Hi Creatio Community,

I'm currently working on a customization for the Activity page, and I need some help with dynamically showing/hiding tabs based on the activity type. Here’s what I need to achieve:

  1. Hide the "Attachment" tab when the activity type is "Task."
  2. Show the "Case Attachment" tab for tasks related to a specific case only (it should display attachments only for the selected case).
  3. For all other activity types, the "Case Attachment" tab should be hidden, and the regular "Attachment" tab should be visible.

Essentially, I want the tab visibility to switch dynamically based on the activity type and the case involved. I’d appreciate any suggestions on how to implement this, whether through JavaScript handlers, custom logic, or any other method that can meet this requirement.

Thanks in advance

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How to hide Attachment tab in task type activity while showing my own case attachment tab or in general how can i programmatically hide a toggle tab in freedom ui .

I want to hide the attachment toggle tab and show case attachment which is created by be , also want to programmatically trigger their visibility , please refer below image for reference 


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Hi Team,

I am trying to send a user notification at the end of my business process, but I would prefer it not to appear as a hyperlink. I've attached a screenshot showing how it currently looks, along with my business process configuration where I set up the user notification element. I've reviewed an article on setting up notifications in a business process, but I'm looking for a workaround to disable the hyperlink.

Send a user notification in notification center from process | Community Creatio






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Hello Creatio community,


I am using Creatio Studio Product (V. and license "bpmonline self-service portal on-site subscription". 
I want to create a new section and page for a new object that I developed. This object will be available in Portal workplace. I created the portal screen using classic UI but it doesn't appear in the workplace setup for "External users". The only screen that Portal users can view is "Knowledge Base" screen which came with Creatio's product.

I read the Creatio documentation in "https://academy.creatio.com/docs/sites/academy_en/files/pdf/node/2088/C…" and it says that: "If you use the self-service portal, you can modify the existing portal sections but cannot add new sections.". How can I make my screen for my new created object available for portal users?

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Unfortunately, according to the basic logic of our application, you cannot see any custom sections on the portal within the limitations of self-service portal license.
You can find more details in this article.

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I been trying to block the record so the users can't make changes or erase the record at some point of the process to do that I am changing the access rigths of a record using the element Change Right in the DCM.


But I the record can still be modified and erase ( the user that I use to make the test is not a System Administrator) can you help me to know what Im doing wrong? 


Also it is posible that the owner of the record can't modified the information or i can't take away this right? 


Thank you.

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My apologies I am not sure about your setting due to a lack of knowledge of your language. But basically here is an example of how you can set elements to remove rights from the case for All employees role:


Basically you are not able to remove rights from the Owner of the record, so this could be the reason.


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Does anyone knows how to work with excel reports with the new business process element? Even though an Excel report is created, he doesn't appear on the business process element "Generate Excel Report".


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It only allows "Custom Reports", not Section Report or Edit Page Reports. Also, for Custom Reports, there is a new checkbox on the report page that allows it to be used in processes. You need to check that, then it will show up in the process element to select.


It only allows "Custom Reports", not Section Report or Edit Page Reports. Also, for Custom Reports, there is a new checkbox on the report page that allows it to be used in processes. You need to check that, then it will show up in the process element to select.


Ryan Farley,

Thks. Ryan. 

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Hi Community,


I’m working on filtering dropdown data. I need to show only those contacts who had no activity between the given start date and end date in Remote Support object, but it doesn't work. For example, I've got error: "Between must contain two expressions in the left part", but I'm not using between


Could you help me with this? 
Thank you in advance!

Handler's code:


 handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/ [{
            request: "crt.LoadDataRequest",
            handler: async (request, next) => {
                if (request.dataSourceName !== "PDS_RvcFieldEngineer_x610q2p_List_DS") {
                    return await next?.handle(request);
                var startDate = await request.$context.attributes.PDS_RvcStartDate_uv0hce9;
                var endDate = await request.$context.attributes.PDS_RvcEndDate_bxhjbvc;
                console.log("Start Date:", startDate);
                if (!startDate || !endDate) {
                    return [];
                const activityModel = await sdk.Model.create("Activity");
                const activityFilter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
                activityFilter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.LessOrEqual, "DueDate", endDate);
                activityFilter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.GreaterOrEqual, "StartDate", startDate);
                var newFilter = Object.assign({}, activityFilter);
                newFilter.items = activityFilter.items;
                const activityDetails = await activityModel.load({
                    attributes: ["Id", "Owner"],
                    parameters: [{
                        type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
                        value: newFilter
                const ownerIds = activityDetails
                    .map(activity => activity.Owner?.value)
                    .filter(id => id);
                const contactModel = await sdk.Model.create("Contact");
                const contactFilter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
                if (ownerIds.length === 0) {
                    contactFilter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.IsNotNull, "Id", null);
                } else {
                    contactFilter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.NotIn, "Id", ownerIds);                
                const contactDetails = await contactModel.load({
                    attributes: ["Name"],
                    parameters: [{
                        type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
                        value: contactFilter
                return contactDetails.map(contact => ({
                    id: contact.Id.value,
                    name: contact.Name.value
                    type: "filter",
                    value: newFilter
                return await next?.handle(request);
        }] /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/ ,


