

I have this simple BP that has a Guid parameter which represents the Id of a real file inside the system. I take this file into a "Process file" element and tries to save it inside a specific Contact's attachment detail:


Then, in another "Process file" element up next, I take that file created inside the Contact's attachment detail in order to use it in the "Send Email" element:



However, upon checking both the email Activity created from this BP, as well as the Process log for this BP, nothing is attached:

Also, the resulting file collection from the second "Process File" element seems to be empty as well:



What am I doing wrong? I feel like this should work, it's a pretty simple example.


Thanks in advance,


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Your account attachments/files could be using one of two file locations/objects. With Freedom UI a generic " attached file" object was introduced that could be used with any object. However, many objects have specific file/attachments objects, such as "Account files", or "Contact files" (sometimes those are named "File and link of account"). Make sure that you're using the correct object based on what you have on the screens. To check this, open the page in the designer and click on the attachments list, you'll see the object the page is actually using there in the "File storage location" property. 


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Hi all,


In our project we need to produce with Creatio application some .pdf documents. In order to do this we found a Creatio Application (Aspose.PDF connector). This application is not free of charge.


We were wondering if exists an OOTB (free of charge) functionality to produce .pdf documents. We are asking since on our view 'production of .pdf document' must be an OOTB functionality. Moreover it's very hard to convince a customer that this functionality it not free of charge.


Best Regards



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By default, Creatio provides a plugin to be able to upload only in Word format.

PDF conversion in printables is available after installing this marketplace app https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/asposepdf-connector-creatio. The first 150 conversions are for free, but other conversions require additional payment (prices are available here https://purchase.aspose.cloud/pricing). 

So for test purposes, you can use the free 150 conversions provided in the app. 

We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.

Best regards,

Besides, this aspose means that your document will go through some 3rd-party service, that is not acceptable by many customers security polices.

So, it is extremely necessary to have this functionality inside Creatio system

Vladimir Sokolov,

Yes, the security issue is often brought up by our clients/prospects too !


This issue has years!

Clearly the less work to customer need ratio in the Creatio dev pipeline


I hope this is the time 


We've also had problems with the conection with aspose, besides the security issues, actual failures at certain time



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i built a process of giving permissions to users and i have that error what does it means ?

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Is the role that is being set using a formula? If so, that formula looks incorrect.

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Hi All, 



Attaching my source code file.


UsrDate -> Date 

UsrStartTime -> Time

CreatedOn -> Date/Time


I am getting following error in few records - 

Worklogs Integrations synchronized with errors: {"bd455ee2-8f6e-4aed-bafc-890304110ac3":"SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.","3d4508d8-bf40-48b4-ab65-d836c7c0b3da":"SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM."}

screenshot from the source code is below - 

Screenshot of the record is below - 



Is it because Start time is NULL ?

If yes how can I handle this in the code so that the records gets synchronized with NULL ?



File attachments
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I tried to do replicate the same situation. Activity table has a column SendDate which might be null. In business process i created a script task with the following code: 1

The result i got:
The values of SendDate columns in my Activity table were all null. All these values became the min value of datetime (1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM).

Your error message says that the datetime type in SQL Server has a limited range for dates it can store, specifically from January 1, 1753, to December 31, 9999. In .NET, the default value for DateTime is DateTime.MinValue, which is January 1, 0001. This default value is far outside the valid range for SQL Server's DateTime type.

After analyzing source code you provided i suggest taking a look at those lines of code and changing your sql command parameter types to SqlDbType.DateTime2:


Hope this helps

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I want to create a process whose trigger is the entry of a user through the SSO interface for initial connection and then I will build the process regarding permissions for each user. Can help with how my process trigger should be? 



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Unfortunately, it is not possible to trigger the process after successful logging due to how new sessions are added to the system. They are not adding through Entity logic, which is why they will not trigger process triggers.


For example, by reading from User Session object, you can find the last authorization to the system (and other information about this session):



But such a signal will not trigger due to the behavior that I mentioned earlier:


Such a solution is possible only by using some custom development.


Kyrylo Atamanenko,


can I ask you In the business process I am creating, do I use an element  (modify data) that updates the user's permissions (Organizational roles). is it possible? If possible, what object is this? 

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we have succesfully configured identity service and some processess integrating Creatio and other apps through Zapier. The problem is, the integration works in 30-50% of zap runs. In other cases we encounter error like this below:

What we concluded is that Zapier connector connects to our Creatio URL https://creatio.astor.com.pl, where it is redirected to login page and this is somehow the case. W changed the default timeout of login session to unlimited and it didn't changed anything.


We asked Creatio support about that and heard that "this connector is not supported by Creatio team so ask DevLabs" but DevLabs says on its Creatio Partner website that I should write a post here, in community. So now I do :) Please help us solve this puzzle, because without Zapier connector we are pushed to reconsider our next moves about Creatio development.

