

How can I transfer the email template between DEV to QA?




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Hi, you need to bind EmailTemplate & SysImage




how can i know which one to bind?

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Generate the process using BPM tools to export the data to SFTP location

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Creatio does not currently have built-in functionality to upload files automatically through a business process. Files can only be uploaded manually via the “Files and Links” detail. 

Thank you!

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Create a two folders in contact page Active users and Inactive users and add 2 buttons Activate and deactivate, after selecting multiple records from contact page when ever we click on deactivate the selected records should me moved to Inactive users folder and it shouldn't  available in Active folder, and from Inactive folder after selecting multiple records and after click on Activate all the selected records moved to Activate folder. how to achieve this using business process.

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To set up something like this u will need:


At first create process which which will deactivate user depends on contact Id. I named it Deactivate sub.


  1. 1. Add parameter "Contact" type "Id"



2. Setup read data element, to find the user connected to this contact.



3. Modify this user.



Then create a parent process that will run "Deactive sub" i named it Deactive.


  1. 1. Add parameter collection and add inside it parameter type Id.



2. Add a subprocess parameter which is "Deactivate sub" and set process parameters.



Add a button to the page, and set it to run the process as it shown on the screenshot.



Use this to create a similar process for activating users. However, I recommend adding checking if a user exists for this contact.

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I'm trying to get all items in my detail list on freedom ui in the handler: "crt.SaveRecordRequest".
When enter in this handler, I need to read the values from an especific field from all items in the detail (In the image below you can see the field).
How can I access all items?

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Here is the example of a handler where I read all values displayed in the list of contacts on the account form page:

                request: 'crt.SaveRecordsRequest',
                handler: async(request, next) => {
                  if (request.itemsAttributeName == "GridDetail_9ib3s20"
) {
                    const gridDetail = await request.$context.GridDetail_9ib3s20;
                    let nameColumnValues = [];
                    gridDetail.forEach((item) => {
                  return next?.handle(request);


GridDetail_9ib3s20 - is the attribute name for my test list.

As a result the array of names was logged in the console:

So you can try the same approach on your end.

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Dear colleagues,


In Classic UI when ran a process we can get resultParameterValues in Client Code.


I need to do the same but in Freedom UI client module,


I saw some code like this in Academy, Community and so on, but didn't any who shows us how to get process output paramaters

const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
const result = await handlerChain.process({
    type: "crt.RunBusinessProcessRequest",
    processName: "UsrSomeProcess",
    processParameters: {
        AccountId: await request.$context.Id,
        InputParameter1: "Some Value 1",
		InputParameter2: "Some Value 2"
    $context: request.$context
if (result.success) {
    // process was sucessfully executed


Please help



Julio Falcón

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I saw in the debugging is there some resultParameterValues in the response, but is null and I have one output parameter?



Solved! due the debugging resultParameterNames element I tried and works, here the result


// Inicialize Process input parameters
var ClienteObject = await request.$context.NCSDetalleDelPedidoDS_NCSCuenta_kn04jps;
var LugarPobladoObject = await request.$context.NCSDetalleDelPedidoDS_NCSLugarPoblado_g8rmatm;
var ProductoObject = await request.$context.NCSDetalleDelPedidoDS_NCSProducto_cuzrngv;
if ( ClienteObject == null || LugarPobladoObject == null || ProductoObject == null ) {
	await next?.handle(request);
/// Run process
const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
const result = await handlerChain.process({
	type: "crt.RunBusinessProcessRequest",
	processName: "NCSPrecioFinalProductoPedido",
	processParameters: {
		DetallePedidoID: await request.$context.Id,
		ClienteID: ClienteObject.value,
		LugarPobladoID: LugarPobladoObject.value,
		ProductoID: ProductoObject.value
	/* Process Output Paramters */
	"resultParameterNames": [
	$context: request.$context
// Result is OK?
if ( result.success && result.resultParameterValues[ "ProcessesRanOK" ] ) {
	// OK, get price
	request.$context.NCSDetalleDelPedidoDS_NCSPrecio_leqtalu = result.resultParameterValues[ "PrecioFinal" ];
} else {
	// Some error msg
	console.log( "Error getting price" )


Julio, excellent find - I assume the start of the process needs to be marked as "run in background" = false? Can you check if your process is marked that way?



Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan, 


Yes, I have configured it as you indicate. Happy to help you!


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Hi All,


We are trying to insert data in a datetime field in contact table from database via API. But the time shown in Creatio is different from the database. For example - one record shows as 2024-01-15 16:54:48.000 in the database whereas in Creatio it shows as 1/15/2024 10:54 AM. We are in central timezone and user profile is set to central timezone. How can we correct this?



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Actually it occurs because all dates savings in DB in UTC time zone and only then converting to users according their timezone settings. But when you making API request it returns date same as in DB. There is no possibility to change this behavior at this moment.

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Hello community


I would like to monitor the progress of the "Generate all schema" request,

While for the "compile all" request I can monitor the progress by checking the build.log file in c:\windows\temp, the "generate all schemas" does not loggine anything.


Do you have suggestions?

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Indeed, we do not log this anywhere, as it’s handled at the database level. We’ll create a task for the R&D team to consider implementing this in future updates.

Thank you for helping make Creatio better!



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I've got two separate cases where a contact's phone number is displaying as [#PhoneNumber#]:

I've checked the Submitted Forms for both contacts and in each case a phone number was entered:

However, when I look at the Submitted form in table view, the phone number shows up as [#PhoneNumber#] again:

Do you know what might be causing this?


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Unfortunately, without advanced information about your form setup, it is impossible to tell what exactly went wrong with the number registration.

You can provide the setup in the topic so other users would have a better idea of what exactly is causing the number to be rendered in such a format or create the support ticket so the Creatio employees will have a chance to research this issue.


Thank you for being an active part of the Creatio Community!

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Hello community,


I've configured an entity with a column with default value from system settings.

When I install the package I received the error the system settings used for default does not exist.

What am I doing wrong?

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Did you include the system setting (SysSettings) and the system setting value (SysSettingsValue) in the package as well?


Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan

Both SysSettings and SysSettingsValue are defined.

I've done some test and the problem is the missing value in the SysSettingsValue.

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Hello Creatio Community,


I am currently following Responding to an Change Event When a Field is Changed on a Creatio Freedom UI Page to auto-save the record when a number field is modified.

While the auto-save feature works, I’ve encountered an issue when filling in the number field. If I input more than two digits, the system interprets this as multiple changes (e.g., entering "125" is seen as three separate changes: "1", "12", and "125"). This triggers the auto-save and refresh process repeatedly, lasting around 30 seconds.

As a result, instead of saving "125", it starts saving and refreshing before I finish entering the complete value.

Is there a way to resolve this issue to prevent it from auto-saving prematurely while I'm still entering data?


Below is the script I am using for reference. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


Best regards,

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