

We calculate Total of sales for each month per customer. And we want to compare it to the Total of sales for the same month previous year.

Now we do this calculation in VIEW and display numers in pivot table.


But how can we display % of changes between current and previous year for totals?

This is how Excel does this. Can Creatio do that somehow as well? 


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  Hi, Vladimir,


Sorry, but we don't know if it can even be achieved using additional front-end development. The only solution we can think of is adding a column to the view you already use where the calculation will be performed automatically and displayed in the pivot table.

Sergii Zhmurko,

Thank you. A column with % will be summarized in totals, so it will show incorrect value.

Hope to see calculated fields in Creatio pivot tables (similar to Excel functionality) in future versions

Kind regards,


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is it possible to collapse pivot table groups in analytics when user open it?

First user wants to see totals, and only then go to details if necessary

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In the basic configuration, there is no option to display all rows as collapsed by default in the pivot table functionality. 
We have noted this idea to our R&D team.
You might consider implementing a fixed style for lists using development tools.

Alona Dolya,

Thank you for the reply. Could you please give a hint, what should be changed using development tools? Where is style of pivot table defined?

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Hello Great community, 


I see we have already implemented automatic feedback receiving when and add satisfaction level when recevied. I want to record date when we receive the feedback. Any suggestion? I have tried with business rule but it doesn't udpate the to current date when satisfaction level is filled in. Does anyone know whereabout of logic for CSAT score so I look into modifying code to achieve this. 



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I recommend using a business process, because business rules work only on the case page, so if a field is changed by a user in the UI, a business rule will be triggered.
Since the feedback is filled in through internal services without interaction with the case page, the business rule will not work because there will be no trigger for its execution.
Therefore, set up a process that will change the required fields in the case and fill in the required fields.


It worked thank you very much


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Hi all,


In our project we are producing with Creatio application some printable document (.pdf and .doc).


In these document we are inserting some Rich Text fields but in the document produced we are not able to visualize/report all the style changes done on the Rich Text field.


Do you have any suggestion?


Best Regards



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As of now, it's not possible to correctly display the field with HTML formatting in the printable.  

Our R&D team has already been informed and is currently working on the mentioned issue.

As a workaround suggestion, you can replace the rich text field with a simple text field. We understand that it’s missing the format settings and cannot be applied to tables, but it should work for a sentence or two simple comments.  


Thank you for being an active part of the community and helping to make Creatio better!

Hello Hanna,

Thank you very much for your response



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Report does not generate:
Ideas missing expenses data

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Here is a sucessfull report launch result:

As this shows, the field COmment and Expenses amount is showing a "Null" result.

Have to start over again, any modifications to the original report makes the latest version STOP. It will not RUN.

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How do I push or replace navigation history in freedom. In classic UI you were able to do it  using a sandbox message. 


Is it possible to be done in Freedom?


Thank you!

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Are you referring to pushing to navigation history (as far as going to the record/page itself)?

If so, this shows how to open a page (section or other page) https://customerfx.com/article/navigating-to-a-page-via-code-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

This shows how to open a record page in add or edit mode https://customerfx.com/article/opening-an-edit-page-to-add-or-edit-a-record-via-code-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

If I've misunderstood what you're after let me know. Hope this helps. 


Hi Ryan, thank you for your answer.

No that's not what I'l looking for. What I want to do is what history.replaceState(state, unused, url) does in JS. change the shown url and the browser history, but not navigate. 

Javier Collazo,

Ah I see now. I've not noticed any equivalent of that in the devkit. I've seen a navigationservice and router classes as possibilities in the internal code, but they aren't exposed in devkit.

One possibility is to use the "crt.7XRequest" request. I've been able to use that for what would have been a sandbox.publish previously, a least for what I've tried with it so far. See https://customerfx.com/article/navigating-a-user-back-from-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

Might take a little playing with to figure out how to get the other params passed for stateObj, pageTitle, etc. Searching the source for "crt.7XRequest" would likely find some examples of similar requests.


