Hi Community,
I need to skip the mini-page which comes when we click "complete" on any user task in a DCM.As soon as the complete button is clicked the user task should be marked complete. Is there any way or examples to do so.
The method that is being called when clicking the complete button in the user-task is "execute" from the "ActivityDashboardItemViewModel" module. It checks if the item that needs to be completed has the mini-page or if it's an email activity or a process activity and then executes its logic. If none of the conditions are met the "execute" method from the "EntityDashboardItemViewModel" is called (parentMethod for the "execute" method in the "ActivityDashboardItemViewModel"). So in case you need to autocomplete the task you need to override the logic of this "execute" method (and unfortunately we don't have a specific example on this matter).
Best regards,
Oleg Drobina,
It seems we can not create the replacing schema for EntityDashboardItemViewModel or ActivityDashboardItemViewModel. Is there any suggestion where we can override the 'execute' method to add the custom logic?
Sourav Kumar Samal,
Actually there is a possibility to override this logic:
1) Create the module with UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModel name and the following code (copied the original code from the ActivityDashboardItemViewModel):
define("UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModel", ["UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModelResources", "ProcessModuleUtilities", "ConfigurationConstants", "EntityDashboardItemViewModel", "MiniPageUtilities"], function(resources, ProcessModuleUtilities, ConfigurationConstants) { Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModel", { extend: "Terrasoft.EntityDashboardItemViewModel", alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModel", Ext: null, sandbox: null, Terrasoft: null, columns: { /** * Process element identifier. */ "ProcessElementId": { type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.ENTITY_COLUMN, dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.STRING }, /** * Indicates if button "Execute" was clicked. */ "ExecuteButtonClick": { type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.ENTITY_COLUMN, dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN } }, /** * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewModel#initIconSrc * @overridden */ initIconSrc: function() { var iconSrc = resources.localizableImages.IconImage; this.set("IconSrc", iconSrc); }, /** * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EntityDashboardItemViewModel#addQueryColumns * @overridden */ addQueryColumns: function(esq) { this.callParent(arguments); esq.addColumn("Title", "Caption"); esq.addColumn("Type"); esq.addColumn("StartDate", "Date"); esq.addColumn("Owner.Name", "Owner"); esq.addColumn("ProcessElementId"); }, /** * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewModel#getProcessElementUId * @overridden */ getProcessElementUId: function() { return this.get("ProcessElementId"); }, /** * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewModel#execute * @overridden */ execute: function(options) { console.log("test"); var schemaName = this.get("EntitySchemaName"); var hasMiniPage; const parentMethodArguments = arguments; const parentMethod = this.getParentMethod(); Terrasoft.chain( function(next) { this.showBodyMask(); if (Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("OpenEditPageInDcm")) { this.hasMiniPageForMode(schemaName, Terrasoft.ConfigurationEnums.CardOperation.VIEW, next, this); return; } hasMiniPage = this.hasMiniPage(schemaName); next(hasMiniPage); }, function(next, hasMiniPage) { this.hideBodyMask(); if (!this._isEmailActivity() && this.isActivity() && hasMiniPage) { this.showMiniPage(options); return; } var elementUId = this.get("ProcessElementId"); var recordId = this.get("Id"); var config = { procElUId: elementUId, recordId: recordId, scope: this, parentMethodArguments: parentMethodArguments, parentMethod: parentMethod }; if (ProcessModuleUtilities.tryShowProcessCard.call(this, config)) { return; } parentMethod.call(this, parentMethodArguments); }, this ); }, /** * Returns true if it is task activity entity. * @private * @return {Boolean} True if it is task activity entity. */ isActivity: function() { var executionData = this.get("ExecutionData"); var schemaName = this.get("EntitySchemaName"); return this.Ext.isEmpty(executionData) || (executionData && schemaName === executionData.entitySchemaName); }, ////TODO #CRM-33987 /** * Returns if current activity is email. * @returns {Boolean} Returns if current activity is email. */ _isEmailActivity: function() { var activityTypes = ConfigurationConstants.Activity.Type; var typeLookup = this.get("Type"); return typeLookup.value === activityTypes.Email; }, /** * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewModel#onExecuteButtonClick * @overridden */ onExecuteButtonClick: function() { this.set("ExecuteButtonClick", true); this.callParent(arguments); }, /** * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewModel#onCaptionClick * @overridden */ onCaptionClick: function() { this.set("ExecuteButtonClick", false); this.callParent(arguments); }, /** * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.MiniPageUtilities#openMiniPage * @overridden */ openMiniPage: function(config) { if (this.get("ExecuteButtonClick")) { var status = { name: "ActivityMiniPageStatus", value: "Done" }; if (config && this.Ext.isArray(config.valuePairs)) { config.valuePairs.push(status); } else { config.valuePairs = [status]; } } this.callParent(arguments); } }); });
the only modification was console.log("test") to check the override.
2) Create a replacing view module for the SectionActionsDashboard with the following code:
define("SectionActionsDashboard", ["UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModel"], function() { return { mixins: {}, methods: { initDashboardConfig: function() { this.callParent(arguments); const dashboardConfig = this.$DashboardConfig; const activityItemsConfig = { "Activity": { viewModelClassName: "Terrasoft.UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModel" } }; Ext.merge(dashboardConfig, activityItemsConfig); this.$DashboardConfig = dashboardConfig; }, }, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; } );
3) Refresh the page after saving these two modules.
As a result you can modify the "execute" method logic in the UsrActivityDashboardItemViewModel module.
Oleg Drobina,
I have tried the exact same steps, but getting the below error,
Is there anything I missed?
Sourav Kumar Samal
Sourav Kumar Samal,
the same approach on my side doesn't return an error. You need to double-check all the code and that it has the same content as mine shared above.
Oleg Drobina,
I tried in a different instance, the error didn't come. But when I click on "Complete", it refers to the ActivityDashboardItemViewModel in stead of SKSActivityDashboardItemViewModel.
Also, I can see initDashboardConfig referencing to the correct schema, but still execute method is not,
Sourav Kumar Samal,
Hi, did you mange to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Kind regards,