Our company would like to have this Customer field use the Accounts lookup as default instead of the contacts lookup being show first. I would like to 1. remove the contacts lookup, OR 2. simply move the accounts lookup to be first so it is open by default. The problem we are trying to solve is that users are selecting a contact on accident because they don't realize they can toggle over to accounts, and we want them to only use an account for this field.


I found this in the OpportunityPageV2 schema and tried to copy this code and paste it in the copy of the scheme that is in the custom package, then I switched positions between Contact and Account so Account was first. This worked temporarily until the next time the system compiled, and now it is back to how it was. How else could I REMOVE the contact part of this lookup or make accounts appear first?


        attributes: {


            "Client": {

                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},

                    "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                    "isLookup": true,

                    "referenceSchemaName": "Contact, Account",

                    "isRequired": true,

Like 2



Dear Mitch,


In order to implement the required functionality please do the following:

1. Create a replacing client module for the “OpportunityPageV2” schema. Please find more information about it in the article by the link below:




2. Add the following code to the schema:


define("OpportunityPageV2", [], function(){

    return {

        attributes: {

            "Client": {

                    "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"]






3. Save the schema and enjoy the result:



Best regards,


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Hi community, 


We install add on in two "twin" environments (one DEV and one PROD) with same configuration in both, and works fine initially in both, but after 7.16.3 update, PROD doesn't work anymore :(.

Looking for some error as is mentioned into browser console but all appears to be fine and not errors logged into


Also we looking for API calls into Aspose site, and not calls are made.

Printables on both enviroments are the same, and in all cases PDF check is marked, but in all instances despite that, when try to print any printable, Word version is delivered instead of  PDF (it seems add on does not used by Creatio


any ideas or suggestions?


thanks, Ernesto

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Dear Ernesto,


Currently PDF converter is not available for all relatively new instances. If your websites databases are quite old and you already have Aspose package in advanced settings - it is possible to use PDF. If that is the case - it is necessary to update the package. In this respect - please approach the support team to update the Aspose pacakge to make the PDF converter working again.




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Hi All,


Because of GDPR regulation i'm looking solution to deny user export sensitive data.


I know that there is a Operation permission  for export "CanExportGrid", but is only applied on section level (not specific columns level).


Second thought is Object permissions which has column level permission but i can't separated permission to readable on page than deny export such column.


Is there any easiest way to achieve this by configuration rather than eg. customisation of DataUtilities module ?



Marcin Kott

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Best reply

Dear Marcin,


Unfortunately, there are no other ways to limit data export. We already had multiple similar requests  from other customers and our R&D team has in plans to implement more flexible data export administration.

Therefore it will be available in future application versions.

As for now your business task can only be implemented with the help of development.




Dear Marcin,


Unfortunately, there are no other ways to limit data export. We already had multiple similar requests  from other customers and our R&D team has in plans to implement more flexible data export administration.

Therefore it will be available in future application versions.

As for now your business task can only be implemented with the help of development.




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I would like to add a basic package with all the customization needed for the Contacts and Accounts Objects (and their edit and section pages).

The rest of my customization would be in another package, that would then depend on this basic package and on the other necessary Creatio Packages.

What dependencies should the basic package have ?

Are Base_ENU and UIv2 packages enough ?

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Dear Ricardo,


If you want to develop the customization only for the Contact and Account objects, then I think that the dependency from the “UIv2” package should be enough.


If you want to develop the customization for some other base objects, please use the dependency from the “ProductCore” package.


Best regards,


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I thought we were told you could store a library of your emails in creatio for marketing. But I can't see where that would be. 


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Hello Heather, 

Hope that I understand your question correctly. 

If you want to save your custom content block you can simply use the save button on the right side of content block created in email designer by clicking on the 3 vertical dots and then on the save icon.

After that, the saved block will be available in the content library and stored in the object called "MJML User Block Library".

In order to simplify interaction with your templates you can create a lookup based upon this object so you could see all the templates of content blocks created. 

Kind regards,


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Hello colleagues,


View settings I have configured do not operate correctly when not activated directly from an unfiltered view. If I change between folders, the configured view formats are not presented as configured, also when I close my session and connect again, the last view is also not presented correctly, please watch video on https://share.vidyard.com/watch/6c5HKQyNyzNDSZkSwMWdub?


Please, your help


Thanks in advance

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Hi Julio,

We have successfully reproduced the issue that you encountered and reported it to the responsible team. We are waiting for the team’s feedback and will notify you of any updates.

Thank you!

Alexander Demidov,

Thanks Alexander :-)

Alexander Demidov,

Good morning Alexander, did you know if there some news about this issue? We're on a POC to a bigger University and it's very important to us this functionality.

Hello Julio,


We have received the feedback. Unfortunately, there is no way the responsible team can develop these features in the add-on. However, they made the add-on available for shared development - https://github.com/Creatio-labs/advanced-list-setup.

Hope this helps, 


Have a good forthcoming weekend!

Svetlana Kobizka,

Hello, we are not asking to develop new features, just the provided ones, to work, or retire the app from Marketplace, I understand somebody certify them to works

Hi Julio,

We will ask the responsible team if they have any updates on the issues mentioned above. We will also relay your request to the Marketplace team to check the functionality of the add-on.


Hopefully, this helps.


Thank you!

Alexander Demidov,

Thanks Alexander

Alexander Demidov,

Hello, have any news about this issue?, please help!

