I am currently customizing the Account module in the Freedom UI and encountering an issue with the PDS_UsrBillToNumber_volqoyn field. This field is an integer field bound to PDS.UsrBillToNumber in the model configuration.

My goal is to remove the comma separator from this field, but the solutions I have tried so far have not worked. These include:

  1. Using useThousandSeparators: false in controlConfig.
  2. Setting useGrouping: false in the numberFormat object within controlConfig.
  3. Modifying configurations in the format object for field values.
  4. Implementing custom methods for formatting.

Unfortunately, none of these approaches have yielded the desired result. Could you kindly guide me on the correct implementation or suggest an alternative solution?

Like 4



Hello Shraddha,

Currently this task is impossible to accomplish with no-code/low-code tools. I have tried to do similar approach as described here: https://community.creatio.com/questions/freedomui-format-number-list-view-without-commas but did not achieve anything. I tried to add eventListenere on the input and replace any non-digit character, but again i could not achieve anything. Anyway i will inform R&D team, so in the nearest future this might be implemented.

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I am trying to create a business rule that 'hides elements' based upon the 'current user account' as below. I interpreted this variable as the account that the current user's 'Contact' is assigned to. Is this correct? I can't seem to get it to work as intended.



I have added myself as a contact to an account as below.


Is there any way to set up a business rule to show/hide or set read/write permissions based upon whether the current user is assigned to an account?


Thanks in advance,



Like 3





If you want to hide the element for certain users and display it for others based on selected data, you need to hide the element by default first. Then, configure it to allow visibility under specific conditions.

If the element is displayed by default and you try to configure it to show for specific roles, it will not work as expected because the element is already visible to everyone by default. In such cases, you should configure it for hiding instead.

Additionally, please note that business rules should not conflict with each other. If they do, the business rules will not function correctly.

More information can be found in our documentation: 


Best Regards, 

Thanks Orkhan. Super helpful, much appreciated!

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 "operation": "insert",
 "name": "ComboBox_asw7mde",
 "values": {
   "layoutConfig": {
     "column": 1,
     "row": 2,
     "colSpan": 1,
     "rowSpan": 1
   "type": "crt.MultiSelectComboBox", or crt.ComboBox
   "label": "$Resources.Strings.PDS_GenContactRoles_vm2smp6", 
   "labelPosition": "auto",
   "control": "$PDS_GenContactRoles_vm2smp6",  
   "listActions": [],
   "showValueAsLink": true,
   "controlActions": [],
   "visible": true,
   "readonly": false,
   "placeholder": "Виберіть ролі", 
   "tooltip": "Вибір ролей контакту"
 "parentName": "GridContainer_035sekm",
 "propertyName": "items",
 "index": 2


and my filter is: handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
   "request": "usr.OpenLookupRequest",
   "handler": async (request, next) => {
       type: "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest", // Відкриваємо сторінку пошуку
       scopes: [...request.scopes],
       $context: request.$context,
       entitySchemaName: "Contact", // Вибір контактів
       schemaName: 'DefaultLookupPage', // Загальнодоступна сторінка для вибору контактів
       itemAttributeName: 'ComboBox_asw7mde', // Вказуємо атрибут ComboBox для запису вибраних значень
       afterClosed: (result) => {
         if (result && result.selectedRows) {
           // Отримуємо всі вибрані значення
           const selectedValues = result.selectedRows.map(row => row.displayValue); // Вибираємо displayValue кожного елемента
           alert(`Вибрані значення: ${selectedValues.join(', ')}`); // Виводимо всі вибрані значення
       filtersConfig: {
         filterAttributes: [
             name: 'MyFilter',
             loadOnChange: false
         attributesConfig: {
           MyFilter: {
             value: {
               "items": {
                 "29e16d42-36f1-4e04-9029-4321cbb2494d": {
                   "filterType": 1,
                   "comparisonType": 11,
                   "isEnabled": true,
                   "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false,
                   "leftExpression": {
                     "expressionType": 0,
                     "columnPath": "Name"
                   "isAggregative": false,
                   "dataValueType": 1,
                   "rightExpression": {
                     "expressionType": 2,
                     "parameter": {
                       "dataValueType": 1,
                       "value": "Super"
               "logicalOperation": 0,
               "isEnabled": true,
               "filterType": 6,
               "rootSchemaName": "Contact"
     return next?.handle(request);

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I do not quite understand what you are trying to achieve, if you want to implement a multi-select, then this option will be fully available in version 8.2.1.

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Hi, all senior mentors, 


   While configure the "Task" in business process,  I can see dozens objects in "Connected to" setting , however, I can't find "Product" object inside the selection list? How can I add these objects not in the list to this task?
   Thanks in adv. 



File attachments
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In order to achieve your business idea you firstly need to create a connection between the Activity object and the object of your need (Product). You can find an example of how that can be achieved in this community post:



After that the needed object should appear in the "Connected to" list of objects.

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How can I get the information of this json to put in different fields so I can use them in business process. 


{"signer_data":{"name":"laura@artica.digital","authority":"Vinculada a Correo Electrónico por Liga","id":1655735,"email":"laura@artica.digital","fingerprint":"66bf3e0a67ba87d5aeae33e5e98db771968aae83","box_id":"wxjXMgLPz","box_data":"laura@artica.digital","signature_date":"2024-12-19T19:31:59Z"},"signer_email":"laura@artica.digital","signer_fingerprint":"66bf3e0a67ba87d5aeae33e5e98db771968aae83","signer":1655735,"user":233645,"notification_type":"original_signed","notification_id":"3639332","first_notification_date":"2024-12-19T19:32:03Z","document_title":"INFONAVIT. PM005690004564500002NUEVA ASIGNACION SIN BORRADO (1).pdf","firmamex_id":"af8b17ab-9dc0-4130-8f6e-65e24134e596","text":"Document af8b17ab-9dc0-4130-8f6e-65e24134e596.pdf just signed"}


i get this json for a webhook. 



