Hi all,

i have an issue, I have two fields: "Start Date" and "Duration". When I input the "Start Date", I want the "Duration" field to automatically calculate the years and months of how long the person has worked until today. How can I solve this? And can I use a business rule to solve this problem? 

i am using version 8.2.0


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Hello @Community,


I am using Creatio API OData4 to get the data from Creatio Object Collection.

I wanted to filter the data base on date and time. Is there a way to get only last 3 months data with Odata4?

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You can use the following filtering:
$filter=CreatedOn ge 2024-08-05T00:00:00Z



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we need to implement DateTime field, that will always display time without applying current user timezone, so value entered there should be the same for users in Asia or America. 

How is it possible to do in Classic UI?


Kind regards,


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Unfortunately, there is no out-of-the-box functionality to implement a DateTime field that ignores the user's time zone settings. To achieve this, custom development would be required.

Best regards,

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Hello Creatio team,

I try to create a Visit Activity, and i set the start time and due time

When i click Save, and reopen the record the due time is not 20:00 ( as i specified) but 18:00 (1 hr later from start time).

This happens only for activites of category visit

Any idea how to solve this ?

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do you have your Time Zone Set for your Profile?

Hello Keith.

I dont believe this is a Time-Zone problem.

For the same user, if I choose Activity of category Task, everytih works as it should be. 


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I'm trying to update a column of type date using Entity object as below:

//Example 1
entity.SetColumnValue("BirthDate", "2001-09-15");
//Example 2
DateTime Date = DateTime.Parse("2001-09-15");
entity.SetColumnValue("BirthDate", Date );

The second example modifies the value successfully but when I open in client side the value doesn't show.


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Which error message do you get in the console from the client-side when opening a record? Also which value is being stored in the database. Finally, what does this.get("BirthDate") returns inside the onEntityInitialized method execution from the client-side?


Best regards,


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Hi Team,

I would like to prevent selecting the future date in the date field.

Kindly help me with any insight on this.

Note: All the future date should be greyed out and is not able to select (if it is clicked it shouldn't be selected or populated in the date field).




Thanks in Advance!


Bhoobalan P.

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Hi Bhoobalan,


Please use the column validator instead that will do the same task:

setValidationConfig: function() {
          	dateTimeColumnValidator: function(){
              var invalidMessage = "";
              if (this.get("UsrDatetime1")>this.getSysDefaultValue(Terrasoft.SystemValueType.CURRENT_DATE_TIME)){
               	invalidMessage = this.get("Resources.Strings.ErrorMessage");
                return {
                  invalidMessage: invalidMessage

Just replace the UsrDatetime1 column with your date\rime column name and also create a localizable string with the "ErrorMessage" code.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks much for the precious response!

But still we could select the future date value, And after validation we throw a error message below the corresponding field name. 

We need to block selecting the future date, which could be possibly achieved via Jquery as below,


    maxDate: 0


How could we achieve the same in our CREATIO Date field ?


Bhoobalan P.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


This validator will also return a validation message upon saving a record with an incorrect date, so it's not possible to select the date\time grater than the current date\time:

And this is much easier than creating a custom logic for the date selector modal window so please use this approach.


Best regards,


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I have a business process that reads a collection of data.

Two of the fields that are being read are datetime fields.

Because the read data process reads many rows, I'm reading those rows in a script task and using the following code:


var ProductLines = Get>("ReadDataUserTask1.ResultCompositeObjectList");

    foreach(var ProductLine in ProductLines) {


It's very important to understand that inside the foreach loop I'M NOT TRYING TO GET THE DATETIME FIELDS, BUT OTHER STRING TYPE FIELDS.


Once I run the process I get the following error message:

Terrasoft.Common.UnsupportedTypeException: Type "System.TimeSpan, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" is not supported.

   at Terrasoft.Common.CompositeObject.Add(String key, Object value)

   at Terrasoft.Common.CompositeObjectListUtilities.Transform(ICompositeObject source, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 keyMap)

   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()

   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.InsertRange(Int32 index, IEnumerable`1 collection)

   at Terrasoft.Common.CompositeObjectListUtilities.Transform[T](IEnumerable`1 source, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 keyMap)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration.ReadDataUserTask.FillResultCompositeObjectList(IProcessParametersMetaInfo schemaElement, EntityCollection entityCollection)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration.ReadDataUserTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteElement(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)


I'm looking forward to having your assistance with the issue.


Best Regards,


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Hi Raz, 


Could you please provide a full script-task code you use so we will be able to test it at our end?




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I only have one option to add a date to my section. 


The problem is that it shows the date AND the time-


I just need the DATE.


How do I get just the Date?


Thanks for your help!




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Hello Heather,


Please go to configurations and find the object that represents the section where the date\time field was added. Open this object and find your date\field column there, click on it and select displaying all column properties:

Once done please change the data type to "Date":

and save and publish the object once it is done. As a result you will see only dates in this column.


Best regards,


Thank You!!!!!

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Hi all,

       I try to set current date when click button by function

       var today = new Date();

       this.set("UsrSentAt", { value: today });

       But system shows error "The entered value does not match the column type" and can't display value on datetime picker. How can I set value for it?


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Hello Toan!

Please double check if the "UsrSentAt" attribute has DATE type. 

Also, you should pass the value as it is, not creating the object.

this.set("UsrSentAt",   today );

For example:

I have created attribute 

"Date": {

                dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.DATE,

                type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN


And I was able to successfully set it :

onEntityInitialized: function(){



                var date  = new Date();

                this.set("Date", date);


Hi Alex,

Thanks for replying, see my screenshoot

Toan Mai,

Anyway, example that I sent above should work. Just pass the raw value in the set function instead of new object. 

this.set("UsrSentAt",   today );

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