Hello Julio,

The responsible team is currently unable to fix the issues mentioned above. The marketplace team has removed this add-on from Marketplace.

Alexander Demidov,

Hi Alexander, yes I saw it was removed :-( I'm sad, it's a good a necessary tool, just to correct the fails. Did you know if they consider to improve it? or be part of the producto core? 

Hi Julio,

Currently, the responsible team is committed to other tasks and is unable to extend the same level of commitment to improving the add-on. That said, we have relayed your request for this functionality to the product core team.


Have a good day!

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I have a field with a decimal value representing a percentage, actually I saw it as 0.21, but I want to see as a percent like 21.56%


How can I did it?


Thanks in advance

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Multiply your decimal by 100. (0,2156 * 100 = 21,56)


Hi Julius, thanks, but my question is how to format the decimal to a percent I need to display no just 21,56 I need 21,56%. Thanks again

Create a text field like UsrPercentage and make it a calculated field off of the percentage field. Use the following code inside of the desired page schema, but change UsrPlaceholder to your percentage field.

        attributes: {
            "UsrPercentage": {
                dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.FLOAT,
                dependencies: [
                        columns: ["UsrPlaceholder"],
                        methodName: "calculatePercentage"
        methods: {
            onEntityInitialized: function() {
            calculatePercentage: function() {
                const decimal = this.get("UsrPlaceholder");
                const percentage = decimal * 100;
                this.set("UsrPercentage", `${percentage}%`)

This code does not handle percentages being converted back to decimal, so preferably this percentage field will be read only. 

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Looks like there is an error in the add-on https://marketplace.creatio.com/template/creating-quotes-opportunities I just installed the plugin into our instance and I tried to add the section Quotes into the Workplace Sales. But it doesn’t get added. When I checked the inspect element in the browser it shows the below error

need some help to fix this issue

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Best reply

Hi Ganesh,

We recommend using the following order of actions: first, add any basic section to the workplace, and only after that try adding the 'Quotes' section.


This should help.

Hi Ganesh,

We recommend using the following order of actions: first, add any basic section to the workplace, and only after that try adding the 'Quotes' section.


This should help.

Thanks it worked. :) 

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I have some strings in email template, separated by Newlines:



Depending on a condition, Text2 could be added between:



To achieve this, I add [#UsrText2#] custom macros field of type string:



But I can't can't make [#UsrText2#] contain NewLine. So result is:



Email is sent with business process automatically.

How could I add a Newline? Neither Environment.NewLine nor \r\n, \n work.

Text1 and Text3 could also be dependent on conditions, so I don't want multiple templates for different combination of conditions.

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Best reply


Solved with <br/>


Yes. You make different Blocks.

Then you show the Block that matches the recipients information.

One block is

Text1   [#UsrText2#] Text3

Next block is

Text1   Text2 Text3

Then you just set them up so either one or the other is used with conditions.

Dear Yuriy,


If this email is sent via business process it will be easier to just create several conditional flows based on record conditions and create a template for each condition. Since there is no option to set up dynamic HTML in the template this will be the best option.


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

This is what I'm afraid of. We have a minimum of 2 conditions. They will give 4 different templates. If one more condition is added, there will be 8 templates and 8 flows. But we really need these lines separated by newline. Each optional string needs to have 2 Newlines. This is the desired result:


What I get currently:




Thank you Julius, I didn't say, email is sent automatically with a business process.


Solved with <br/>

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Hi All, 


I have a couple of question regarding Creatio Cloud that I couldn't find the answer in the documentation.

  1. Is the cloud application backed up regularly? Is this Enabled by default or do we need to ask support? what's the backup frequency?
  2. What is the Disaster recovery process for Creatio Cloud?
  3. When deploying a package, either from marketplace or a custom built one, is it advisable to request a DB backup? What would be the recommended deployment process?

Apologies if these questions are already covered in the documentation.





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Best reply

Hello Tiago, 


1. A differential backup of a cloud instance is being created automatically every day, a full back - once a week: full backup - on Saturday, differential backup - on other days. The backup also can be done per your request at a specific time. 

2. Our backup protection against catastrophic events is provided by transferring the backup to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). The recovery process for backups of <7 days usually takes 2-8 hours depending on a backup volume. The backup retention period is 90 days. 

3. You can install marketplace and custom packages via the system interface, but we recommend submitting a request to Creatio support team in case you would like to install custom packages as we automatically create a backup of a cloud website before the package is being installed and can promptly recover the website in case any issues occur. 


Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


Hello Tiago, 


1. A differential backup of a cloud instance is being created automatically every day, a full back - once a week: full backup - on Saturday, differential backup - on other days. The backup also can be done per your request at a specific time. 

2. Our backup protection against catastrophic events is provided by transferring the backup to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). The recovery process for backups of <7 days usually takes 2-8 hours depending on a backup volume. The backup retention period is 90 days. 

3. You can install marketplace and custom packages via the system interface, but we recommend submitting a request to Creatio support team in case you would like to install custom packages as we automatically create a backup of a cloud website before the package is being installed and can promptly recover the website in case any issues occur. 


Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


Olga Avis,

Hi Olga,

how can i restore a backup? I need a restore of a state ~10 days ago.

Best regards,


Hello Wolf Galetzki,


If you would like to restore the website from the backup, please, contact our Technical support team at support@creatio.com. We kindly ask you to specify the website URL and the date of the backup creation.


Please, let us know in case you have any further questions. 


Best regards, 


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