
I am currently working on a functionality within our Creatio system where I need to open a mini page that is part of the Classic UI by clicking a button in a Freedom UI section. Despite my efforts, I have encountered some challenges in achieving this integration.


Could you please provide guidance or any relevant documentation on how to successfully link and open a Classic UI mini page from a button click within a Freedom UI section? 


Any tips or best practices you could share would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You.

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Hi Satyam, 
You can try using crt.7XRequest with action 'EditRecord'/ 'AddRecord'. Please see this article on community : https://community.creatio.com/questions/base-function-lookup-value-clic…

Yurii Sokil,

The Terrasoft modules are also still available. You can use the same code as in classic UI, something like this will work in a Freedom UI request: 

	parameters: {
		entitySchemaName: "Activity"
	valuePairs: [
		{ name: "Type", value: "fbe0acdc-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6" },
		{ name: "Contact", value: contactId },
		{ name: "Account", value: accountId }
	miniPageSchemaName: "ActivityMiniPage",
	operation: Terrasoft.ConfigurationEnums.CardOperation.ADD,
	showDelay: 0,
	miniPageSourceSandboxId: null


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Hello all,


Is there any way yet to disable Creatio automatically generating packagess and adding dependencies? It seems to completely disregard my current package system setting and Creatio's assigns dependencies to go in circles which then takes more time for me to clean up. Half the time when I remove dependencies, I go back to make a save in a package and Creatio assigns more dependencies that I don't want.


I end up with so much junk packages in the database with nonsense App_ues323 names and I can't find a way to turn it off.

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Hi Kevin, you need to disable the Feature called UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy. In yor instance must add this "/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage" after cretio.com to open the Features Page, search the feature, disable (turning off the “Is enabled” and “Is enabled for current user”), save and click on  button "Clear Cache".



Julio Falcón


Are there any caveats to doing this Julio?

Gareth Osler,

This basically just reverts the behavior to use the "Current Package" system setting, even for all Freedom UI stuff. I have more info on that here: https://customerfx.com/article/reverting-the-behavior-for-saving-pages-in-the-creatio-freedom-ui-designer-to-use-current-package-setting/




The new package is creating if changes have been made to the application, but its main package is locked.


When developing an application, you can force the application not to create a new empty package, but to save changes to the package you created.
This can be done by disabling the UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy system feature - it is responsible for the logic of checking and creating a new package for the application, as well as the CurrentPackageId system setting and the Installed application and Package lookups. 

Now you will need to specify the package (recommended Custom) in the CurrentPackageId setting.

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Hi all, 


any sol for this available? I am completely new to Creatio and wanted to set dependencies (ProductCore) for a new package. I always get this error.


Best; Greg 





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This message is referring to the data elements in your package. There are sections added to workplaces in the package (SysModuleInWorkplace) but the Workplaces they are added to are not bound in data elements in the package (SysWorkplace). To resolve, look at any data elements for SysModuleInWorkplace in your package and make sure you add a data element for SysWorkplace for the workplaces that the sections are in.


This message is referring to the data elements in your package. There are sections added to workplaces in the package (SysModuleInWorkplace) but the Workplaces they are added to are not bound in data elements in the package (SysWorkplace). To resolve, look at any data elements for SysModuleInWorkplace in your package and make sure you add a data element for SysWorkplace for the workplaces that the sections are in.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks alot!

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Could you please tell me what you mean by "why my object is not saved"? 

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Hello community,

I'm trying to add on freedom edit page the Recordinactive field, but the designer doesn't list  the field.

In classic UI I can add the Recordinactive field


How can I solve this problem?

thank you

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The reason lies in the type (UsageType) of the RecordInactive= "Advanced" column, which is why the system does not display it in the designer. Unfortunately, there is no way to change this column type.

However, there is a workaround that will allow you to use the feature, namely the "DisableBlockingSystemColumns" feature that needs to be created and enabled for users that you need to have the rights to use such system fields.
1. Go to the link: https://SITENAME.creatio.com/0/Features
2. Add a new parameter:
3. Create a new parameter called "DisableBlockingSystemColumns", then add the role that well have the access to it, enable the checkbox and save the changes:
4. Relogin to the site.

However, this will allow users who have this option enabled to see other restricted and system columns in the system. We recommend using this approach in the "extreme" case, if the work of this functionality is critically important.

In addition, we have already created a task for our development team to fix this issue. Unfortunately, we have no exact ETA at the moment, since the task is at the initial stage, but it may be included into one of the next releases.

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I know that the emails sent via Creatio are in the Activity table, but how about the the emails sent by a business process? Can I find those emails somewhere?


Thank you,

Rares Ivan

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To be able to see these emails, you need to enable logging in the advanced settings in the Email Sending process element. 
After that, you can find the emails in the Activity table or set up a dashboard to view them.

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Can the DCM be made read-only based on the status of another object?


For Example, I have an Account object linked to a form page with a DCM for account status (Active, Terminated, and Never Active) and a Contract object with statuses of "active" and "inactive" connected to the Account object, can changes to the DCM status in the Account be prevented when the Contract status is not "active"?

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While DCM lacks a direct feature to check another object's values and restrict access based on that data, a simple no-code workaround can be implemented. Add a subprocess as the initial step in the DCM stages. This subprocess will check the related contract status, and if it's not 'Active,' it will notify the user and revert the stage to the previous one.

Alternatively, you can create a button that allows the user to select the desired stage. The system will then verify if the record can be transferred to the selected stage.

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Thank you for your input. Appreciated. 

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Hello! Does anyone know how to add an iframe to a specific entry in the details?
It’s just that an iframe should appear inside a specific entry below the values. It will appear when a detail entry is active.

Thank you in advance!

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Mobile Creatio lets you send logs to system administrators. To do this:

1.Make sure the “Email for sending permission requests” (“MobileEmailForPermissionRequests” code) system setting includes the correct email address.

2.Open the settings page. Instructions: Mobile Creatio settings page.

3.Tap the Send logs button.

As a result, the logs will be sent to system administrators.

The above steps was not working ,could you please provide more info on this.

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Could you please specify what exactly does not work? At what step do you experience difficulties? Do you receive any errors during the process?

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Can I set column values when using crt.CopyRecordRequest ? 
I have a use case where I need to create a copy of the record but change several column values in the new record. 
Is there a way to do it? 

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If this is being done via a model copy (See https://customerfx.com/article/copying-a-record-from-client-side-code-using-the-model-class-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/) then yes, you can update values, then finally insert the new record that was created from the copy. The article linked shows how to do this.

If this is from the Copy menu on a list, then you'd have to change that to use your own request, then copy, set the values, insert, in your own custom code.


If this is being done via a model copy (See https://customerfx.com/article/copying-a-record-from-client-side-code-using-the-model-class-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/) then yes, you can update values, then finally insert the new record that was created from the copy. The article linked shows how to do this.

If this is from the Copy menu on a list, then you'd have to change that to use your own request, then copy, set the values, insert, in your own custom code.


Hi Ryan, 

I was just calling the request from the button. Another thing is that if you call it from any page other than [object]_ListPage it’ll open the classic ui page, rather than the freedom UI page. 
I’ll definitely give the approach you described a try, I’m sure it’ll work. 
Thanks a lot!

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