Hi all,


Our need is the possibility link manually an incoming email to the a custom 'object' (a custom object developed in our project). We are not able to add this object in the OOTB panel for linking manually an email to an object (please refer to below image).



Let us know if it's feasible


Best Regards



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The custom section needs to have support for Activities. This basically means that it has a lookup on the Activity object and is added to the EntityConnection table. I believe the Section Wizard and also adding Freedom UI sections does this now for new sections. For older objects (or objects not exposed as sections) you can follow the steps here: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-add-activities-to-a-custom-section-in-creatio/


The custom section needs to have support for Activities. This basically means that it has a lookup on the Activity object and is added to the EntityConnection table. I believe the Section Wizard and also adding Freedom UI sections does this now for new sections. For older objects (or objects not exposed as sections) you can follow the steps here: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-add-activities-to-a-custom-section-in-creatio/


Hi Ryan,


Thank you very much for your suggestion. We addressed our need.


Best Regards



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I have some questions about lists in Creatio Freedom UI.

1. Is there any way to make a field read-only on a list while allowing it to be edited from the form page? I tried to use object-level business rules, but I couldn't disable the field only on the list. Fields are not available in the page-level business object on the list view.
2. Is it possible to add a custom validation for some fields on the list?
3. Is it possible to handle every field change, like on a form page? Some of my fields are being calculated live on the form page, using `crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest`. I'd like to do the same on the list page or at least make those fields read-only on the list page.
4. I found a crt.SaveRecordsRequest request during debugging that allows me to review user changes before saving. But when I try to open a mini page using request.$context.executeRequest, nothing happens.
5/ Do you know of any more helpful requests related to lists? I found some more, like `crt.SaveDataRequest`, but it seems to have a restricted scope, so I can't add my own handler for it.

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1.Yes you can deselect the inline editing of records option in the designer page for the detail.
2.Yes it is possible through code - but can you pls elaborate on what you mean by custom?
3.No you can't do the live calculation on the list page

Hello Eryk,
Thank you for your question!

Regarding your forth question. The following code should work
handler implementation code
Note that you also need to add @creatio-devkit/common library to your module dependencies as well as pass parameter it's function.
import deps and pass parameter to function
You can find some examples of how to open a page in custom handler here.

Regarding you fifth question. Could you please clarify and provide example on how you are implementing your logic? 

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I am applying a complex filter to a page using the "Apply filter by page data" option.  I set up two parameter filters, but they are logically connected by an AND condition.  Is there a way to construct these filters allowing for complex structures?

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Please provide examples of how you implement filters.

In the List Settings below, I need the results from more than one filter condition, more than just Account.ID=Opportunity.Account. 

Adding a second filter is possible, but the two filters are intrinsically connected by an AND operator, and there is no obvious way to specify a complex filter here.

John DeFayette,


At the moment, it is not possible to set up such filtering. 

We have informed the development team about this need and registered an idea for such an improvement, so this feature may be available in the future.

Thank you for helping to make our product better.

Best regards,

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Hi team,
I need assistance with hiding the 'Run Process' button and customizing the 'New' button on the desktop page. Thanks in advance for your help.

Mahalaxmi Ganesan

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Hi Mahalaxmi


You can hide the 'Run Process' button by using this marketplace addon: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/experceo-ui-wizard-creatio

After installing the Addon, go to Lookups -> ExpUIWizard Configurations and enable the 'Hide Run Process' Configuration.


Thank you


Hi Mohamed Ouederni,

Thanks for the reply, this works fine, but is it possible to make it user specific?

Mahalaxmi Ganesan

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Is it possible to show all emply madatory fields in one message? 

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Usually, the Mandatory Error message will show all the Mandatory fields that are not filled

Not in Classic UI as i understand


Unfortunately, currently, it is not possible to display the names of all required fields that are not filled in. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. 

Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

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is there a way to rename the "Save"  button on a record page ?


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I assume you're referring to the caption? You can change the caption for the button by opening the edit page schema (for example, AccountPageV2) and find the localizable string (on the left side) "SaveButtonCaption" then give it a new value.


I assume you're referring to the caption? You can change the caption for the button by opening the edit page schema (for example, AccountPageV2) and find the localizable string (on the left side) "SaveButtonCaption" then give it a new value.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, that worked when creating a new record. When I click New to add a new record the save button became Submit, but when editing the existing record the button appeared to be "Save" again. How to make it Submit on adding and editing a record.

Thanks in advance

You also need to change the "SaveRecordButtonCaption" string in the associated section (such as AccountSectionV2)

Ryan Farley,

Worked ! Many thanks Ryan. 

