I was creating a button that runs a simple business process that sends a mail.
The problem is after altering the schema of the Portal user profile and adding a button the business process doesn't run nor gets mentioned in the process logs for tracing.
here are the codes used in the schema to run a bp in the portal contact page :
define("SspProfileContactPage", ["ProcessModuleUtilities","css!UsrCSSPortalProfile"], function(ProcessModuleUtilities) {
return {
methods: {
OnClickTest: function(){
var args = {
sysProcessName: "UsrProcess_e179057",
parameters: {
test: "testing"
this.showInformationDialog("Busniess process triggered");
"operation": "insert",
"name": "UpdateButton",
"parentName": "Tabc34c9c60TabLabelGroup654f02cd",
"propertyName": "items",
"values": {
"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
"caption": "Update Info",
"style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE,
"click": {
"bindTo": "OnClickTest"
//"tag": "OnClickTest",
"hint": "TEST BUTTON"