Hi Community, 


We are looking to insert non-contact macros in email template. We have an object with two fields - rate and duration. These fields are not connected to any object and have only one record. We want to insert these two values in an email template. How can we go about it?



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In the current version of the system, macros cannot be added from objects that are not linked to a contact or to bulk emails in the template. The object must be connected to a contact for the macros to be available. 


We created a request to our development department for further implementation in the next versions of the system. 

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Hi everyone,

I’m working on a custom web service and tried integrating Npgsql. After encountering a "no namespace found" error, I took the following steps:

  1. Added the Npgsql.dll file to the Tearsoft.web/bin directory.
  2. Modified the web.config file with the following binding redirect:


  3. <dependentAssembly>
        <assemblyIdentity name="Npgsql" publicKeyToken="5d8b90d52f46fda7" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  4. Restarted the IIS server.
  5. Flushed Redis via the Clio CLI.

After these steps, I'm now facing the following error: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (Screenshot attached for reference)

I've already checked assembly binding logging, but I’m unsure how to resolve this error. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated!

Additional Context:

  • Working with PostgreSQL using Npgsql in the custom web service.
  • I made changes to the web.config file after adding the Npgsql DLL.

    this is the current state for my local instance .

Thanks in advance!

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This issue requires a deeper analysis, and we advise you to create a case for Creatio support.

Thank you!

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Hello Creatio Community,


I am currently following Responding to an Change Event When a Field is Changed on a Creatio Freedom UI Page to auto-save the record when a number field is modified.

While the auto-save feature works, I’ve encountered an issue when filling in the number field. If I input more than two digits, the system interprets this as multiple changes (e.g., entering "125" is seen as three separate changes: "1", "12", and "125"). This triggers the auto-save and refresh process repeatedly, lasting around 30 seconds.

As a result, instead of saving "125", it starts saving and refreshing before I finish entering the complete value.

Is there a way to resolve this issue to prevent it from auto-saving prematurely while I'm still entering data?


Below is the script I am using for reference. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


Best regards,

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as I read in Academy (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customizatio…):

"Display the index of posts and comments that mention the current user or those to which the user is subscribed."

Actually when we don't use subscription (delete all records from 'Follow' object), mentioned posts are not displayed either. 
Besides, we would like to display there posts of current user.

Is it possible to make such modification?

Kind regards,

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We noticed that you have already contacted Creatio support regarding this issue. 

We will analyze this business case in detail and provide you with possible solutions within the case.

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Hello Community,


    I want to display Process Execution custom message on the UI while process in running status. 
    How can I display this message using a popup, similar to the one shown in the image below?


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Best reply

If you want to display toast messages from a process, you'll need to (1) have a script task in the process that sends the message to the UI and (2) code on the front end that receives the message and displays the toast message. 

For sending the messasge from the process to the UI, see https://customerfx.com/article/sending-a-message-from-server-side-c-to-client-side-javascript-in-bpmonline/

For the toast you can see that here https://customerfx.com/article/displaying-toast-message-popups-from-creatio-freedom-ui-pages/


If you want to display toast messages from a process, you'll need to (1) have a script task in the process that sends the message to the UI and (2) code on the front end that receives the message and displays the toast message. 

For sending the messasge from the process to the UI, see https://customerfx.com/article/sending-a-message-from-server-side-c-to-client-side-javascript-in-bpmonline/

For the toast you can see that here https://customerfx.com/article/displaying-toast-message-popups-from-creatio-freedom-ui-pages/


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Hello Creatio Community,


I am currently following Responding to an Change Event When a Field is Changed on a Creatio Freedom UI Page to auto-save the record when a number field is modified.


While the auto-save feature works, I’ve encountered an issue when filling in the number field. If I input more than two digits, the system interprets this as multiple changes (e.g., entering "125" is seen as three separate changes: "1", "12", and "125"). This triggers the auto-save and refresh process repeatedly, lasting around 30 seconds.


As a result, instead of saving "125", it starts saving and refreshing before I finish entering the complete value.


Is there a way to resolve this issue to prevent it from auto-saving prematurely while I'm still entering data?


Below is the script I am using for reference. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,

Like 1



The best option in this case is to make a saving after losing focus from the input. To implement it, you may use the blurred event on the input and add a custom handler, in which you can save the card.

Best regards,


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Hello Community,


                  I’ve built a custom page in Freedom UI to display my data in both List View and Calendar View. I implemented the logic in `SCHEMA_HANDLERS` and used `crt.LoadDataRequest` to toggle between the views. The logic works fine when switching to Calendar View for the first time.




1] When switching from Calendar View to List View and then back to Calendar View, the data disappears.

I have to refresh the page to make the data reappear in the Calendar.



Ajay Kuthe



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Please describe in detail how exactly this was implemented and provide screenshots of this button's settings.

Mira Dmitruk,


I used the 'Refresh data' action to trigger the 'crt.LoadDataRequest' and control the visibility of elements to switch between views (Calender and List).

Button Config

#Code Logic in Handler

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[{
    request: "crt.LoadDataRequest",
    handler: async (request, next) => {


// Check if the data source name is "ListOrCalenderView"
if (request.dataSourceName === "ListOrCalenderView") {

   // Retrieve the current view mode (Calendar or List)
   const IsCalenderView = await request.$context.IsCalenderView;

   // If the current view is not Calendar (i.e., it's List View)
   if (IsCalenderView === false) {
       // Set the Button caption to "List View"
       request.$context.ListOrCalenderView_caption = "List View";
       request.$context.IsCalenderView = true;
 // Set the ListView flag to false since we are now in Calendar view
       request.$context.IsListView = false;

   } else {
  // If the current view is Calendar, switch to List View
  request.$context.ListOrCalenderView_caption = "Calender View";   request.$context.IsCalenderView = false;
  request.$context.IsListView = true;





Ajay K

Mira Dmitruk,

Do you have any alternative solutions besides switching between List and Calendar views?

