Product in Order detail as a Section

Hello Creatio Community,

Because the detail 'Product In Order' in the Order Section is used exstensively (around 120.000 records in one of our instances) we would like to create e Section out of it,so that we use the advantage of (advanced filters).

We tried this in the Dev Environment. There is a new Section schema and a new Page schema created.

Will the creation of the Section bring problems to the overall architecture ? Is there some extra step that should be added ?



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Hi Community,

Any update regarding this topic ?


Hello Sasori,

I recommend following this guide for creating a section on an existing object:…


Best regards,


Hi Kate,

I have done the steps and things are working correctly.


One question:

->When I open a record from the newly Created Section (based on existing object) the URL is 'localhost:1000/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/OrderProduct1Page/edit'

->When I open a record from the Order Section and go inside the 'Product in Order' detail ther url is



So the Edit Page for the first case is  OrderProduct1Page and for the second one is 'OrderPageV2'. Arent the Edit Pages supposed to be the same ?



This is the expected behavior - we are always in the context of the currently open record, regardless of which other record we navigate to from it (the link does not change its value when navigating to another record). This behavior applies to records in the system when navigating to related records, and when switching to a different section/subsection of the system, the opening occurs in the same tab. 

So the same page is being opened, it's just that the link is generated according to the logic described above.


This behavior occurs when opening records in the same tab.

For example, if you navigate to a contact from the Case section, the link will remain as follows:


Best regards,




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