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Hi Community,


I am currently working on Process elements  in Creatio. However, I find that the Save and Publish process with Script Task Element is taking longer time than expected, and I'm looking for ways to speed up this process.


Has anyone faced similar challenges and found effective solutions? If so, please share your experiences.


Best Regards,

Ajay Kuthe



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Gareth Osler,

You can add the Creatio NuGet package to your local Visual Studio project for the Creatio/Terrasoft references also (without a local install). https://www.nuget.org/packages/CreatioSDK


I have the same question, especially with one instance having a compile time of 10 minutes.


There is some documentation on using external IDEs here External IDEs | Creatio Academy.


The following looks interesting, but I'm not sure if a local Creatio instance is required:

Develop C# code in a custom project | Creatio Academy

Develop C# code in a custom project | Creatio Academy / Write C# code for Creatio in the cloud

If you turn on the option in your package for it to compile to it's own assembly then it should take less time since it's only compiling your package and not the entire system.

Other than that, developing externally using tools such as clio would speed the process up. 

Some of scripts that are used in many processes can be transformed into User task

Some best practices documentation videos, updated / new e-learning courses would be great in order to maximise the development in nocode and in code with Creatio  (video courses which can also show how to maximize the use of different tools like clio etc...) the amount of information at the moment is still disparate and super light. 

To build an assembly the Terrasoft libraries are needed.  A local Creatio install would be needed (unless there is some other way).


Gareth Osler,

You can add the Creatio NuGet package to your local Visual Studio project for the Creatio/Terrasoft references also (without a local install). https://www.nuget.org/packages/CreatioSDK


Ryan Farley,


Following the instructions from Write C# code for Creatio in the cloud I'm getting the following error running Executor.exe



Unhandled Exception: System.Net.CookieException: The 'Value'='Lax,.ASPXAUTH' part of the cookie is invalid.
   at System.Net.Cookie.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant variant, Uri uri, Boolean isLocalDomain, String localDomain, Boolean set_default, Boolean isThrow)
   at System.Net.CookieContainer.Add(Uri uri, Cookie cookie)
   at Executor.Program.TryLogin(String userName, String userPassword, String authServiceUri)
   at Executor.Program.Login()
   at Executor.Program.Main(String[] args)

The instructions are essentially to build an assembly locally and then I think upload it to the cloud instance using Executor.exe.  It looks as though it is not able to log in to the cloud instance due to an invalid cookie value.  I can't think of  a way round that.


[Edit] Apart from upload the assembly manually, would only take a few seconds!


[Edit] Could clio CI/CD be used to automate deployment?


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Hi Creatio Community,


I hope you're all doing well. I have question with managing app updates and would appreciate your insights.


Scenario: I have developed an app and released version 1.0 on the Creatio Marketplace. Some clients have installed this version and made custom changes to the app. 

Now, I am preparing to release version 1.1 with new features and bug fixes. My concern is that when clients update to version 1.1, their custom changes overwritten or not?


1] What are the best practices to ensure client-specific changes are not lost during the update?


2] Are there any tools or features within Creatio that can help manage and merge client customizations with new updates?


Thank you in advance for your assistance and suggestions.


Best Regards,

Ajay Kuthe

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Hi Ajay,


Let's look at how the customization process works in general. 


When a customer makes any changes to the installed application, your core logic remains unchanged. Instead, the app is extended with a new package where replaced schemas are created, inheriting your core schemas. When you make new changes to the app and customize these core schemas, after delivering a new version to the client, only those core schemas will be updated. The customer's inherited schemas will remain unchanged.


Therefore, custom changes will not be overwritten. However, we recommend supporting backward compatibility to avoid breaking custom changes after delivery.

If you are going through the update process together with the client, we suggest using the delivery process article to build a safe delivery process.

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I'm in the process of migrating our classic Creatio pages to FreedomUI mode.

I'm having issues with the "Add New" option in some selector widgets:

for example, on the Order page, with the Contact entity, if I enter "a name" on the widget then select "Add new", a new contact is created but with an empty Account field.

If the "Add new" option is selected without any text, a "Full name field must be filled" error is raised.

in both cases I would expect a modal window to enter information about the contact.


The problem also happens with other entities (tried with AccountAddress).


did I miss something?


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Please contact support@creatio.com to analyze the situation in more detail. 

Best regards,

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I'm developing my own custom Angular component for Creatio. I would like to use some of the standard components within it, such as a lookup field. How can I achieve this?

Is it possible to create a custom component that acts as a container for other elements, similar to crt.FlexContainer, which defines an items property for child components?


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Hello Eryk,

Unfortunately, it's impossible to reuse components in custom angular components for now, but Creatio plans to add such functionality in future releases.

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