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Currently, to parse values from webhook via business process you would need to use a custom script task element. Also, you can read more information on how to process webhooks here.


Basically in this community thread is already was provided an answer - https://community.creatio.com/questions/parsing-webhooks



Thank you, I manage to pass the json to the parameters using the next example https://community.creatio.com/questions/help-parse-json-i-get-webservice-variables-can-after-introduce-creatio-object


but i get an error in the process 


Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Terrasoft.Configuration.UsrForCustomObject.Meta]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly.
To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List<T>) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object.
Path 'meta.signer', line 1, position 18.
   at Terrasoft.Common.Json.Json.Deserialize[T](String value, Func`2 func)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrProcess_e6a76c0MethodsWrapper.PerformJsonDeserialize()
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrProcess_e6a76c0MethodsWrapper.ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessScriptTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.CallInternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)



The method that I use is this one 


public void PerformJsonDeserialize()
	var passedValue = Get<string>("PassedJSONString");
	if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(passedValue))
		UsrForCustomObject testCustObj =Json.Deserialize<UsrForCustomObject>(passedValue);
		Set<string>("Parsedname", testCustObj.name);
		Set<string>("Parsedauthority", testCustObj.authority);
		Set<string>("Parsedsigner", testCustObj.meta[0].signer);
		Set<string>("Parsedreason", testCustObj.meta[0].reason);
		Set<string>("Parsednotification_type", testCustObj.notification_type);
return true; 



Can you help me know what is the problem? I think is related with this part UsrForCustomObject testCustObj =Json.Deserialize<UsrForCustomObject>(passedValue)  but I already try changing that to 
DeserializeDictionary(String) or Deserialize<T>(String, JsonSerializerSettings)

and i still have the error 


thank you 

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Hi ,


I have installed 64 bit ms word plugin for creatio. In order to connect i am using the same password and user name which is reflected in the account but still it says log in incorrect.

Any inputs on this would be really helpful.



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Please note, that logging into Word Plugin with 2-factor authentication turned on is disabled for now, so please make sure it's turned off. Also make sure if the appropriate plugin version has been installed, verify if your System type is in compliance with plugin version 64 bit. 

Instruction for proper installation is available with this link: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customization-tools/print-ready-reports/install-creatio-plug-in-for-ms-word

Also use this insttuction to disactivate 2-FA, go to point 3 and instead of enabling it, please disactivate it: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/setup-and-administration/administration/user-and-access-management/authentication/set-up-two-factor-authentication

Thank you !


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I'm working on a use case where I created a section 'Concert'. When I open any concert record It has some records related to 'Performance Detail'


Now I have to perform validation on PF_Duration Column. The Query is following:
"Perform verification whenever user adds or modifies a performance as follows: if the total duration of the concert performances exceeds the system setting value (see above), saving a performance record should not be permitted. Instead, a user should receive a message informing that no more than “N” total performances duration is allowed. “N” is the system setting value." 
N = 150 minutes

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We are using Case records for mentoring requests. Case generation happens via an API call. Upon case closure we're looking to send out an email invite to user with a link to a survey web form on our website. We have the survey response fields already created within a new Case tab in Creatio:


The problem is that we're not quite sure which endpoint to use to get the users' form submission data into the survey response. I've tried a GET to the case object but don't see these fields returned, raising questions about how to POST it correctly. Ideas?

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If the fields were added in the designer, open the case object directly and do a publish and you’ll likely see the fields via the API. 

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When I try to create the package for certification and adding ProductCore as a dependency, the following error appears: 





This error happens with every dependency that I try to add to a new package, I deleted some old packages before  but I can´t pinpoint the exact issue.


How do I solve this? Thanks in advance 

Like 2




This error occurs because the data is not bound to the shown in the screenshot objects: "SysModuleEntity". Please follow the described steps to bind data and solve the error:

1. Create a "Data" element in your package. Example in screenshot below.

2. Select the SysModuleEntity object. Example in screenshot below.

3. On the "Bound Data" tab, add the id specified in the error. Example in screenshot below.

4. Save changes

Best regards,


Thank you for your help!

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Hi Guys, We have checked the free Whatsapp tool by creatio but that is limited to only inbound messages however we want to send outbound messages to our team internally. How is that possible. I saw some other connectors but they are too costly.

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According to the basic logic of WhatsApp chat integration, you can receive chats and write in response to chats within 24 hours of the recipient's last message. However, the integration does not provide the option to send messages from Creatio before people wrote to you or outside the 24 hour window. Also, the integration does not have the ability to create tasks and notifications for the person in charge of the chat.

As a workaround, you can create a business process with the addition of a script to integrate with https://www.twilio.com/ and initialise the chat on your end. After that, responses to such messages should be available in Creatio chat.

You can contact Creatio support to get a package with a ready-made business process for sending WhatsApp messages (using a script for integration). You will then need to customize the integration to work specifically with your twilio number and account. 

We have also registered a request for the R&D team to expand integration capabilities and added your case to the request.

Best regards, 

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