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The Zapier connector for Creatio is somewhat limited and does have some problems. Another option, plus much more reliable route (in my opinion) is to simply use Creatio webhooks. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/base-integrations/webhook-service-integration/overview

Zapier can easily send webhooks to Creatio, plus the use of webhooks is much more flexible and allows for a greater set of objects and fields to be used since the Zapier connector is limited to just a couple of objects (last I checked). 

Since your system looks like it's self-hosted based on the URL, assume you might need to contact support for getting webhooks setup for use.


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Hello, I have a [Object A] form page where I have an Expanded List (detail) inside it [Object B] created. In [Object B] I need to have multiple records, so now I need to make a relationship between [Object A] and [Object B], but the app doesn't show me a relationship between IDs or anything like that.

I've already tried manually creating a Lookup inside [Object B] pointing to [Object A], but I was wondering if there's a better way to do it?

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Best reply


You need to create one-to-many relations between these objects. To do this, you need to create a lookup column in each object that will refer to another object. After that, you will be able to use filters and relationships to display and customize the necessary lists.
You can't do it using no-code elements because this connection is set up at the object level.


You need to create one-to-many relations between these objects. To do this, you need to create a lookup column in each object that will refer to another object. After that, you will be able to use filters and relationships to display and customize the necessary lists.
You can't do it using no-code elements because this connection is set up at the object level.

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Ivan Savenko,

Dear Ivan,


I mean APP Icons, When I'm on App Hub and want to add a new app and assign it an icon, I can just access predefined icons. 


I need to know, if like in CLassic UI, I can upload my own.


Ivan Savenko,

Dear Iva, Hello Colleagues, some idea how to do what I'm asking? is it possible?


I believe you can add the image bytes into the SysModule record, however, I don't know of any easy way to do this without creating something to load the bytes into the table. The no code tools only allow for selecting from the list of choices.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan,


In Classic UI this were a daily task (In Section Wizard), I expect in some near future it could be available on App Wizard also to Freedom APPS




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Does anyone know what table they are in, I need to reset them once a year.


We, when a record is generated with Autonumber, we add to the Autonumber field, the year. So we need each year to have a new numbering, starting with 1.


Thanks in advance


Julio Falcón

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Hi Julio

The AutoNumber value is stored in a Sequence in the database (Postgres Sequence for cloud instances).
For example, you can get the last value of a sequence using this query:
SELECT last_value FROM "Contact_RId_seq".

To reset a sequence, you can use the following query:

Hope this helps!

Mohamed Ouederni,



1.- But, can I access this data from a process? 

2.- Have access to this object from a process, 

3.- How to determine which sequence correspond with a specific section?

I have not visible this table from a Creatio Cloud instance, I've enabled an autonumber field in contacts, for example, and not available the table mentioned by @Mohamed, see it


Hi Julio


1- You can run a custom SQL query from a Task Script.
2- No, you don't have access to the sequences.
3- The sequence name is identical to the column UId. You find it in the source code tab of the Object in Advanced settings.



Hello Julio,

Once you add the autonumber column, you'll need to get the UId for the column. You can open the object then select "Open metadata" under the Actions menu, the find the column and get the Guid for the UId. 

That is the name of the sequence in the database. If needed, you can use that to get the next sequence value using this where the guid is the UId for the column (for Postgresql):

SELECT nextval('ed398640-de69-842b-c50c-6c673da5aa98')

Then to reset it to 1 again you can use this (if needed, replace the 1 with whatever number you want the sequence to start at): 

SELECT setval('ed398640-de69-842b-c50c-6c673da5aa98', 1, false);

To do this via a process, you'll need to do a direct database connection and you'll use a script task, see https://customerfx.com/article/executing-direct-sql-statements-in-a-process-or-configuration-web-service-in-creatio-formerly-bpmonline/

Lastly, if you want to get what the last value/number used from the sequence was, you can use:

SELECT last_value FROM "ed398640-de69-842b-c50c-6c673da5aa98"


This is No Code ? In Classic UI was sImple, why in Freedom I need NASA certification to do this?


Yes, for now to reset the value it requires the database update (either by Clio, SQL Executor, or asking support to update the value). I do hope we'll get a UI to manage that at some point. The prefix is also set at the object level now, instead of a system setting - so that now requires an object publish to change rather than updating a setting.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for your support Ryan



Yes, unfortunately at this moment there is no possibility to reset sequence using No Code. But you can always contact support, and we will be happy to do it for you. We have created a request to the responsible development team to add this functionality in future releases.  

Antonii Viazovskyi,

Thanks Antonii

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After deleting an index from the object, I encountered an error after compiling and updating the database structure. How can I resolve this problem?




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Please publish the ContactCommunication object and then try to run all previous actions.

Kyrylo Atamanenko,


After publishing I get the same error

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