Devlabs: Messages delivery using the queue

Dear Devlabs,


which version of IBM messaging queue is supported by the adapter from marketplace?



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Hello Valery,


Could you please elaborate on your question?

Please describe the desired result after receiving the requested information.


Thank you,


Hi Artem,


thank you for your feedback.


I want just outline what I expect. 

My expectation is the number of latest version of  IBM MQ with which the adapter works properly.






Hi, Valery!

We are using version of the external library from IBM MQ.

As such, the add-on is compatible with IBM MQ 8.0.

We haven't tested the compatibility with the latest versions of IBM MQ.

Yevhen Vorobiov,

Hi, Yevhen,


thank you for your reply. Please advise me about plugin compatibility with IBM MQ 9 (9.0, 9.1, 9.2) version.


Hi Valery!

Since we have not tested the compatibility with the latest versions of IBM MQ, we cannot provide an advice. You might want to test this on your end.

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