Check email address validity in a business process

Hello community! 

I would like to know if there's an easy way to check whether or not an input string is an acceptable email address (mening that it contains at least "@.")

I would like to check the correctness of the input received by the user, no need to verify the validity of the email address (I know there's an addon in the marketplace for that). 

Otherwise I'll just stick to the old but gold "[#myParam#] !=  String.Empty" check.

Thank you in advance.

Have a great day (:

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Hi Federica, 

The very basic way to check for a character or a string inside another string is to use String.Contains('char') method. 

For example, you can use it in your conditional flow like this :

[#ReadDataUserTask1.First item of resulting collection.Notes#].Contains('@')


Best regards,


Hi Federica, 

The very basic way to check for a character or a string inside another string is to use String.Contains('char') method. 

For example, you can use it in your conditional flow like this :

[#ReadDataUserTask1.First item of resulting collection.Notes#].Contains('@')


Best regards,



Thank you Yurii! 


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