Mail box setup

Hello Everyone, 

Is there Steps how to Configure emails like This email is personal email and does not belong to any organization but want to connect it in Creatio. I did revied the guides but there is nothing related this "". 
i have already Create the app pasword but still not Configuring. Please find attach some of the Screenshots.

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The issue is that Outlook no longer supports Basic authorization.

For more details, please refer to:
Deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online.

Therefore, without using the Azure portal, it is not possible to add an Outlook mailbox using a password or app password.

It is necessary to register an OAuth 2.0 application as outlined in this article:
Set Up OAuth Authentication for MS Office 365.

Thank you for reaching out!

Best regards,

Hi Pavlo,


If it's not possible with password and app password. How we'll configure individuals outlook email in Creatio?


Unfortunately, this is not possible.
Best regards,

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