Hi community,

in my local environment the "Indexing for full-text search" is missing, the section settings page show me "System object".

In my local env I don't have global search configured.

How can I set this field in my package ?

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Hello Stefano,


The checkbox will only appear if the global search service is set up for the local environment. Please refer to this article.


Best regards,


Hi Anastasiia,

How can configure the package that contains this custom entity to index it?

If I don't have gs configured locally

Stefano Bassoli,



If there is a need to add this parameter to the package, you can enable the checkbox via UI and the change will be added to the current package. As mentioned, the checkbox will only appear if the global search service is set up for the local environment.


Best regards,


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I am doing a process where I want to create a new record  but I want that the field account fills automatic using a business process, but when I add the record it doesn't pass this information to the section, it shows a blank field, additionally i want to set the name of the record with a formula so it show the name of the account to complete the name but it doesn't pass this data. 


I first  tried to add the record and establish the fields that i want to be fill. Then I tried to first add the record and then modifty it to add the fields that i want to be show. And lately i tried using a subprocess to add the fields, but anything of the things that I tried haven't work. 

Can someone help me please? 





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Hi Laura, 


We'd need to perform a deeper analysis in order to understand and resolve your issue. 

Please forward this question to our support team. Don't forget to provide the external access to your system. 

Best regards,


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Dear mates,

On opportunity detail page, I've added a filter to display only the contacts in the account:

Here is the business rule :

As a result, if the contact's professional experience is not his or her main experience, the contact does not appear in the list.

For example, this account has two contacts :

For Julie LEZORAY, this job is not her main job :

As show on the first image, this contact does not appear in the opportunity contact list because the contact's account is not the main job.

Is it possible to make a business rule based on the contact's professional experience, which would allow the contact to appear in the list even if it's not their main experience?

I can not find the contact career object in the business rules.


Thank you,


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Unfortunately, there is no possibility to use complex filters for business rules setup. We have this idea registered for our R&D team and I will notify them about this question to increase the importance of implementing this functionality.

Hello Sergii,

Is is possible to disable Job Experiences management in Creatio ?


is it possible adding code on the OpportunityClient object in order to select all account's contacts even if the contacts job experience is not the primary one ?

if it is a current job experience, it's enough.


Hello Nicolas,


Simply make sure that both your contacts are connected to the account:

The filtration business rule you have returns contacts related to the selected account and in your case one of the contacts is not connected to the account selected in the opportunity from your example.

hello oleg

that's the meaning of my question

if the contact's professional experience is not the main one, but if the contact is still part of the company, then the system filter doesn't display the contact.

I'd like to change this behavior.

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Hi all, 


Does anyone have a clue why the following error would appear when trying to run any business process? All our business processes suddenly stopped at 01.00 on Sunday night.


I have asked support, but received an estimate resolution of 2 days, so asking here in the hope someone has seen this before as currently the system is unusable. 


And on that note. Does anyone have any suggestions on what they do in these situations? 2 days seems a bit ridiculous when 40+ users are unable to do their jobs!





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Try to generate source code for all schemas and compile the application.

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Hi community,


I need to take an array of data in a business process and then format it into a table that's inserted into an email (send email task), also within the business process.


Does anyone know if there is a way of doing this? 



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Hi Harry,

Here is an article that outlines how to do that: 



Thank you Ryan, great resources as always. 

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Dear Community,


I am struggling with the use of collections in scripts within a business process.


It seems that a collection of records has these properties: 

Item | Keys | Values | Count | IsReadOnly 


However I cannot seem to access them. 


This is what I wish to accomplish:

I receive data from a webservice, I want to parse this data into a list of keys and a list of values.


Thank you.

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Hello Pascal,


The webservice should return a JSON string with a predefined set of keys that then should be parsed in the busines process. So you know the list of keys (since the Webservice should return the exact list of keys, not the random set of keys with random names) and what is left to be done is developing a business process that can parse the result. For example you can use the approach discussed here, where the response from a Webserivce was successfully parsed and use the same approach on your end.

