Hello Community,

I am working on a project where I need to either extend or override `Save Record` functionality in Contact with a custom implementation.


Task: On Saving Contact Record, I have to send this record to client DB to sync data through Code.



  1. Should I use `Replacing View Model` schema or other schema to extend / override 'Save' contact functionality?
  2. what are the steps to do so? Please explain the steps.

    Platform: Creatio:Energy 8.2v (Freedom UI)
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And if you want to do it on the server side, Ryan has an article about this : https://customerfx.com/article/adding-code-to-listen-for-entity-events-…

Easiest way to create a replacing view of the contact page is to open it in the designer and save it. This will create the replacing view for you.

As for overriding the save on the page, you can see how to do that here: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-code-to-the-save-event-of-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/


And if you want to do it on the server side, Ryan has an article about this : https://customerfx.com/article/adding-code-to-listen-for-entity-events-…

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I've been searching, but I can't seem to find the function I want to override, it's the function that creates the "Run Process" button on the section page.


I want to disable it to users who aren't the Supervisor.

I've done something similar with the getViewOptions function so that only the Supervisor could change the column layout of the different sections.


Any help in finding the function I need to override would be appreciated!


Thanks in advance! 😁

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Hi Edo,

I've not tested this yet, but wanted to mention for you to try. That button does have an attribute that controls its visibility. The attribute is "IsProcessButtonVisible". The attribute, and populating of the menu items is done in the mixin "ProcessEntryPointUtilities". You can override the function "fillRunProcessButtonMenu" on BasePageV2 (or which ever specific page you want to do this on). Something like this: 

fillRunProcessButtonMenu: function() {
    if (UserIsSupervisor) {
        // call base function to populate menu and set visible
        this.mixins.ProcessEntryPointUtilities.fillRunProcessButtonMenu.apply(this, arguments);
    else {
        // do nothing except ensure button not visible
        this.set("IsProcessButtonVisible", false);

Again, I've not tested that, but I believe it would work.


Hi Edo,

I've not tested this yet, but wanted to mention for you to try. That button does have an attribute that controls its visibility. The attribute is "IsProcessButtonVisible". The attribute, and populating of the menu items is done in the mixin "ProcessEntryPointUtilities". You can override the function "fillRunProcessButtonMenu" on BasePageV2 (or which ever specific page you want to do this on). Something like this: 

fillRunProcessButtonMenu: function() {
    if (UserIsSupervisor) {
        // call base function to populate menu and set visible
        this.mixins.ProcessEntryPointUtilities.fillRunProcessButtonMenu.apply(this, arguments);
    else {
        // do nothing except ensure button not visible
        this.set("IsProcessButtonVisible", false);

Again, I've not tested that, but I believe it would work.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you very much!

This is exactly what I was looking for and is working great 😁

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I have a big problem. 


The core process: "Lead management" starts whenever the stage is changed on Lead or when I click on "Qualify". I want it to work only if I press the button but not when the stage changes.


I wanted to override the function that calls that process, but I can't really find it. I tried like this, but it doesn't work.


Does anybody know where I can override the main function of the "Qualify" button so that I can start a custom process from there and to deactivate the "Lead management" process?


Thank you!

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Ghiu Diana Stefania,

You can find the button in two places one in Section page and another one in Edit page.


1. In section Page (LeadSectionV2)-onLeadManagementSectionButtonClick()
2. In Edit page (LeadPAgeV2) - onLeadManagementButtonClick() 

Ghiu Diana Stefania,

You can find the button in two places one in Section page and another one in Edit page.


1. In section Page (LeadSectionV2)-onLeadManagementSectionButtonClick()
2. In Edit page (LeadPAgeV2) - onLeadManagementButtonClick() 

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

if we click the button it pass always from the first lead stage to the third one (handoff to sales).When can we see the logic for this button because this lead should complete some criterias to pass in the handoff sales after clicking this button

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I have a custom section that i've added to the mobile app.

This section record module has a check box.

When i "click" the checkbox, the record is automatically updated with the value of the checkbox (in the backend).

I need to update other fields on the record page, jest before it sends the update to the server.. basically what i need is to "catch" the "onClick / OnTouch" of the checkbox field -> update other field based on the checkBox field value -> (continue)send the update to the server..


Any Idea ? 



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The best way of doing your task would be to create a custom mobile business rule on your checkbox field with the event Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged.

You can find more about the business rules in this article.

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Hello, can you help me about this problem. Please help me ASAP.

Thank you in advance!

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This message states that you have overridden the OOB private method outside of schema it was defined (Method _getExpressionTypeList defined in BusinessRuleBindParameterActionDesignerViewModel) 

This message only warns you that the mentioned private member is overridden but it doesn't means that it's logic is broken. 

Please provide us with more details in case if you face any unexpected behavior inside the system so we could advise you on how to fix it. 

Thank you. 

Roman Brown,




file: Terrasoft.WebApp\conf\content\DcmDesignerFilterEditFilter.js


Please provide us with more detailed information on the screenshots you have provided. 

Thank you 

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