Hello Creatio Community,
I have made the Activity participant detail (Activites section) as an editable list.
When I add a new record and click on the added row ( the active row doesnt behave normally) as editable lists in other sections. I think is probably sort of bug of the system, because i have tried in fresh installations and the same thing happens.
I overcome this by refreshing the page so that the added row behaves normaly.
I manage to refresh the page by sending a message from a business process to the Front-End and subscribe to the message. But i refresh the whole Activity (entity), i want to refresh only the Participant detail.
This snippet is implemented in ActivityPageV2
init: function() {
// register our onProcessMessageReceived function to get messages from the server
Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onProcessMessageReceived, this);
onProcessMessageReceived: function(scope, message) {
var sender = message && message.Header.Sender;
if (sender === "RefreshDetailActivityParticipantFromBP") { //"SMRefreshPaged"
How can i manage to refresh only the Participant detail list?
I have tried also this.reloadGridData() and this
without success.