Good day to everyone! I’ve encountered a task where I need to update the NextSteps component. I used crt.LoadData and crt.ChangeNextStepsStateRequest, but they didn't produce the desired results.

After executing, the component does not update, and data is not displayed; only after a full page refresh does the Next Step appear.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue and could help with a solution? Thanks in advance!

				request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
				handler: async function(request, next) {
					Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, (await request.$context.ServerMessageReceivedFunc), request.$context);
					await next.handle(request);					
				applyMethods: function(context) {
					let methods = {
						refreshNextStepsStates: async function(date) {
							const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
							await handlerChain.process({
								type: 'crt.ChangeNextStepsStateRequest',
								$context: context,
						showWarnDialog: async function(message) {
							const actionsConfig = [
									key: "OK",
									config: {
										color: "warn",
										caption: resources.localizableStrings.BnzShowDialogCloseBtn
							const result = await context.executeRequest({
								type: "crt.ShowDialogRequest",
								$context: context,
								dialogConfig: {
									data: {
										message: message,
										actions: actionsConfig
						onSubscribeWebSocket: async function(event, message) {
							if (message.Header.Sender === "Banza_ApprovalAction_WebSocketSender") {
								await this.handleShowWarnMessage(message);
						handleShowWarnMessage: async function(message) {
							const sysValuesService = new sdk.SysValuesService();
							const sysValues = await sysValuesService.loadSysValues();
							const caseId = context.attributes.Id;
							const currentUserContactId = sysValues.userContact.value;
							const msgObj = JSON.parse(message.Body);
							if (msgObj && sysValues && currentUserContactId === msgObj.currentUserContactId) {
								if (caseId === msgObj?.recordId) {
									if (msgObj.action === "showWarnDialog") {
										await this.showWarnDialog(msgObj.message);
										await this.refreshNextStepsStates(msgObj?.date);
					context.ServerMessageReceivedFunc = methods.onSubscribeWebSocket.bind(context);
					Ext.apply(context, methods);
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Hi Community,


We have this business requirement, where we need to add a "Quick Complete" button to the NextStep line. Similar to what this marketplace app have, but for FreedomUI.


We want to add the button next to the "Complete" one.



How can we achieve such business requirement? What do we need to change?


Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Unfortunately, at the moment, the Message-composer element is not customizable from the inside using no-code/low-code tools.

Currently, we do not have a ready-made instruction for adding such a button. However, we have created a task for the responsible team to either create such an instruction or add no-code tools for adding custom buttons to the element.

Thank you for helping make our product better!

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Could someone please explain me how I can modify the answers that a task/activity can have. I mean, once I have completed a task (to do), I get a lot of options as a result of the task, I would like to reduce the result options.

Attached is an image with all the options I am currently getting and the ones I would like to simplify to 2 or 3. 


All answers will be welcome.

Thank you in advance.

File attachments
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These are in the "Activity results" lookup. It won't let you delete these choices if they've been used. Also, an easy way to remove them from the list of choices is to just check the "Available in process only" checkbox. If you check that they will no longer appear in the dialog.


Thank you so much for your feedback Ryan, it has been very useful!

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