Can I create an advanced search query on a section to represent the following? 

where field1 IN (Val1,Val2,...)

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Dear Kumar, 

Are you asking about the usual OOB advanced filter in the section? 

Just want to make sure that I understand your question correctly. 

Kind regards, 


Yes that is correct. Using the OOB, is there a way to do such query? I know, query for a lookup field with multiple values its possible. But how about non-lookup type fields, like string etc..


With non-lookup types it isn't possible with the out of the box filter tools as an IN operator. You'd have to rethink it and instead of an IN operator, you'd have to group several conditions together with OR - so instead of field1 in (Val1,Val2) you'd have field1 equals/contains Val1 OR field1 equals/contains Val2 (grouped together)

Oh, the challenge we have is, I have about 150+ values I need to do the query for.. Doing a OR grouped query is very tedious, isn't it? 

Is there any other better alternative? 


Unfortunately, there are no other options to use the advanced filter with the mentioned conditions. 

However, we have an idea registered for our R&D team to add this functionality in future releases and we will add your request to the backlog so to increase the idea's priority. 

Kind regards, 


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Hey community !


TL;DR : How can I Read data from  a lookup that was fetch in a previous Read data ?


I have a business process that is called when a field in an object is changed. Based on this, I get the object ID and read the data from it. Until then, no problem.


This object contains lookup fields (they are all filled in) and I also need to read the data from these objects.


Here is my business process, I will explain what I do after the screenshot :


So my "Candidat retenu" signal passes the object ID which is changed to "read recruteurs" and I ask for all the lines in the recruteurs object :


Based on the data received, I have my second read data (read contact) which I have configured as follows:


All read data are very similar after that:

"read opportinite" : Opportunité.id = read recruteurs.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Opportunité

"read Soft skill 1" : custom = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 1

"read Soft skill 2" : custom = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 2

"read Soft skill 3" : custom = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 3

"read Soft skill 4" : custom = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 4


Based on all previously queried table I create a new object "candidature" :


All fields which I try to query data from are filled in.


Unfortunately when the candidature object is created the only fields that are filled in are the fields from "read recruteurs" and the "Disponibilité" field and I don't understand why. In the process diagram everything's "working" :


I don't have any errors and I don't understand what are my mistakes.


How can I query data from objects previously queried like I'm trying to do ?


Thanks in advance for your response !


Best regards,



Julien Gunther

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Dear Julien,


Try to contact the support team via It is necessary to have the access to the website to have and have a look at entire process. Most likely you linked some elements incorrectly, it is necessary to find the place. 




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hi all 

first of all i have 2 sections (Returns - Events) , and i have customized contacts section and by adding detail in it with these specs


- Add a new “Returns” tab.

- Add the following elements on the “Returns” tab

- The “Return requests” detail with the list of requests initiated by the current contact.

 - The “Total ticket return amount” metric



after that  i need to do this next detail 

 - Create a new “Tickets” detail without creating a new section. (done)

- The detail must contain the following fields:

 “Owner” (a contact). (done)

 “Ticket cost”.  (done)

 “Event”. (done)

“Return type”. (done)


 - The detail must be displayed on the page of return request and the user must be able to specify tickets from the current request on the detail.

- Set up the detail object: 

-The detail must inherit permissions from the return request.

- The records on the detail must be deleted automatically if the request is deleted


the last 4 points i don't know how i do them ? 





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If i understood you correctly: 

1. The detail must be displayed on the page of return request and the user must be able to specify tickets from the current request on the detail. 

Add Lookup field "Returns" (in my case it's going to be "Account") to the object of your detail. In [Data Source -> Lookup] select "Returns"

Then, when you're adding the detail to the page please set following settings: 

2.- Set up the detail object: 

-The detail must inherit permissions from the return request. 

After you've added lookup column "Returns", scroll down to "Access Rights" and select "Returns" in the field( see screenshot, in my case the column looks  up Account section, so it's " account")

 - The records on the detail must be deleted automatically if the request is deleted

Select your lookup column (in my case it's Account) and select "Delete objects from current object with this value. 

That way, when the return is deleted, all the tickets associated to that return will also be deleted 

Best Regards,



If i understood you correctly: 

1. The detail must be displayed on the page of return request and the user must be able to specify tickets from the current request on the detail. 

