I have an API where I receive some data that I want to insert in a table. The problem is that the table is not in the default schema 'dbo'. The API fails because it says that it cannot find the object 'dbo.LIBRA.MBK_TABLE'. It should read only 'LIBRA.MBK_TABLE'.
private int ExecuteInsert(string customerId, DateTime lastConnectionDate)
var select = new Select(SystemUserConnection)
.Where("RecId").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(customerId)) as Select;
int recordExists = select.ExecuteScalar();
if (recordExists == 0)
var insertAccount = new Insert(SystemUserConnection)
.Set("RecId", Column.Parameter(customerId))
.Set("LastConnectionDate", Column.Parameter(lastConnectionDate));
int rowsAffected = insertAccount.Execute();
if (rowsAffected == 0)
throw new Exception("Insert failed: no rows affected.");
return rowsAffected;
return 0;
I tried to put .From("LIBRA", "MBK_TABLE") and to put .SchemaName("LIBRA"), but the same error appears.
Is there another way of doing this?
Perhaps you'll need to use direct SQL statements for this? You can see how to do that here: https://customerfx.com/article/executing-direct-sql-statements-in-a-process-or-configuration-web-service-in-creatio-formerly-bpmonline/
An additional option to what Ryan proposed - create a table to which you can add data with an API and on the DB level create a trigger that will automatically insert record into the table from the needed namespace in the database.