Import Newtonsoft.Json as a refrence assembly

Hi Creatio academy,

We have a Creatio Instance which is running in the Cloud with version:


We have developed a custom package (with the 'Compile into a separate assembly' checkbox true). 


As a result we can not access the Newtonsoft.Json package from UserTask.


The normal solution is to import the dll in our custom pacakge as a reference assembly.

Question: Wich is the correct version of the dll to import ?


I have the binary files of '' and in the root/bin folder i can see the NewtonSoft.Json dll. Is this the correct one to import ?


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Hi Sasori,


Yes, you can use the existing lib and upload it to your assembly package. This should do the same as the lib from the main workspace.

Hi Team,

Any update regarding this question ?

Hi Sasori,


Yes, you can use the existing lib and upload it to your assembly package. This should do the same as the lib from the main workspace.

Thanks for the confirmation Oleg!

Hi all, 
I would like to use an external library called csvHelper in a SourceCode file. 

I managed to download the .dll file of that library but I want to import that to my package. Can you please help me with that ?

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