Add Lookup field "Returns" (in my case it's going to be "Account") to the object of your detail. In [Data Source -> Lookup] select "Returns"

Then, when you're adding the detail to the page please set following settings: 

2.- Set up the detail object: 

-The detail must inherit permissions from the return request. 

After you've added lookup column "Returns", scroll down to "Access Rights" and select "Returns" in the field( see screenshot, in my case the column looks  up Account section, so it's " account")

 - The records on the detail must be deleted automatically if the request is deleted

Select your lookup column (in my case it's Account) and select "Delete objects from current object with this value. 

That way, when the return is deleted, all the tickets associated to that return will also be deleted 

Best Regards,


Yurii Sokil,

thank you 

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Hi all !

On the account section, i would like to filter accounts which have not received any email

I tryed to used the "History on account section" with the Object email but it looks like it did not work because in my example below the account is having an email in its timeline tab.

On the account i ve an email record in the history tab:

Does anybody knows how can i retrieve accounts with no emails history ?

Thank you


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It is necessary to use this filter to use this filter:






It is necessary to use this filter to use this filter:




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Hi Team,

 we can see this warning popping up when downloading the report and when we click on yes the excel says it has modified certain cells.. Can you please advise what could be the reason?

I had manually verified the existing live data with the report data and it matches correctly. Can this warning be ignored? we are only noticing this warning on random days. Please advise.


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Hello Gokul,


Hope you're doing well.


Please make sure you're using the Excel product that contains the latest updates. The next article can be useful for resolving the issue you have mentioned:…


Also, in case the data are downloaded correctly these warnings can be ignorred.


Best regards,


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I have this Business process which acceps parameters. It has input-parameters of various datatypes.


But when I call this business process as a Sub-process and use the input parameters, it seem's to be expecting only Strings.


Business process parameters:

Error on Sub-process element:


Schema has errors: Cannot convert type "Boolean" to "String" 
for the item or parameter "SubProcess1.FilledBySender".
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Hello Julius, 

Such behavior doesn't occur on OOB version of the application. 

Please contact the support on and provide us with the website address and business process name. 

Best regards, 



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Hi Team,


We are trying to provide access to newly created activity but instead it provides access by default to all the employees and owner of the activity.


We have written a process, were as soon as the activity is created we modify the access by removing access to all the users and by providing access to certain user.


But, the process gets called but the access doesn’t get assigned or removed as provided in the process design.


It still shows access to all employees and owner of the activity.


Question : How do we provide access to certain user while activity is created.


Attached, screenshot of the activity object permission. 

Process written for the assigning the access to the activity

The access of the activity after the process has been completed.




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Judging by the screenshot of the process you've sent the element "Set up Access rights " is not connected to the process. Please make sure it's connected and try again. 

If the issue persists don't hesitate to reply to this message. 

Best regards, 


Few questions ,


Who creates the activity ? Is it a admin or non Admin user ? 

If its non admin user then the above process will not work since the process owner would be a non admin role and in this case you may need to do some changes in the system settings for the user to give access. 


Let me know if this solves .


Thank you for the answer, it makes perfect sense. This may certainly be the case as well. 

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Dear Community,

Please help me  with accessing System Setting inside a configuration service/ Source code.

Thank you.

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Hello S Gokul Aditya, 

Could you please specify what exactly do you have problem with? 

Are you not able to find System Settings in the configuration? 

Are you able to find the Systems Settings but not able to change the values? 

Looking forward to your response. 

Best regards, 


Hi Gokul. You can access system settings inside source code using the Terrasoft.Core.Configuration.SysSettings.GetValue method. Pls find below a code snippet - 

var settingName = "UsrMyCustomSetting";
var appConnection = HttpContext.Current.Application["AppConnection"] as AppConnection;
var settingVal = Terrasoft.Core.Configuration.SysSettings.GetValue<string>(appConnection.SystemUserConnection, settingName);

Alternatively, you can also use the UserConnection as against SystemUserConnection used above.

This question has been answered in this Community question already -

The above code snippet is available here -

Thank you Shrikanth. I will check these links.

