
we have succesfully configured identity service and some processess integrating Creatio and other apps through Zapier. The problem is, the integration works in 30-50% of zap runs. In other cases we encounter error like this below:

What we concluded is that Zapier connector connects to our Creatio URL https://creatio.astor.com.pl, where it is redirected to login page and this is somehow the case. W changed the default timeout of login session to unlimited and it didn't changed anything.


We asked Creatio support about that and heard that "this connector is not supported by Creatio team so ask DevLabs" but DevLabs says on its Creatio Partner website that I should write a post here, in community. So now I do :) Please help us solve this puzzle, because without Zapier connector we are pushed to reconsider our next moves about Creatio development.

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The Zapier connector for Creatio is somewhat limited and does have some problems. Another option, plus much more reliable route (in my opinion) is to simply use Creatio webhooks. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/base-integrations/webhook-service-integration/overview

Zapier can easily send webhooks to Creatio, plus the use of webhooks is much more flexible and allows for a greater set of objects and fields to be used since the Zapier connector is limited to just a couple of objects (last I checked). 

Since your system looks like it's self-hosted based on the URL, assume you might need to contact support for getting webhooks setup for use.


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Hello I got that error after configurated Zapier and Creatio (1.0.1) with Leadfeeder.


Error Message

Creatio (1.0.1)

Unexpected token < in JSON at position 4


What does it mean? 

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Hi Lebouteiller,
We recommend using the "Run business process" event. In that case, Creatio's internal logic will handle creating a record rather than DataService.

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Hello Danielle, 


Could you please double-check whether you have followed all the steps from the installation guide, also there is a video overview:

If so, could you please clarify on which step exactly the issue occurs?


Best regards,


Dear @Anastasiia, at this time is no any video on the documentation of Zapier connector. At this time also I Cannot do it work

Hello Julio,

Could you please elaborate on your issue?

Best regards,


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Hello, I'm trying to get data from Zapier and create a new leads I'm getting this error when I test Any clues ? Failed to create a record in Creatio (1.0.0) The app returned "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).".

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Hi Luigi!

This error emerges when filling out the lookup field with something other than Guid data.

For example, the "Account" lookup field in the interface has a readable value, but on the database level, the field contains a Guid value like this: 5fbcefb0-0491-4f76-95bf-7294c351a95b


When setting up column mapping, make sure to fill out the lookup field with a Guid value from the drilldown. A custom value will trigger this error.


Hi Luigi,


Interested to know if you have done this through a webhook, or what was your approach? I have been trying to do this without luck when sending form data to Creatio via WebForm Service. 


Thanks in advance


I have the same problem, some tricks?

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Has someone ever integrated CREATIO with a DRUPAL website ?


You want to be able to capture leads from the DRUPAL website and automatically add the leads into CREATIO.


Several options :

- Creatio LP code added to the website

- Zapier

- Piesync

- others...



Thanks for your responses...


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Hello Francois,


Hope you're doing well.


If I understood your request correctly at the moment there are no such Marketplace applications/add-ons which would allow connecting the Leads generated by Drupal sites to the Creatio application. Thank you for giving a nice idea! We have created a request for developing and further implementation of this kind of functionality for our R&D team.


At the same time as a possible solution, the JS script which is being used for HTML sites (on the Landing page in the Creatio application) should be converted/translated to PHP.


Best regards,


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Zapier to Creatio connection went well.

However when creating a zap between LinkedIn and Creatio, only some Creatio fields are visible. - We cannot see / connect in Zapier to all the fields we know are in fact within Creatio.


In Creatio we have a name field. We can see this in Zapier

In Creatio, we have social media field. However we cannot see this connection in Zapier

How can we alter the Zappier connection to see all fields we have in Creatio?

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Hi Mark,


The Zapier connector only lets you integrate out-of-the-box fields of Accounts and Contacts sections. The 'Social media' field is not available in base Creatio products.

Ivan Leontiev,

Hi Ivan, Thanks for your help..

Is there any work around. All we want to do  is to have a field to

1) categorise the lead, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. for easy filtering and reporting in Creatio

2) have a field capture a profile

Two fields. Currently Zapier ONLY lets us-name, job title, phone, email, notes and account. (notes is already used). I am sure there are more out of box fields, but Zapier is not letting us see these. see Any suggestions?

Mark Houllier,


Hi Mark,


I think Creatio Zapier integration is still in the beta stage. It has limited actions and triggers.

You can go further and use Zapier Run Code Action to call Creatio REST API to create Lead / Contact with all the available data from Linkedin.

Here is the Zapier documentation for code actions in javascript: https://zapier.com/help/create/code-webhooks/use-javascript-code-in-zaps


Mark Houllier,

What I have done is create my own webhook. I wire up the webhook as the receiver of the zap in Zapier and the webhook uses OData to pass the data along to Creatio. It's a pain, especially since you have the host the webhook somewhere, but at least you can make it work with any object & columns in Creatio.


Mohamed Ouederni,

Thank you Mohaamed, I will look closer into your suggestion.

Ryan Farley,

Thanks as well Ryan I'll pass your information on.