Javier Collazo,

I did find an example: 

await handlerChain.process({
    type: "crt.7XRequest",
    $context: null,
    action: "ReplaceHistoryState",
    hash: someHash,
    stateObj: obj,
    silent: isSilent


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Hi everyone!

Please, help me.

I need pass added parametr for when I calling detail.

I've got ClientModule with details.

One of them is tied to "Opportunity".

I need pass added parametr "Order" for detail when I calling it.

It hepls me use method for calling detail

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You can include values from the page as default values for the detail by modifying the detail definition on the page. 

details: {
    MyDetailSchema: {
        schemaName: "MyDetailSchema",
        entitySchemaName: "MyObject",
        filter: {
            masterColumn: "Id",
            detailColumn: "MyObject"
        defaultValues: {
            UsrSomeName: {masterColumn: "UsrName"},
            UsrSomeDate: {masterColumn: "CreatedOn"}

The above will populate the UsrSomeName column on the detail with the value of the UsrName column on the current page and also populate UsrSomeDate on the detail using the value of the CreatedOn of the page. 

You can also use values that don't exist on the page, for example: 

"defaultValues": {
   "UsrSomeDate": { "value": new Date() }


thank  you, Ryan.

But something wrong.

my page's default:


When I boot page, my parametr "CtsTuOpport" is undefined:



The code Ryan provided worked for me, what it does, is automatically fill the detail column when you create a new page:

details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
            "Schema685740a4Detail9ea5ec10": {
                "schemaName": "Schema685740a4Detail",
                "entitySchemaName": "TestDet",
                "filter": {
                    "detailColumn": "Order",
                    "masterColumn": "Id"
                "defaultValues": {
                   "UsrSomeDate": {masterColumn: "CreatedOn"}

Perhaps the issue in your case is that you didn't use the "" brackets.

Thanks for reply

Dmytro Vovchenko, tell me, where is the sintaxis trouble, please:


        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
            "GenFinanceOperations_Detail2cec2e66": {
                "schemaName": "GenFinanceOperations_Detail",
                "entitySchemaName": "GenFinanceOperations",
                "filter": {
                    "detailColumn": "GenTuInspector",
                    "masterColumn": "GenCheckFinOper",
               "defaultValues": {
                  "GenTuInspected":  {masterColumn: true}




I need set parametr "true" for the calling detail

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Hi, when in a section that contains a multiple cases. you change from one case to another with a field change, a button is shown to validate the case change. 

Is there a way to avoid this? I want to progress bar to automatically update from one case to the other without user intervention. 

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I'm having a scenario where I need to add two custom columns in attachment detail and need to edit that.So I have overridden the LinkPageV2 and added those two columns in diff.Now the fields are displaying in the required section attachment detail.However other section showing error in console stating that the columns are not found in that sectionFile Object

Is there a way to dynamically load diff based on the condition/for a particular section only?


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No, diff cannot be loaded based on conditions (only properties like visible or enabled can be changed using conditions, but not blocks of code).

The best approach is to add a boolean attribute on the LinkPageV2

attributes: {
	"IsForAccount": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
		columnType: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
		value: false

Then bind it to the visible property of the element in the diff

{ //...
    "visible": { "bindTo": "IsForAccount" }

On the page init check what the entity type is for the page and set the boolean: 

init: function() {
	this.set("IsForAccount", this.get("entitySchemaName") === "AccountFile");

Using this approach will work since the value will never get submitted when saved.


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Hi Community,

We are localizing in Italian our application. We are using the OOTB Attachment TAB.

May we ask some suggestions for localizing the label hereafter reported?





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What is the version of the app you are currently using?

Hanna Skalko,

Hi Hanna

We are using Version 8.1.2 (.3914)




Thank you for your reply!


This tab has already been translated in the newest version of Creatio - 

Thank you for being an active part of the Creatio Community! 

Hanna Skalko,

Thank you very much for your update.

We will wait for Creatio - to be installed on our environments.



Hi Hanna


We confirm that in Creatio - the localization is addressed.






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