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Hi Community,


I created a new user and added sections for this user in a separate workspace. I added lookups section; but the user is getting following error "Insufficient rights to go to this section. Contact your system administrator."  for lookups section, can you confirm how can the user access the lookups section?



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I recommend  checking access  to the CanManageLookups system operation: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/setup-and-administration/administr…

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I have an object called ItalVinculacion, and inside it I have to read the content of ItalProduct, which is also an object, and obtain the values ​​of ItalEjeAplicacion and Type, which are objects within the product.

This is my code:

var autoId = Get<Guid>("IdAuto"); // ID del auto en ItalAutosNormalizados
var IdProduct = Get<Guid>("IdProduct"); // ID del producto de la nueva vinculación
var IdAxis = Get<Guid>("IdAxis"); 
var IdSubFamily = Get<Guid>("IdSubFamily"); 
if (IdProduct == Guid.Empty) {
    return false;
// Buscar vinculaciones existentes con el mismo auto
var vinculacionEsq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "ItalVinculacion");
// Acceder a las columnas del objeto relacionado ItalProduct usando alias
var ejeAplicacionColumn = vinculacionEsq.AddColumn("ItalProduct.ItalEjeAplicacion");
ejeAplicacionColumn.Name = "ItalEjeAplicacion";
var typeColumn = vinculacionEsq.AddColumn("ItalProduct.Type");
typeColumn.Name = "Type";
vinculacionEsq.Filters.Add(vinculacionEsq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "ItalFleetID", autoId));
var existingVinculaciones = vinculacionEsq.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);
int maxPriority = 0;
bool isDuplicateFound = false;
foreach (var vinculation in existingVinculaciones) {
    var existingEjeAplicacion = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("ItalEjeAplicacion");
    var existingType = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Type");
    // Comparar GUIDs correctamente
    if (existingEjeAplicacion.Equals(IdAxis) && existingType.Equals(IdSubFamily)) {
        isDuplicateFound = true;
        var existingPriority = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("ItalPriority");
        if (existingPriority == 0) {
            vinculation.SetColumnValue("ItalPriority", 1);
            Set("ItalPriority", 2);
        } else {
            Set("ItalPriority", existingPriority + 1);
            vinculation.SetColumnValue("ItalPriority", existingPriority + 1);
        break; // Salir del bucle si se encuentra un duplicado
    maxPriority = Math.Max(maxPriority, vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("ItalPriority"));
// Si no se encontró un duplicado, establece la prioridad de la nueva vinculación
if (!isDuplicateFound) {
    Set("ItalPriority", maxPriority + 1);
return true;


And this is the error:

Terrasoft.Common.ItemNotFoundException: Value "ItalProduct.ItalEjeAplicacion" was not found.


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Try using ItalEjeAplicacionId instead of ItalEjeAplicacion. This is the only assumption for now.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks Oleg, I'll try it.

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I dont know what to fill in the tenant id field in creatio office 365 setup, pls kindly help

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The Tenant ID value should be taken from the "Directory (tenant) ID" in Azure.



The Tenant ID parameter needs to be filled in only if the user uses the Office 365 (Graph API) service type. When switching to the Graph API, the user will gain the ability to automatically create Teams meetings.


This is not a mandatory field if you are using Exchange and Office 365 (EWS) and not using Office 365 (Graph API). 

You can leave it blank.





The Tenant ID value should be taken from the "Directory (tenant) ID" in Azure.



The Tenant ID parameter needs to be filled in only if the user uses the Office 365 (Graph API) service type. When switching to the Graph API, the user will gain the ability to automatically create Teams meetings.


This is not a mandatory field if you are using Exchange and Office 365 (EWS) and not using Office 365 (Graph API). 

You can leave it blank.



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