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Dear colleagues,


In a Freedom ListPage, I need to process all the records that a user selects AND REPORT THE RESULTS AT THE END.


I'm having trouble figuring out how to approach this task. Currently, as I understand it, we call a process with the ID of the record to be processed.


Is there a way to know when all the selected records have been processed and know which ones?


I'm trying to implement a temporary table to insert the IDs of the selected records, but for this, I need to have a unique ID in that temporary table so that if there are multiple users doing the same thing, the current user's records are not mixed up. To do this, I've edited the code of the page where the service call is made to pass a second parameter to the process, an ID that I need to generate, but the generated ID is always the same "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000":

			"parameterMappings": {
				"NotaCreditoID": "Id",
				"ProcesoID": Terrasoft.utils.generateGUID()


What am I doing wrong with this approach?


Here is an excerpt of the modified code:


define("NdosNotasCredyDeb_ListPage", /**SCHEMA_DEPS*/["@creatio-devkit/common"]/**SCHEMA_DEPS*/, function/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/(sdk)/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/ {


"operation": "insert",
"name": "Button_ft2cncy",
"values": {
	"type": "crt.Button",
	"caption": "#ResourceString(Button_ft2cncy_caption)#",
	"color": "default",
	"disabled": false,
	"size": "large",
	"iconPosition": "only-text",
	"visible": true,
	"clicked": {
		"request": "crt.RunBusinessProcessRequest",
		"params": {
			"processName": "NdosLiberaDescartaNC_CC",
			"processRunType": "ForTheSelectedRecords",
			"showNotification": true,
			"dataSourceName": "PDS",
			"parameterMappings": {
				"NotaCreditoID": "Id",
				"ProcesoID": Terrasoft.utils.generateGUID()
			"filters": "$Items | crt.ToCollectionFilters : 'Items' : $DataTable_SelectionState | crt.SkipIfSelectionEmpty : $DataTable_SelectionState",
			"sorting": "$ItemsSorting",
			"selectionStateAttributeName": "DataTable_SelectionState"
	"clickMode": "default"


On the other hand, has anyone done this in any other way? How?


Thank you very much



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Best reply

Hi Julio, 

As of Creatio 8.1.3 you can pass multiple records into a process using a collection parameter. This executes a single process for the collection of selected records. See an example in this article: https://customerfx.com/article/launching-a-process-for-multiple-records-in-a-creatio-list/


I'm also tried sdk.generateGuid(), I test it on the console and returns a Guid, but for some reason the parameters is not delivered to the process, what's wrong?

Hi Julio, 

As of Creatio 8.1.3 you can pass multiple records into a process using a collection parameter. This executes a single process for the collection of selected records. See an example in this article: https://customerfx.com/article/launching-a-process-for-multiple-records-in-a-creatio-list/


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan,


I know and I use them, the problem is the process ran for each record individually and if I need to detect when it processes all selected records, generate a report like "Selected records xxx, processed records yyy" and actually this is not possible 


At least I don't know how to do this.


Thanks again



Thanks Ryan, your article solves my problem, great job as usual




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Hello community,

I'm experiencing a problem with translations in Freedom UI.

I've a page with widget inside, the label specified in different languages are lost when I deploy the package on another instance.

How can I solve this problem?


thank you

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Hi Stefano,


We've had many problems with translation to PT_PT  in version  8.1.4, 

upgrading the system to 8.1.5 has solved the issues



thank you for your feedback!


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Anyone experienced the same error as me?


*UsrSomePage is not allowed due to ACL setup for *CurrentUser. Failed rules: - Object page settings rule.

HTPP: PostClient:


I have a classic page I'm trying to open from a freedom detail. My button works perfectly for Supervisor then opens the classic page, but for any other user it doesn't. The object has no permissions declared at the Object Permission section.

Let me know if you know anything.

I tried adding System Administrator to User and the button works, but I don't want to do that. Object has no permission set-up. 

Solem A.

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Best reply



The possible reasons, why user can't open the page:
1. User does not have permissions to page data source. 
2. The list page is not added to any workplace, available for user. 
3. Another page is configured for the current user (or his role) in the object related pages.


1. Set up correct permissions, workplaces (check 1-3 points above). 
2. Add page to the Whitelist of pages to bypass page opening restrictions lookup, if customer want to allow any user can open via direct URL regardless of configured permissions. 
3. Add user (or role) to CanBypassPageOpeningRestrictions system operation to bypass all restrictions. We strongly recommend to use correct configuration (not just bypass permissions) to provide the best level of security. 



The possible reasons, why user can't open the page:
1. User does not have permissions to page data source. 
2. The list page is not added to any workplace, available for user. 
3. Another page is configured for the current user (or his role) in the object related pages.


1. Set up correct permissions, workplaces (check 1-3 points above). 
2. Add page to the Whitelist of pages to bypass page opening restrictions lookup, if customer want to allow any user can open via direct URL regardless of configured permissions. 
3. Add user (or role) to CanBypassPageOpeningRestrictions system operation to bypass all restrictions. We strongly recommend to use correct configuration (not just bypass permissions) to provide the best level of security. 

Mira Dmitruk,

This worked for me, 

Add page to the Whitelist of pages to bypass page opening restrictions lookup, if customer want to allow any user can open via direct URL regardless of configured permissions.


Thank you!
Solem A.

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