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Hi Everyone,


I am still learning Creatio and have a simple issue. While making order requests, I want to add multiple contacts to my orders. There is no predefined number of contacts. It could vary from order to order. What would be the best way to have this in creatio? I was thinking of having a button that creates a new Dropdown field in which users can select a contact. And every time he clicks on the button, it creates a new field. Is that possible? or is there any other and better way to do this?


I have also tried an expanded List but that just displays all contacts. I don't want it to show them all. I want some kind of selection etc.

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Hello Hassan,


Could you please provide the screenshots? It will help for a better understanding of your question.

Mariia Sorochan,

Hi Mariia,

Sadly, I dont have a screenshot I am just looking for guidance on how to make it. In my orders, I want it to show a list of employees to which this particular order will be assigned. It should be some kind of selection in which I can select multiple employees and because later on, I also want to trigger a Whatsapp or Mobile message to them that the order has been assigned to them. Thanks!

Thank you for the details. Maybe you mean the section "Owner"?

Mariia Sorochan,

No Owner is different. He is the one that's making the entry into creatio. These are the general employees of the company to whom we are assign these orders. Let me give you the scenario. We have orders in our system. These orders are assigned to multiple people. They are not the user of Creatio platform. They are junior employees that pick those order and confirm with us

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Hello Community, 

I had to write a code in the custom Handler to perform many validations based on the field values before saving a page. 

Currently the handler contains almost 2000 lines of code, also it also contains duplicate lines of code in two different places.

I wanted to avoid it and need to split the code into multiple functions. 

Is it possible to do it in Freedom UI?



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Hello Gargeyi,


In Freedom UI the best option would be - to move your large handlers logic to separate schemas and call them when required.


Here is an example how it may be done:


1) Create a custom Module, where executive code would be stored (It would be better if you use the same package. At least, make sure that the package with handlers is within dependant ones of the package with requesting schema)


2) Fill our new module with the required logic



3) Add our new module to the main Schema resources


4) Use Global functions


Example result:


As you may see on Contacts_FormPage we had "Raw Data for Global Handler" that was transformed into "Resulting Data for Global Handler" using a global method in a separate schema. This method may be called several times instead of duplicating the code.


This approach should let you optimise your methods.


Best Regards,



Hello denis, 


Thankyou for your suggestion, I will try using it. 

Hello Denis, 

This works well, But I am not able to use Model class in the new module. 

I have added the dependencies as well. 

Is there any possibility to use the model class to read/Write/update the fields in the new module ?




I've been able to use the sdk classes, such as model, from modules without issue. Can you share some of the code for how you're using it? Also, which version are you on? I did experience some somewhat related issues with using referenced modules in 8.0.6 but were resolved in 8.0.8.


Ryan Farley,

I am using version 8.0.8, Attaching the sample code I tried using sdk classes . When I am trying to load RoadSegment, It throws me an error saying "RoadSegment.load is not a function".


Suggest me if I am doing anything wrong here .

Hello , 


Is there a way I can use Modal classes to read data from new module?


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Hello, the system does not log in, what is the problem, please tell me?

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Please contact support team via support@creatio.com for further assistance as more details are needed to proceed with investigation. 


Best regards,


It looks like you're using HTTPS, make sure you've made the config file changes for HTTPS. See here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/application_se…


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Hello Community, 


I have an editable detail with a field type as lookup, user can update the lookup. 

when user selects lookup value from the dropdown and click on save all button for the editable detail, a business process(the business process is designed to run the process for each item) gets triggered to calculate other fields in the record. 

when I do this for a single record I am able to see the changes with no issues, 

But when I update multiple records, I could not see the latest updates for all the records except for the one record. But when I do a refresh page, I am able to see the updated values.

I have  checked the option "Enable Live Data" for the detail object as well. 

Any suggestions are really helpful





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I believe your business task could be achieved by using ''Refresh active page' process element for Creatio.

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