Добрый день, 

Подскажите пжл, что делаю не так. 

1. Установила приложение  https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/mailbox-section-creatio.

Все прекрасно, при запуске перехожу в мейл бокс, все ок.

2. Пытаюсь добавить раздел мейл бокс в рабочее место (какое именно значения не имеет, везде одинаковая ситуация). Выбираю его, но по факту раздел не добавляется, хотя на 1 сек происходит как-бы обновление страницы и добавление.    

В итоге попасть в раздел можно только по ссылке, что весьма неудобно.

Заранее благодарю за помощь.

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Добрый день!

Кажется, помогает очистка Redis. Тогда добавляется

Татьяна, добрый день!


Ошибка не воспроизводится на чистой сборке. Попробуйте сначала добавить в рабочее место любой базовый раздел, а после раздел Mailbox.

Добрый день, благодарю за ответы!

Вчера я протестила этот вариант - добавить любой базовый и оказалось, что это тоже не работает. Поэтому написала напрямую в  ТП, т.к. это подтверждает проблему не на стороне mail box, а на стороне creatio. Также написала о предложении Владимира очистить Redis. Когда ситуация разрешится, я отпишусь тут. 

Еще раз благодарю за подсказки.  

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Are there any options to assist with the Excel Report Builder? The Word report builder does not work for my processes. The instructions do not show all of the options and what we can or can not do. I am trying to add in data from different objects, but continue to run into errors. Any help to walk through the process is appreciated.

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Hi Patrick,

Unfortunately, the Excel reports builder is a free add-on, so there are no options for online assistance. The only support available is via the Creatio Community.

The add-on is quite simple and doesn't cover all complex cases. I recommend using an app guide as a list of available features. For example, the app doesn't allow downloading data from different objects in one spreadsheet. You could consider a workaround by developing a data view and downloading this data view like one object using the app.

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Can anyone assist with this installation failure for the ITSM for Service Creatio marketplace add in?


Our version is 7.18.3 but that was not in the list below.

File attachments
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We reviewed this add-on and fixed the problem.

You can install the latest version with fix on this page:



Hi, I installed and didn't get some features mentioned in the manual, for example the "Dependence of case priority on urgency and impact level" lookup isn' installed, and also cannot add it, so this object isn't in the package, so when add urgency and case impact Priority didn't change as docummented


Have some package update?



Hi Julio,

We have reviewed this solution. It is deprecated, not supported, and does not meet the current Marketplace requirements. We have removed this app from the Marketplace and do not recommend using it.

That you for bringing this to our attention.


We are going to publish a new Banza ITMS box for Creatio solution in the near future. I believe that solution will cover your needs. You can learn more about it in the Coming soon section.

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I am using Creatio marketplace add-on for Excel reports https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/excel-reports-builder-creatio. First I tried it using a trial instance and it was working fine. But in a production instance I am not able to upload templates to the reports.

I have tried removing .jar and .apk from "File extensions DenyList" system settings. Also tried removing the add-on and installing it again. but still could not able to upload the templates. It is doing nothing when I click upload button and select the template.


Thanks in advance.

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Do you see any errors in the browser console when you attempt to upload a template?


Hi Ryan Farley, 

Thanks for the reply. Yes I am getting an error in the browser console "Uncaught Error: One or more filters are not filled, please fill in all filters and try again".

Here I have attached a screenshot.

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