I tried installing this add-on in order to be able to copy the section details of an object in Creatio: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/salesup-copy-object-records-creatio, but it did not work for me. Although it installed successfully, I got errors in the console (see below for error stack trace) when loading the page for the Copy object records settings. Is this add-on set up for use?
Uncaught Error: Script error for"SuCopyObjectSettingsSectionV2"
at new s (main.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:697)
at makeError (require.js?v=
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError(require.js?v=
at v.invokeTask(polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:7131)
at I.runTask(polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:2494)
at g.invokeTask[as invoke](polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:8183)
at Z (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:20797)
at N (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:21090)
at HTMLScriptElement.U(polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:21356)
Please be informed that support for this free marketplace addon is only supported via email by the developer of this app. You will need to contact the developer directly at care@salesup-it.com.
There is a possibility to customize the search by any column of the Product object with a text value.
You can implement that in the following way:
Open Configurations.
Create a replacing view model for “ProductSelectionSchema”(Product selection schema page).
Add the “getQuickSearchFilterConfig” method, which sets the filter columns, and specify the names of all the text columns you want to search by.
Change the value of “SearchStringPlaceHolder” in the localizable strings to the corresponding one (optional). This value would be displayed in the search box as a placeholder.
Save the changes and reload the product selection page (press “F5”).
Is it possible to create mini page for 'view record' in Freedom UI?
We also have mix of Freedom-Classic now, but even if 'view record' mini-page is created for Classic page, it is not displayed in other places (probably because of Freedom page exists for that section already). Maybe it is possible to use Classic mini pages of Account/Contact even if Freedom page is created?
At the moment, there is no possibiliy to set up a mini-page just for viewing records in the system. Currently you can create a mini-page for creating a new record and set up a mini-page for editing an exisiting record with the help of a business process.
We also do not plan to support mini pages for 7x (Classic UI) with the Shell enabled, as this functionality is already implemented and is available in Freedom UI (starting from version 8.0.8).
We recommend you to configure the needed section in Freedom UI and to set up the required mini page for creating a record there.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to add the option of adding Emails, Calls, and Messages records via clicking on Next Step. Alternatively, you can try to perform such an action through customization in the Freedom UI designer. Add menu items to the + Next Step button and customize the opening of pages for different types of activities.
However, we have forwarded your idea to the responsible R&D team to add this functionality in future releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.
We have a business process with a step that includes a pre-configured page. Often the users are not completing this step (the go to a different section or close browser) and the process is left running. Is there a way to set a timer to say if a value is not selected within a day from the pre-configured page that the process should terminate?
I have tested this in some ways but cannot get anything to work. I have included a screenshot of the steps leading to the pre-config page to help demonstrate.
Hello, yes I did try this and tested it, but it did not close out the process. I think it's because the other paths are conditional. The system won't allow me to create an additional conditional path without condition (obviously). So I tested it as a sequence flow and a default flow, both to no avail.
I'm new to CREATIO. I'm trying to find a complete sales order import template to import sales orders to CREATIO instead of creating them one at a time.
I tried finding one by:
In the Orders function, select the ACTIONS button then Data Import,
Select the “SELECT TEMPLATE” button,
I get "No data" in the selection window.
After that, I tried exporting the orders already created and got a file. Sure, it gives the orders’ headers but did not give any line items.
Does anybody have a basic template to share or point me in the right direction please?
At the beginning you can find how you prepare a file, as well as some templates.
The “SELECT TEMPLATE” button in the Data import section is responsible for saving the configuration of your imports, for example how the columns in Excel and Creatio are related, etc.
to add colors to the value, if you know which div it is exactly, you can use the class or id of that div in the selector instead of ".label-wrap .t-label" as in step 1 of the example. Or you can look up the class or id by using inspector tool (Ctrl+shift+C) in the developer tools (f12) on your page and then use them in the selector.
If you require more assistance please provide screenshots of div you want to color, would provide more clarity how to change the selector accordingly.
I would recommend you to use the new FreedomUI pages on the site. You can change bg-color in the system settings on the FreedomUI page (on your screen shot I can see Classic UI). It will take 10 min maximum.
To change colors with FreedomUI :
1) Open System designer -> Advanced settings
2) Find the Custom Object CasePriority or create a replacement:
3) Add the new column -> Other -> Color:
4) Add Title to the new Color column on the same page
5) Click on the Name of this object and choose value (Title name from p.4) in Color field:
6) Publish this object
7) Open System Designer -> Lookups -> Case priorities -> View -> Select fields to display:
I'm having an issue with the partner lookup in opportunities.
When we try to select a partner against an opportunity it seems to delete the owner from the field. And when I try to re-add the owner it removes the selected partner.
The owner of the Opportunity with "Partner sale" business type and chosen partner can be:
1. the user/contact related to the account with "Our company" account type;
2. the user/contact connected to account with chosen partner company.
According to the basic logic, the "Partner" field should be available only for the "Partner sale" type. You have removed the business rule that hides the "Partner" field for other opportunity types.
Therefore, it turns out that now the "Partner" field is available for all types of opportunities, but according to the box logic, this field should be empty for other types, so it is cleared when you select the owner.
If you select the "Partner sale" opportunity type, then the "Partner" field will not be cleared when you select the "Owner" field.
I haven't tried it myself, but not sure if that button would still appear if the user doesn't have object permissions on the lookup entity being referenced by that field? May be worth a try. At least it would prevent users from actually creating the new lookup object, even if the button still remained.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove the button in a lookup.
As a variant, you can configure access rights and limit access to the button. However, there is no possibility to limit access to individual system lookups and such a setting will be applied to all lookups.
We have also registered a problem and forwarded it to the responsible R&D team for further review.