I have data in Google admin console and want to connect the data to my Power BI report , can anyone share the document related to this or any links 

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Dear communitiy,

in a test environment i set up successfully a synchronisation between creatio and google in the activitiy section. When I create an appointment in Creatio it is transferred directly to google calendar. Thats fine. But if i delete the appointment in creatio it dosen't delete the appointment in my google account. Do you know if this is possible to set up?




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Hello Florian,

The logic of the Google Calendar Sync with Creatio is the following:

- If an activity was created in Google Calendar and then imported into Creatio, once you delete it in Google it will also be deleted in Creatio.

- If an activity was created in Creatio and then imported into Google Calendar, when deleting it in Creatio it will not be deleted from Google.

We already registered this issue for our R&D team and this system logic might be changed in future releases.

+ 1 for a reviewed logic (with possibility to choose how the logic works in configuration set up of email / calendar integration ) ;)

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Is it possible to add a google map with the address of a given account in the accounts section? And if so, how to do it?

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Thank you for submitting the question.


You may find the add-on by the link: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/google-maps-route-creatio

Among the key features it has:

  • Set up to five Contacts or Accounts in a sequence and get a Google Maps route to their addresses
  • Option to use either my location or first address as a starting point.

Hope you find the information to be useful.

that's not what my question is about. I meant the account page has a map as an iframe or something. Don't want a extenstion for application hub

+ 1

This article shows how to add an IFRAME on a tab. You could construct the necessary maps URL and then set in the frame to display the map for that account.



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Hi community,


I was trying to implement a section under the "Sales" workplace just to have a google maps view of the adresses directly related to my customers under the "customers" or "accounts" section. I was searching some add-ons to do this and i found this one https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/google-maps-route-creatio and this one https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/toolkit-setup-map-view-creatio but nothing seems to work. I had many problems with the toolkit and when following the installation steps, it seems impossible to find the "Maps" tab under the concerned section. The first one, "google maps route creatio" has no documentation and I don't have a clue on how to install it and make it work. 


Could it be possible to implement a custom google maps API ? If yes, how could I get the latitude and longitude and retrieve the adresses of the contacts under the "customers" and "accounts" sections ?


It's a really simple thing to implement in JS/html/css but I have no clue on how to do this in Creatio.


Thanks a lot for your help.


Best regards,



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Dear Jonathan,


Thank you for your question!


In this case we would recommend contacting [Google Maps route for Creatio] support via email - support@chessit.se


Hope this helps!


Thank you!




Hi Jonathan,


Creatio Marketplace has a mapping tool called Mapsly geocode your records based on coordinates/address and save correspondingly coordinates/address back to Creatio.


You can also show pins of your contacts on the map, assign territories, build routes, etc.

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Hi All,


Can anyone please tell me the steps to integrate Google Analytics with CREATIO?

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Hello Saswat, 


As of now, there is no Google Analytics Integration on a clean install of a standard Creatio product, also there are no similar integration marketplace applications as well. It can only be integrated with the help of the development process. In this respect, Google Analytics can be integrated through API as a separate, third-party application. Also, you can develop your personal web service to pull the data into Creatio or use OData protocol for this purpose. Please find the relevant articles on our Academy using the links below:





Best regards,


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