04-401e-8dfd-06fde8f8cb81",
								"dataValueType": 10
			"RdtQuantity": {
				"00b698f4-7e53-4a6b-804f-3a2f40e7b015": {
					"uId": "00b698f4-7e53-4a6b-804f-3a2f40e7b015",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 3,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction",
								"attributePath": "RdtStatus"
							"rightExpression": {
								"type": 0,
								"value": "22c74599-4c04-401e-8dfd-06fde8f8cb81",
								"dataValueType": 10
			"RdtUnit": {
				"825f4f2a-f110-4554-9a83-575440727c00": {
					"uId": "825f4f2a-f110-4554-9a83-575440727c00",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 3,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction",
								"attributePath": "RdtStatus"
							"rightExpression": {
								"type": 0,
								"value": "22c74599-4c04-401e-8dfd-06fde8f8cb81",
								"dataValueType": 10
			"RdtAvailableStock": {
				"843f04c6-f4c7-426c-85f3-5560b2383db5": {
					"uId": "843f04c6-f4c7-426c-85f3-5560b2383db5",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 1,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtAvailableStock"
			"RdtNotEnoughStock": {
				"7dccf940-c42c-4b5d-82ab-acff711c7893": {
					"uId": "7dccf940-c42c-4b5d-82ab-acff711c7893",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 1,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction"
		methods: {
			onActiveRowAction: function(buttonTag, primaryColumnValue) {
				this.mixins.ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2.onActiveRowAction.call(this, buttonTag, primaryColumnValue);
			generateActiveRowControlsConfig: function(id, columnsConfig, rowConfig) {
				this.columnsConfig = columnsConfig;
				var gridLayoutItems = [];
				var currentColumnIndex = 0;
				this.Terrasoft.each(columnsConfig, function(columnConfig) {
					var cellConfig = this.getActiveRowCellConfig(columnConfig, currentColumnIndex);
       			 if (!cellConfig.hasOwnProperty("isNotFound")) {
					currentColumnIndex += cellConfig.layout.colSpan;
				}, this);
				this.applyBusinessRulesForActiveRow(id, gridLayoutItems);
				var viewGenerator = this.Ext.create(this.getRowViewGeneratorClassName());
				viewGenerator.viewModelClass = this;
				var gridLayoutConfig = viewGenerator.generateGridLayout({
					name: this.name,
					items: gridLayoutItems
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "DataGrid",
				"values": {
					"className": "Terrasoft.ConfigurationGrid",
					"generator": "ConfigurationGridGenerator.generatePartial",
					"generateControlsConfig": {"bindTo": "generateActiveRowControlsConfig"},
					"changeRow": {"bindTo": "changeRow"},
					"unSelectRow": {"bindTo": "unSelectRow"},
					"onGridClick": {"bindTo": "onGridClick"},
					"activeRowActions": [
							"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
							"style": this.Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.TRANSPARENT,
							"tag": "save",
							"markerValue": "save",
							"imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.SaveIcon"}
							"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
							"style": this.Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.TRANSPARENT,
							"tag": "cancel",
							"markerValue": "cancel",
							"imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.CancelIcon"}
							"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
							"style": this.Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.TRANSPARENT,
							"tag": "card",
							"markerValue": "card",
							"imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.CardIcon"}
							"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
							"style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.TRANSPARENT,
							"tag": "copy",
							"markerValue": "copy",
							"imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.CopyIcon"}
							"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
							"style": this.Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.TRANSPARENT,
							"tag": "remove",
							"markerValue": "remove",
							"imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.RemoveIcon"}
					"initActiveRowKeyMap": {"bindTo": "initActiveRowKeyMap"},
					"activeRowAction": {"bindTo": "onActiveRowAction"},
					"multiSelect": {"bindTo": "MultiSelect"}

Maybe u have other ideas? 

Much thanks!


Oleksii Protsiuk,


Ok, and can you please point me to the business rule from your code that references the UsrParent.UsrStatus column (or is it RdtStatus in the code above)? And also please share the edit page code.

