CSS not working

Hi Team,


I have applied red asterisk using CSS on the fields that are mandatory in a section edit page using a client module for CSS.



The asterisk are visible in the pre-existing records but not in the new record. Please help me resolve this issue.


New record page :



Previously saved Record:



Also I'm facing this error of amplitude not defined 


Many Thanks,



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Hi Sarika,


It the fields are mandatory then make them mandatory in the section wizard directly, but not applying red asterisk via css. Using the wizard the fields will be mandatory even when adding a new record.


Best regads,


Hi Oscar, the labels that you can see are field default values that is being used as field label which I have implemented for proper alignment of section fields layout.

The Label Group Name is itself a field and the blank space for the value for Group name is another field whose title has been hidden.

That is why, for applying style, I have used CSS.


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