Reading a table from another db schema (C#)



I have an API where I receive some data that I want to insert in a table. The problem is that the table is not in the default schema 'dbo'. The API fails because it says that it cannot find the object 'dbo.LIBRA.MBK_TABLE'. It should read only 'LIBRA.MBK_TABLE'.

       private int ExecuteInsert(string customerId, DateTime lastConnectionDate)
            var select = new Select(SystemUserConnection)
                               .Where("RecId").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(customerId)) as Select;
           int recordExists = select.ExecuteScalar();
            if (recordExists == 0)
                var insertAccount = new Insert(SystemUserConnection)
                                        .Set("RecId", Column.Parameter(customerId))
                                        .Set("LastConnectionDate", Column.Parameter(lastConnectionDate));
                int rowsAffected = insertAccount.Execute();
                if (rowsAffected == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Insert failed: no rows affected.");
                return rowsAffected;
            return 0;

I tried to put .From("LIBRA", "MBK_TABLE") and to put .SchemaName("LIBRA"), but the same error appears.


Is there another way of doing this?

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Perhaps you'll need to use direct SQL statements for this? You can see how to do that here:


An additional option to what Ryan proposed - create a table to which you can add data with an API and on the DB level create a trigger that will automatically insert record into the table from the needed namespace in the database.

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