Oleg Drobina,

1. Business rule for RdtQuantity for example.

2. Yes, its RdtStatus.


define("RdtSchemafaf34ef3Page", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "RdtProductionRawProducts",
		attributes: {
					"RdtProduction": {
                    "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
                    "lookupListConfig": {
                        "columns": ["RdtStatus"]
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		businessRules: /**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/{
			"RdtRawProduct": {
				"a51ae6d8-b23d-4245-a06f-6f81a6a20f0d": {
					"uId": "a51ae6d8-b23d-4245-a06f-6f81a6a20f0d",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 1,
					"baseAttributePatch": "RdtType",
					"comparisonType": 3,
					"autoClean": false,
					"autocomplete": false,
					"type": 0,
					"value": "0e937c72-3826-40c0-ac62-30d70746cea0",
					"dataValueType": 10
				"7864a234-ef49-4a9c-ac19-9967fb5b255a": {
					"uId": "7864a234-ef49-4a9c-ac19-9967fb5b255a",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 3,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction",
								"attributePath": "RdtStatus"
							"rightExpression": {
								"type": 0,
								"value": "22c74599-4c04-401e-8dfd-06fde8f8cb81",
								"dataValueType": 10
			"RdtQuantity": {
				"00b698f4-7e53-4a6b-804f-3a2f40e7b015": {
					"uId": "00b698f4-7e53-4a6b-804f-3a2f40e7b015",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 3,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction",
								"attributePath": "RdtStatus"
							"rightExpression": {
								"type": 0,
								"value": "22c74599-4c04-401e-8dfd-06fde8f8cb81",
								"dataValueType": 10
			"RdtUnit": {
				"825f4f2a-f110-4554-9a83-575440727c00": {
					"uId": "825f4f2a-f110-4554-9a83-575440727c00",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 3,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction",
								"attributePath": "RdtStatus"
							"rightExpression": {
								"type": 0,
								"value": "22c74599-4c04-401e-8dfd-06fde8f8cb81",
								"dataValueType": 10
			"RdtAvailableStock": {
				"843f04c6-f4c7-426c-85f3-5560b2383db5": {
					"uId": "843f04c6-f4c7-426c-85f3-5560b2383db5",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 1,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtAvailableStock"
			"RdtNotEnoughStock": {
				"7dccf940-c42c-4b5d-82ab-acff711c7893": {
					"uId": "7dccf940-c42c-4b5d-82ab-acff711c7893",
					"enabled": true,
					"removed": false,
					"ruleType": 0,
					"property": 1,
					"logical": 0,
					"conditions": [
							"comparisonType": 1,
							"leftExpression": {
								"type": 1,
								"attribute": "RdtProduction"
		methods: {},
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "LOOKUPa8ab8309-ec3e-4f7b-b007-af2483101fee",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 0,
						"layoutName": "Header"
					"bindTo": "RdtRawProduct",
					"enabled": false,
					"contentType": 5
				"parentName": "Header",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 0
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "LOOKUPe030f444-90d1-4d98-b476-b4b576c4f122",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 12,
						"row": 0,
						"layoutName": "Header"
					"bindTo": "RdtUnit",
					"enabled": false,
					"contentType": 5
				"parentName": "Header",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 1
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "FLOAT07d52071-3119-4f71-a45f-3e8701a3e127",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 1,
						"layoutName": "Header"
					"bindTo": "RdtQuantity",
					"enabled": false
				"parentName": "Header",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 2
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "RdtAvailableStockbd49a463-5f7d-4a67-aaa6-f01f7cca4cd9",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 12,
						"row": 1,
						"layoutName": "Header"
					"bindTo": "RdtAvailableStock",
					"enabled": false
				"parentName": "Header",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 3
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "RdtNotEnoughStockb7a3c879-7054-4bf6-8434-adb226c77730",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 12,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 2,
						"layoutName": "Header"
					"bindTo": "RdtNotEnoughStock",
					"enabled": false
				"parentName": "Header",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 4


The same problem with setting the value of the field using connected entity column on the different detail.

1. The field value is showing on field

2. After save the same error and the field is empty.

Is there any chance to fix this error ?


I'm also experiencing this issue, however looks like this thread has gone cold.... 

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Hey Community,


I have two details on my custom "Order" entity. Depends on order status i need to show/hide add button and the possibility to edit this details.

Is there any best practices for this scenario?

