How to do an advanced search with IN operator

Can I create an advanced search query on a section to represent the following? 

where field1 IN (Val1,Val2,...)

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Dear Kumar, 

Are you asking about the usual OOB advanced filter in the section? 

Just want to make sure that I understand your question correctly. 

Kind regards, 


Yes that is correct. Using the OOB, is there a way to do such query? I know, query for a lookup field with multiple values its possible. But how about non-lookup type fields, like string etc..


With non-lookup types it isn't possible with the out of the box filter tools as an IN operator. You'd have to rethink it and instead of an IN operator, you'd have to group several conditions together with OR - so instead of field1 in (Val1,Val2) you'd have field1 equals/contains Val1 OR field1 equals/contains Val2 (grouped together)

Oh, the challenge we have is, I have about 150+ values I need to do the query for.. Doing a OR grouped query is very tedious, isn't it? 

Is there any other better alternative? 


Unfortunately, there are no other options to use the advanced filter with the mentioned conditions. 

However, we have an idea registered for our R&D team to add this functionality in future releases and we will add your request to the backlog so to increase the idea's priority. 

Kind regards, 


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