Hi Community,


I created a new user and added sections for this user in a separate workspace. I added lookups section; but the user is getting following error "Insufficient rights to go to this section. Contact your system administrator."  for lookups section, can you confirm how can the user access the lookups section?



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I have an object called ItalVinculacion, and inside it I have to read the content of ItalProduct, which is also an object, and obtain the values ​​of ItalEjeAplicacion and Type, which are objects within the product.

This is my code:

var autoId = Get<Guid>("IdAuto"); // ID del auto en ItalAutosNormalizados
var IdProduct = Get<Guid>("IdProduct"); // ID del producto de la nueva vinculación
var IdAxis = Get<Guid>("IdAxis"); 
var IdSubFamily = Get<Guid>("IdSubFamily"); 
if (IdProduct == Guid.Empty) {
    return false;
// Buscar vinculaciones existentes con el mismo auto
var vinculacionEsq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "ItalVinculacion");
// Acceder a las columnas del objeto relacionado ItalProduct usando alias
var ejeAplicacionColumn = vinculacionEsq.AddColumn("ItalProduct.ItalEjeAplicacion");
ejeAplicacionColumn.Name = "ItalEjeAplicacion";
var typeColumn = vinculacionEsq.AddColumn("ItalProduct.Type");
typeColumn.Name = "Type";
vinculacionEsq.Filters.Add(vinculacionEsq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "ItalFleetID", autoId));
var existingVinculaciones = vinculacionEsq.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);
int maxPriority = 0;
bool isDuplicateFound = false;
foreach (var vinculation in existingVinculaciones) {
    var existingEjeAplicacion = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("ItalEjeAplicacion");
    var existingType = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Type");
    // Comparar GUIDs correctamente
    if (existingEjeAplicacion.Equals(IdAxis) && existingType.Equals(IdSubFamily)) {
        isDuplicateFound = true;
        var existingPriority = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("ItalPriority");
        if (existingPriority == 0) {
            vinculation.SetColumnValue("ItalPriority", 1);
            Set("ItalPriority", 2);
        } else {
            Set("ItalPriority", existingPriority + 1);
            vinculation.SetColumnValue("ItalPriority", existingPriority + 1);
        break; // Salir del bucle si se encuentra un duplicado
    maxPriority = Math.Max(maxPriority, vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("ItalPriority"));
// Si no se encontró un duplicado, establece la prioridad de la nueva vinculación
if (!isDuplicateFound) {
    Set("ItalPriority", maxPriority + 1);
return true;


And this is the error:

Terrasoft.Common.ItemNotFoundException: Value "ItalProduct.ItalEjeAplicacion" was not found.


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Try using ItalEjeAplicacionId instead of ItalEjeAplicacion. This is the only assumption for now.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks Oleg, I'll try it.

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I dont know what to fill in the tenant id field in creatio office 365 setup, pls kindly help

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Best reply



The Tenant ID value should be taken from the "Directory (tenant) ID" in Azure.



The Tenant ID parameter needs to be filled in only if the user uses the Office 365 (Graph API) service type. When switching to the Graph API, the user will gain the ability to automatically create Teams meetings.


This is not a mandatory field if you are using Exchange and Office 365 (EWS) and not using Office 365 (Graph API). 

You can leave it blank.





The Tenant ID value should be taken from the "Directory (tenant) ID" in Azure.



The Tenant ID parameter needs to be filled in only if the user uses the Office 365 (Graph API) service type. When switching to the Graph API, the user will gain the ability to automatically create Teams meetings.


This is not a mandatory field if you are using Exchange and Office 365 (EWS) and not using Office 365 (Graph API). 

You can leave it blank.



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I need to create a page in freedom UI and add it as a section without linking it to a model, meaning that this page operates freely without having a business object related to it.


The purpose is to call external API and retrieve values to be populated in a table/list, and it does not need to be related to any model inside creatio. No need to add-edit-delete for the model, a free customizable page that I can fully control from code level.



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I create such pages in the business process - predefined page

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Is there a way to do something like the list of products in order in the mobile application?

I am creating a custom section with the same functionality, but it has to be able to be reflected in the mobile application.

I would like to know if it is possible to do it in the mobile application or an alternative since the idea is that users can select records from a catalog and have them included in a new record. 

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Hi Laura,

You can find an example of this implementation in the following link:

Additionaly, here you can find a link tree with all the information you would need for mobile application development.

I hope this helps. Have a great day!

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Hi Team,
When i am trying to Change from Freedom UI to Classic UI in mobile but it is not changing to classic UI.
In the Mobile Workplace of the Mobile Application wizard, when I uncheck the option to disable the Freedom UI and save the changes, it still shows as enabled when I reopen it. As a result, I’m unable to switch from the Freedom UI to the Classic UI.



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It's likely that the package you have set as the Current Package is higher up in the dependencies than a package that has the Freedom UI option checked, so it's taking precedence over yours. 

Check to see if there is a package that contains MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace that is lower down in the dependency list, possibly one in Custom. That is likely what is causing yours to not work.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for the Suggestion, I am able to switch to Classic UI now

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Hi all.
I've been doing LDAP integration setup (which is start "Run LDAP import" Process) in creatio.

For Local (Onsite) environment has ben success import data from LDAP but for the cloud environment always error with message:

System.Exception: LDAP import error: 22021: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00.
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.RunLDAPImport.InsertLDAPElementsScriptTaskExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.CallInternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

anybody know the problem and how to solve it?

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Best reply


The issue you have reported happens because you are trying to use the format of the values, which isn't supported in PostgreSQL. In order to fix the issue, you should exclude system groups with pre-Windows 2000 support from the synchronization. 
To resolve this issue, please change the group filter to the following:

Best regards


The issue you have reported happens because you are trying to use the format of the values, which isn't supported in PostgreSQL. In order to fix the issue, you should exclude system groups with pre-Windows 2000 support from the synchronization. 
To resolve this issue, please change the group filter to the following:

Best regards

Ivan Savenko,

Thanks, its worked

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Hi Community,


I have three objects: Contact, Accounts details, AccountContact. Contacts has contact details unique on email address. Contact and Accounts details have many to many mapping with AccountContact being the mapping table. We have created lookups in accountcontact table on contact and accounts to get the mapping. Now we want to show all the accounts in Accounts details for a contact in an expanded list on the contact form page. How do we reach from contact object to accounts via accountcontact object? Screenshot of the properties of expanded list attached

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Unfortunately, I didn't fully understand your task. Could you please provide a schematic representation of the table relationships and the data you want to display on which page?

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Hello. One of our recent emails had quite a few "delivery errors". When I went in to look more closely, the Reason Details says "Reason details: Sending failed and all attempts to resend failed" 

While it's clear the sending failed, there's no detailed context as to why it failed (i.e. Invalid email, unsubscribed, etc). Please advise on how to gather more concrete and detailed data. Thanks.


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For a more detailed analysis, please contact support@creatio.com.


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Hi Team,

When creating a new custom UserTask, I notice that certain field types like 'Unlimited length text' and 'Localizable String' are available in existing UserTasks but are missing in my custom UserTask.I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this. Thank you in advance.


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Dear Mahalaxmi,

Thank you for reaching out regarding the missing parameter types in your custom UserTask.

The “Unlimited length text” and “Localizable String” parameter types, which you noticed in existing UserTasks, were removed starting from version 7.17.0. 

These parameter types are still present in UserTasks created in previous versions for backward compatibility, but they are no longer available when creating new UserTasks in the latest versions.

I understand how this might be unexpected, and I appreciate your understanding.

Best regards,

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