Thanks for help,


Like 1


Best reply


Here is an example of how to hide the Add button in detail based on the condition:

define("UsrSchemaaae5d57eDetail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator",
	"ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2"], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrForHideTest",
		attributes: {
			"IsAddEnabled": {
				dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
				value: true
		methods: {
			init: function() {
			isAddEnabled: function() {
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
                        rootSchemaName: "Contact"
                     esq.getEntity(this.values.MasterRecordId, function(result) {
                        if (result.success && result.entity.values.Type.displayValue == 'Customer') {
                            this.set("IsAddEnabled", false);
                    }, this);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "AddRecordButton",
				"values": {
					"visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddEnabled"}

Here we are hiding the button if the Type of the Contact = 'Customer'.

Regarding the editing of the detail, if I`m not mistaken, you cannot change it dynamically. 


I found the code snippet to hide Add button and added it to page - 


			isDetailEnabled: function(detailName) {
      		var productionStage = this.get("RdtStatus").displayValue;   
			if (detailName === "RdtSchemad16d4a3eDetail") {
			if(productionStage === "Planned"){
                    return true;       //Disable the "+" button
                    return false;        //Enable the "+" button
			if (detailName === "RdtSchema670160a3Detail") {
			if(productionStage === "Planned"){
                    return true;       //Disable the "+" button
                    return false;        //Enable the "+" button
			return this.callParent(arguments);

But now i have issue with clicking on data on editable grid


not sure about best practices but for me isDetailEnabled also caused issues like that. I implemented this logic with replacing method in Detail code like this:

getAddRecordButtonEnabled: function() {
				var instance = this;
				var isEditable = instance.get("IsProductDetailEditable");
				return isEditable && this._isAddRecordButtonEnabled();

adding attribute IsProductDetailEditable and settiging its value in onGridDataLoaded method override with an esq check of the parent page Status or any other condition you would need. This would cover add button, for the changes of existing rows you could add buisness rules for each field to block them for certain conditions, in my case implemented an esq check on save logic, with replacing method saveRowChanges from ConfigurationGridUtilities, check result would notify the user unability to save changes for that condition or proceed as normal.


Here is an example of how to hide the Add button in detail based on the condition:

define("UsrSchemaaae5d57eDetail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator",
	"ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2"], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrForHideTest",
		attributes: {
			"IsAddEnabled": {
				dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
				value: true
		methods: {
			init: function() {
			isAddEnabled: function() {
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
                        rootSchemaName: "Contact"
                     esq.getEntity(this.values.MasterRecordId, function(result) {
                        if (result.success && result.entity.values.Type.displayValue == 'Customer') {
                            this.set("IsAddEnabled", false);
                    }, this);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "AddRecordButton",
				"values": {
					"visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddEnabled"}

Here we are hiding the button if the Type of the Contact = 'Customer'.

Regarding the editing of the detail, if I`m not mistaken, you cannot change it dynamically. 

Dmytro Vovchenko writes:


Here is an example of how to hide the Add button in detail based on the condition:

define("UsrSchemaaae5d57eDetail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator",
	"ConfigurationGridUtilitiesV2"], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrForHideTest",
		attributes: {
			"IsAddEnabled": {
				dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
				value: true
		methods: {
			init: function() {
			isAddEnabled: function() {
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
                        rootSchemaName: "Contact"
                     esq.getEntity(this.values.MasterRecordId, function(result) {
                        if (result.success && result.entity.values.Type.displayValue == 'Customer') {
                            this.set("IsAddEnabled", false);
                    }, this);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "AddRecordButton",
				"values": {
					"visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddEnabled"}

Here we are hiding the button if the Type of the Contact = 'Customer'.

Regarding the editing of the detail, if I`m not mistaken, you cannot change it dynamically. 


Thanks so much, will take a look on this.

Dmytro Vovchenko,

I tried your code-snippet for this implementation and seems the code not running with editable details. And code triggered only when opening the edit page of detail. 

So on the main page where details exists the Add button still visible :(

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Hi Everyone,


In our invoices we have a attachments linked as Invoice Attachements. I was to display any attachments from there in my Invoice Report. How can I do that? It isn't showing any option to me

Like 0



Hello Hassan,

You can just display some parameter's for example quantity:


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Hi, we´re using a mini page to create requests but we are looking for a way to move from the mini page to the form page of the request. ive tried using two buttoms, one with the save data action and other with the "continue in next page" action but im having ussues with the page filtes on the form page. this could work if we save the record and the minipage stays open but it close after saving the record. 

