Here’s an overview of the new features and changes, in Studio Creatio, free edition released in August 2020.
Registration and profile
Added an ability to specify the user role when sending collaboration invitations. You can change the roles of users who have accepted their invitations on the organization setup page. If an organization has a single user with the “Administrator” role, another administrator must be appointed first before switching the original administrator user to a different role.

Importing business processes from Studio Creatio, free edition to Studio Creatio, enterprise edition and other Creatio products
You can import business process diagrams designed in Studio Creatio, free edition as executable processes in other Creatio products. To do so, export the business process to a *.bpmn file first, and then import the file into the needed Creatio product. You can import a *.bpmn file to Creatio by clicking [Actions] -> [Import from *.bpmn] in the Process Designer or drag&drop the file to the Process Designer window. *.bpmn files generated in third-party BPMN 2.0 process editors can be imported as well. See “Import/Export” article in the Studio Creatio, free edition documentation, and “Importing *.BPMN files” article in the Creatio business process setup guide.

Processes imported from Studio Creatio, free edition retain links to their original diagrams. You can also specify the link manually in the process settings area.
Process Designer
We have improved the navigation UX for large process diagrams by adding a dedicated navigation panel. The tools on the panel include diagram mini-map, as well as a range of zoom controls.
Improved the drawing of flows on the process diagram. Dragging the end of flow will cause the flow to re-draw for optimal pathing to the specified endpoint.

Flow captions now stay near the corresponding flow when its pathing or position changes.
Deleting an element with inbound and outbound flows will result in re-drawing the flows to compensate.
“Exclusive OR” and “Inclusive OR” gateways can have only conditional or default outbound flows. Likewise, “Event-based gateway” and “Parallel gateway” can be used with regular sequence flows only.
Increased the loading speed of diagrams with a large number of elements.