How to bind Lookup pop-up sort and column to package?

Is it possible to have the sort setting and columns for the Lookup pop-up view to be deployed to another environment using Data bind or other method?


An example here is I added a new column in the list and it should be sorted by Full Name. When I deploy my changes to another environment, I want this to be included in the change.

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Hello Rozelle,


Please perform following steps:


1) Open developer console in your web browser (network tab)

2) Change the sorting order in this lookup

3) Catch "UserProfile" request that is sent when sorting is changed and you need to find the "key" value there (in the request payload)


4) Go to the database and execute


select * from SysProfileData where [Key] like '%key_from_step_3%'


double-check query result using ModifiedOn column


You will find a needed record about system user profile settings in such a way (exactly about sorting of the column). And the only thing left is to bind SysProfileData table data to your package.


Best regards,


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