

I am trying to open a new webpage from a button onclick action. I saw this feed:



I'm very new in Creation so I tried to replicate it on a page definition. What's wrong with the following code:


define("UsrPage_bwxynuo", /**SCHEMA_DEPS*/[]/**SCHEMA_DEPS*/, function/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/()/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/ {

    return {

        methods: {

            openWindow: function() {

                 var path = this.get("https://fr.wikipedia.org");

                 window.open(path, '_blank');



        viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[


                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "Button_w36eyol",

                "values": {

                    "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

                    "click": {"bindTo": "openWindow"},


                "parentName": "MainContainer",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 0




        modelConfig: /**SCHEMA_MODEL_CONFIG*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODEL_CONFIG*/,

        handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[]/**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/,

        converters: /**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/{}/**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/,

        validators: /**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/{}/**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/



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Best reply


From the code you posted, you're using the newer type of page (Freedom UI), but how you wired up the click of the button to call your method is how you do this on the older classic pages. To wire up the click of your button execute your own code, see this article: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-button-to-execute-custom-code-o…



From the code you posted, you're using the newer type of page (Freedom UI), but how you wired up the click of the button to call your method is how you do this on the older classic pages. To wire up the click of your button execute your own code, see this article: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-button-to-execute-custom-code-o…


Thank you very much Ryan

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It is possible to remove 2 decimal after comma?

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It's not possible to remove zeros after the decimal point without changing the type of the column in the DB. 

If there is some data stored in the column - we strongly don't recommend changing the data type of this column since data can be lost.

But if it is absolutely new column - you can change the data type.


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Okay thank you 

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Show a button if the selected entry has certain conditions ("Test.Lookup == Test 1")



Card: Lead

Lookup: Stage Lead

value: one of the stages



diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[           


                  "operation": "insert",

                "name": "NewButton",

                "values": {

                    "itemType": 5,

                    "style": "red",

                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.NewButtonCaption"},

                    "click": {"bindTo": "onProcess1"},

                    "enabled": true,

                    "visible": true,

/**How to Show/Hide the custom button


                        "classes": {

                        "textClass": [





                "parentName": "ActionButtonsContainer",

                "propertyName": "items",

File attachments
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To do this, you'll do the following: 

  1. Add a boolean attribute
  2. Bind the boolean attribute to the visible property of the button
  3. Set the attribute to true/false to show/hide the button as necessary

You can see an example of this here: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-enable-or-disable-a-field-on-a-pa…


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I want to create a process witch sends emails when the owner of a lead is changed. I have to send the email to the current and the last owner and I have an issue about getting the previous owner. 

Do you know how I can get to the previous owner of the led into the process? 

I want to mention that the pervious owner can be changed multiple times.


Thank you, 

Rares Ivan

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Best reply

Hello Ivan,


In a business process, you cannot know the previous value because a new version has already been saved. So as a workaround you can add a new column and save there an old value when saving an object. After that, you can deal with both new and old values in a business process. 

Hello Ivan,


In a business process, you cannot know the previous value because a new version has already been saved. So as a workaround you can add a new column and save there an old value when saving an object. After that, you can deal with both new and old values in a business process. 


Thank you, Bogdan! 

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Hi community!

I need to make a report where time(days) between lead stages is displayed.

For example:

Registration -> Qualification 5 days

Qualification -> Sale in Progress 8 days

Sale in Progress -> Opportunity in Progress 21 days

Opportunity in Progress -> Won/Lost/etc  54 days

Is it possible to calculate number of days between lead stages and display in the section list view or in any other way (dashboards, report etc)?


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As for now, such dashboards cannot be build using OOB tools because Creatio doesn't store duration of the each Lead stage.

However, it stored start and end date of the stage so you can use this add-on to create more complicated dashboards:


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I want to auto-number in a Custom module in Studio, the numbering I will do will be handled with different values and must be sequential. I need an answer on how to do it.

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Hi Team


Value of a lookup is not accessible to a portal user but accessible to a normal user.


I have updated operation permission 

I have updated object permission

The Section object (Request) is available in lookup 'List of objects available for portal users' 



But same is not available in lookup 'List of schema fields for portal access'


I am unable to add value to List of schema fields for portal access lookup as fields are locked but as per academy we can add new value to this lookup.



Do let me know any work around to solve this issue.


Thank You in Advance


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Please contact our Support Team at support@creatio.com providing all the details, so that we can take a closer look and try to fix it for you.


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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Hello Community,


I have a requirement to add a "Select all" option in the dropdown of Details Section. I have came across some similar questions on academy but I didn't get the exact solution. Could someone please help with this if they are familiar with this approach or have done this activity previously.





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Hello Jagan,


You need to add the following methods to your detail schema:

methods: {
			addToolsButtonMenuItems: function(toolsButtonMenu) {
			addSelectAndUnSelectAllButton: function(toolsButtonMenu) {
				const isDetailEnabled = this.get("IsEnabled");
				if (isDetailEnabled === false) {
				const selectAllMenuItem = this.getSelectAllMenuItem();
				if (selectAllMenuItem) {
				const unSelectAllMenuItem = this.getUnSelectAllMenuItem();
				if (unSelectAllMenuItem) {
			isSelectAllModeVisible: function() {
				const isMultiSelectVisible = this.isMultiSelectVisible();
				const isSingleSelectVisible = this.isSingleSelectVisible();
				return isMultiSelectVisible || isSingleSelectVisible;
			isMultiSelectVisible: function() {
				return !this.get("MultiSelect");
			isSingleSelectVisible: function() {
				return this.get("MultiSelect");
			isUnSelectVisible: function() {
				return this.isAnySelected();
			getUnSelectAllMenuItem: function() {
				return this.getButtonMenuItem({
					"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.UnselectAllButtonCaption"},
					"Click": {"bindTo": "unSelectRecords"},
					"Visible": {"bindTo": "MultiSelect"},
					"Enabled": {"bindTo": "isUnSelectVisible"},
					"IsEnabledForSelectedAll": true
			getSelectAllMenuItem: function() {
				return this.getButtonMenuItem({
					"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.SelectAllButtonCaption"},
					"Click": {"bindTo": "setSelectAllMode"},
					"Visible": {"bindTo": "isSelectAllModeVisible"},
					"IsEnabledForSelectedAll": true

and add UnselectAllButtonCaption and SelectAllButtonCaption localizable strings to the schema. Once done the select and deselect all records options will appear in the detail tools


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Tell me, please can I create and generate RACI Diagram in Creatio?


Many thanks for your answer to my question 

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Oh, never thought of this, but actually would be a very interesting feature !

Damien Collot,

Many thanks for your answer to my question

Probably, such diagram can be created from Activities, where Owner is Responsible. But Reporter is not always Accountable. And Participants don't have their predefined roles.

It could be nice idea to modify Activities according RACI or RACI-V

Vladimir Sokolov,

Thank you very much for your thought and if you take the time to model the RACI Diagram and show it.



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Hi all, 

I am trying to figure out, how do we connect Creatio directly to another (webapp's/app) SQL database which is not the Creatio one, without needing to pass through an API.


If we keep it simple, Pipedrive, they are able to provide SQL connections through Zapier, with triggers on both sides (if a change in Pipedrive --> add a column in the other SQL db OR if column added in SQL DB, do x action in Pipedrive). https://zapier.com/apps/pipedrive/integrations/sql-server 

How do we replicate such direct (bi-directional) integration with Creatio and another sql db without the need for the other web app to expose or call an API ?



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Hi Damien,

If I understood your question correctly, I recommend you look at this discussion.

As described there, the most suitable solution, in this case, is a business process.

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