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Hi Team,


  1. Supervisor provides access. To a user to read and edit already exiting dashboard tab
  2. But as soon as the user logs in, he is able to view the dashboard but has no option to edit it as the edit button is disabled?


Question : is there a way for the user to edit the dashboard post the access is provided to edit it ?




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Hello Amritha, 


Such situation can occur if this user does not have access to dashboards editing. To grant him access, double-check the operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record) as well. It should resolve the issue.  


Best regards, 


Thanks Anastasiia,


But, we don't want to give the complete Dashboard access to the a user/role. If we do add the user/role in operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record). By default the user/role will have access to all the tabs present in the Dashboard.


We want to restrict a user/role to a certain tab only not to add and then remove access from the remaining tab


Or create a new Dashboard based on the roles/users.


Is there a way in general Dashboard, i create a tab/use the old tab as shown in the above screenshot and give access to a user and when the user logs in can view/edit only that tab not the rest of the tabs?




Amritha Mayan Gorky,



By a default the Dashboard object permissions are set as on the attached screenshot: 


So this way All employees can edit all the dashboards and it will be enough to "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard to prevent All employees from editing this dashboard or grand Edit permission for a specific user.  


However, in case the operation permissions will be removed (not granted for a specific user/role) the user will not be able to Edit the dashboard even if he is added to  "Set us access rights" of a specific dashboard. 

I would advise you to set the Dashboard object permissions as mentioned and in case you need to restrict access to the dashboard for a specific role/user simply configure the "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard. 

Best regards, 


Thanks Anastasiia. This works perfect !

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Zapier to Creatio connection went well.

However when creating a zap between LinkedIn and Creatio, only some Creatio fields are visible. - We cannot see / connect in Zapier to all the fields we know are in fact within Creatio.


In Creatio we have a name field. We can see this in Zapier

In Creatio, we have social media field. However we cannot see this connection in Zapier

How can we alter the Zappier connection to see all fields we have in Creatio?

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Hi Mark,


The Zapier connector only lets you integrate out-of-the-box fields of Accounts and Contacts sections. The 'Social media' field is not available in base Creatio products.

Ivan Leontiev,

Hi Ivan, Thanks for your help..

Is there any work around. All we want to do  is to have a field to

1) categorise the lead, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. for easy filtering and reporting in Creatio

2) have a field capture a profile

Two fields. Currently Zapier ONLY lets us-name, job title, phone, email, notes and account. (notes is already used). I am sure there are more out of box fields, but Zapier is not letting us see these. see Any suggestions?

Mark Houllier,


Hi Mark,


I think Creatio Zapier integration is still in the beta stage. It has limited actions and triggers.

You can go further and use Zapier Run Code Action to call Creatio REST API to create Lead / Contact with all the available data from Linkedin.

Here is the Zapier documentation for code actions in javascript:


Mark Houllier,

What I have done is create my own webhook. I wire up the webhook as the receiver of the zap in Zapier and the webhook uses OData to pass the data along to Creatio. It's a pain, especially since you have the host the webhook somewhere, but at least you can make it work with any object & columns in Creatio.


Mohamed Ouederni,

Thank you Mohaamed, I will look closer into your suggestion.

Ryan Farley,

Thanks as well Ryan I'll pass your information on.

Hi Mark,


Thank you for the detailed description of your business goals. I have forwarded your feedback to the relevant team.

Ivan Leontiev,

What's the roadmap for the Zapier connector?

Can you share more information?

Hi Mohamed,



The team in charge of the connector is currently fixing some errors. They are also planning to develop an option to import lead data to Creatio.

Hi Ivan, Its a great connector, as feedback for development it will certainly be significant help to the connector 'connect' to more than name, email, phone and notes etc. Personally, I propose the connector, connects in addition =>, 'lead source', from out of the box OR can see and identify the customer created fields. Any further fields that allows easy filtering. Thanks for help.

Hi Mark,


Thanks for the feedback. We have relayed your response to the responsible team.

Any News on the development of the Creatio / Zapier Connector ?

Hi Damien,

This is to inform you that the Creatio Marketplace has a new version of the Zapier connector. This updated connector provides the ability to create workflows with any columns of Creatio sections and details.

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