Hi Mark,


Thank you for the detailed description of your business goals. I have forwarded your feedback to the relevant team.

Ivan Leontiev,

What's the roadmap for the Zapier connector?

Can you share more information?

Hi Mohamed,



The team in charge of the connector is currently fixing some errors. They are also planning to develop an option to import lead data to Creatio.

Hi Ivan, Its a great connector, as feedback for development it will certainly be significant help to the connector 'connect' to more than name, email, phone and notes etc. Personally, I propose the connector, connects in addition =>, 'lead source', from out of the box OR can see and identify the customer created fields. Any further fields that allows easy filtering. Thanks for help.

Hi Mark,


Thanks for the feedback. We have relayed your response to the responsible team.

Any News on the development of the Creatio / Zapier Connector ?

Hi Damien,

This is to inform you that the Creatio Marketplace has a new version of the Zapier connector. This updated connector provides the ability to create workflows with any columns of Creatio sections and details.

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I recently started using Creatio Zapier integration and loved how it syncs contact information with my Google Contacts. Saves a lot of my time.


However, on a regular basis multiple times a day, Zapier sends me the following error:

Error Message: bpm'online (1.0.0): The app did not respond in-time. It may or may not have completed successfully.


Because of this regularly repeated error, Zapier has now turned off my integration.

Your Zap titled "Google to Creatio contact" has been turned off because we're getting repeated errors nearly every time we try to run it.


Who can from Devlabs help resolve this issue?

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Hello Ammar,


Please make a screenshot with the zap settings so that we can reproduce the issue. Make sure to edit your confidential information out.


We also need to know if the error appears at any time or during non-business hours only.

Alexander Demidov,


https://prnt.sc/xahfmf - Google Contacts trigger

https://prnt.sc/xahjn3 - Creatio Action Event: create contact

https://prnt.sc/xahmp4 - Data from Google fetched

https://prnt.sc/xahon9 - Error Description

http://prnt.sc/xahq43 - after so many errors, Zapier halted the zap


The error happens at any time.

Hello Ammar,


Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We have reproduced the issue and submitted it to the responsible team.


Currently, we are waiting for them to dissect the issue. After we get the results, we will come back with further instructions for the next step.

Hello Luis,


Seems like your error occurs for another reason.

Please make a screenshot with your zap settings so that we could analyze it further.


thank you!

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I am trying to get the details of leads from clickfunnels to google sheets and then using a zap to get them into the instance which are only coming in as contacts. But I want those details to enter the CRM as leads and not as contacts and accounts.


Is there a way to get the Leads into the instance? I can only see option for Contacts and Accounts in Zapier.



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I created my own Webhook for this purpose and have Zapier call my webhook to pass the data, then I use OData in the webhook to create the lead in bpm'online. The webhook I created was very simple, it's basically just receiving the data from Zapier as fields in the form body from a POST - there really isn't much to a webhook, but you do need a place to host it. 

I'd prefer not to do this, I would love to have the official Zapier tasks for bpm'online allow for more entity types. 

I am pretty sure you could accomplish the same using a landing page and have Zapier call the endpoint for the landing page and you'd modify the payload in Zapier to match the field names of the landing page. I believe this should be possible, but I have not tried it yet. 


Can not agree more.... Zapier has lots of capabilities and if only we could use it to its full potential.

Ryan Farley writes:

I would love to have the Zapier tasks for bpm'online allow for more entity types

Hi @ryan. 


Did you setup your webhook via Zapier Webhooks? I seem to have set up everything correctly, but am. getting the error:



{resultMessage:"Not allowed request URL.",resultCode:-1}


I'm using https://hooks.zapier.com as the request URL. 


Do you have any ideas? 




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Looking at creating leads via the Web-to-Object service but sourced not from a web landing page but an API service.  The documentation seems to imply I can do this as this is an external system.

I was trying to post JSON data to this Web-to-Object service from Zapier with their generic POST action.  The process runs successfully, but a "Not allowed request URL" message is returned from my bpm’online instance or landing page record.  I know from a previous forum post here the Website Domains property needs to be set properly.  I have tried their domain, subdomains, and others per their support (e.g.  hooks.zapier.com).

Is the Website Domains “whitelisting” feature only apply to actual web page sources or does this restriction work with external services like Zapier (or Mulesoft, custom)?  Any help to POST to these bmp'online service via Zapier or other external process would be welcome.

Service Output

    "SaveWebFormObjectDataResult": "{resultMessage:\"Not allowed request URL.\",resultCode:-1}"


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You set not full website domain. 

This value must looks like https://hooks.zapier.com

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Has anyone been able to use integration SaaS solutions such as Zapier or MuleSoft with bmp'online?  I realize the bmp'online is RESTful and may require some additional effort.  I am mostly focused on a one-way sync to create leads.   Hoping to find a way to hit the DataServices side of bmp'online.

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Dear Stephen,

We already have the suggestion to add the out-of-the-box integration with the services registered and passed to the appropriate team. It will be taken into consideration for the further releases. 

At the moment the integration can be created via OData/DataService in case the mentioned services have the open API. 


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