Like 0



Dear Sean,


The following button was added in 8.0.10. This button will help to you to move from mini page form to form page quickly.


Regarding the mini pages closing after the data was added. This is the basic logic of mini pages, they were created to collect quick information, add it to the record and close.

If you want the page to stay open, please consider other options, like adding data directly on the record. 


Best regards,

Creatio Support Team

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Hi everyone,


We have 3 different objects that sends data to one single object(which is referred to as a report for us). When we are deleting something from one of our 3 objects, the data isn't getting deleted from the report and it asks for permission due to which we are unable to delete data through a process. How do I bypass this? So that any data deleted from one of the 3 objects also automatically deletes data from our report object. Thanks!

Like 0



Good day,

Unfortunately, we don't have enough initial information to understand the cause of this error. Please provide a screenshot of the error.


Despite the error, is a record from one of these 3 objects deleted?


You also mention that you suspect a permission issue. This may indicate that the user doesn't have sufficient rights for records or operations with one of these objects.


Please check if the user has permissions for deletion or editing of the object from which you are trying to delete, and also within the "report" object.

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У мене є невеличке недорозуміння пов'язане з обніном інофрмації самого creatio і сторонніми сервісами. Наразі мені потрібно зробити вивантаження даних про лідів  та партнерів в іншу бд, для цього я вирішив використати odata. Зараз я тестую запити через postman і виникає питання, яким методом відбувається авторизація через постмен оскільки при тестуванні самої url адреси в браузері мені надається інформація і помилок не виникає, а коли в postman ввести той самий url скидається типу розмітки, як я розумію на логінацію. Підскажіть можливо вже існуючі сервіси або якісь методи якими можна передати на сторонній сервіс інформацію з creatio, а також на рахунок методів авторизації які є доступними, і якщо там використовуються токени - то де саме їх можна отримати

p.s. сервіс реалізовується на пайтоні

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Best reply

Доброго дня,

якщо ви робите запит в postman відразу на odata скоріше за все вам приходить відповідь що ви не авторизовані. Спочатку треба виконати request  на аутентифікацію як описано тут https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

запит як описаний тут, наприклад https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

і отримані cookie BPMLOADER додати в headers наступних запитів, як описано в прикладах тут https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10204500/SztHX5Qb?version=latest


Доброго дня,

якщо ви робите запит в postman відразу на odata скоріше за все вам приходить відповідь що ви не авторизовані. Спочатку треба виконати request  на аутентифікацію як описано тут https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

запит як описаний тут, наприклад https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

і отримані cookie BPMLOADER додати в headers наступних запитів, як описано в прикладах тут https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10204500/SztHX5Qb?version=latest


Анастасия Шумейко,

Величезне дякую, дуже сильно допомогли, до цього я не вставляв усі куки

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Hello Community, 


Is it possible to change the default filter column when using Search Filter? 


I wanted to filter a list page by text in a specific column all the time. But in Search Filter, It changes to Everything on reloading the page. 

How can we set default column for a search filter. 


Any suggestions are really helpful.






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Your business task can be only achieved with the help of a separate development process. 

You can use 'entity schema query' filters in particular. Here is the guide on this topic


You can also use this community post with the example of such logic https://community.creatio.com/questions/default-filter-section

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Hi all, 


Just something to look out for. I recently upgraded our instance to 8.0.10 and have number of user concerns relating to existing filters now not functioning. 


After investigating, it appears that where I have filters with inactive parameters, the system is treating it as active. 


So for example in the filter below, Creatio is filtering the list by both Balance due date and total outstanding. 


You may want to check your filters. Has anyone else had the same issue? 


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Thanks for pointing this out. I've not noticed this yet, but I'm sure we've just not realized it yet.

Hello Harry,


Would you please submit a case at support@creatio.com and provide all the details regarding this issue, so that we can check it on our end?


Best regards,


Hi Yuliya, 


I have reported this to Creatio Support. 


It's not just an issue with existing filters, all new filters have the same bug. 


I have to say these small things do not give confidence. Many of our business critical lists have these filters in place and not displaying the right data to the user means they could miss something that is critical. 

For example, one of our lists shows airport transfers that are happening on a given day. Luckily we did not have a filter on this list, but if we did, there would be stranded clients waiting to be picked up at the airport! 

Also, I know it has been requested elsewhere, but it would be useful for Creatio to supply bugfixes with their updates. 




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