Getting timeout error when deleting records in any of the section

Hi Community,


Why am I getting timeout error when deleting records in any of the section. How can I fix it? Thank you so much

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Hi Fulgen,


This screenshot gives no information on the actual reason for the problem unfortunately.


What you need to do is:


1) If this is a local app - check the WebSockets settings in the app (this article will be useful). This is the most probable reason why records cannot be deleted in any section as you state. Also check if the "WebSocket" feature is enabled in the IIS-server Windows features.


2) Check the MultiDeleteQueue table and which messages do you receive there (no matter which instance cloud or on-site you have).


3) Check the application logs via C:\Windows\Temp folder (if this on-site .NET Framework app or Logs folder in the root binary files if this is a .NET Core app). If this is a cloud-based app you can approach us at and we will provide you with the logs needed.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar

Delete is very slow then it will pop up this generic error message "

Error occurred during the deletion of data. Please contact system administrator." Then after you refresh the section page for Example Account section, the record was already deleted.

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