Hi all,


In the application we are building we have necessity to have Rich Text field that need to be filled with log descriprion (400/500 characters). The content of this field is not all visible in list section. Because of this we are asking the following:


  • - In a list Section is it possible to increase the height of a row so that all the content of a field clould be visible to the final user (please refer to attached file)?


Right now the only possibility a final user has to see the entire content of the field is with the tooltip.





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Unfortunately, this feature is not available in the basic build.


At the moment, this can only be implemented through development methods.

We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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Each time we create a new opportunity, the stage history is allready filled with wrong data.

Some stages are indicated even if the opportunity did not use the stages.


I tryed to disable all process launch at the opportunity creation but the stage history is still filled in :

Opportunity Stage

Does somebody have an idea where from this problem can come from ?

The default opportunity Stage is "Découverte".


Thank you !


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Hello Nicolas,


This behavior is absolutely correct: now all the stages from DCM, which were before the current stage, are presented in the object's stage history. The previous behavior was a bag and was fixed in the current release.


To get back to old logic you may disable the feature 'SynchronizeStagesByDcm'.

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Hi all,


It seems that a Rich Text it's not editable in a list section (please refer to attached file).


Is this a default behaviour? Is there a way to configure it editable in a list section?


Best Regards



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Hello Stefano,

There is no such option for now. However, we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in the future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

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Hi, new to Creatio and have a very specific need.


When our contacts become customers, we manually change their status field value in Creatio to "Active" and assign a "Subscription Level". They are active for one year a time. We have a separate Directory website where we want these Active customers to be listed. 


  1. Is there a built-in way to set up an event that is triggered when a record's Status = "Active" and then sends a payload of the User's information immediately (Name, email, phone, Active status, and Expiration date)? We are prepared to write some API endpoints on the Directory if necessary.
  2. There are similar changes we need Creatio to communicate to the Directory:
    Change in expiration date
    Change of "Active" status to "Inactive" independent of expiration date.
    Change in Customer Package Subscription Level

The goal is to automate these update events from Creatio to the Directory via API or webhook as quickly as possible and minimize effort duplication. We're not quite sure where to start to implement something like this "in the Creatio way".

Thanks in advance,


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You can set up integration on the site using basic methods or custom methods.

Depending on the need, transfer the necessary data from one site to another by synchronizing this data.


Link to documentation

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Hello everyone,


I hope this message finds you well. I am currently facing a challenge in Creatio and would greatly appreciate your expertise and insights.

I am looking to create product bundles within Creatio, but it seems that there is no direct functionality to do so. I have explored various ideas but haven't been able to find a straightforward solution.


I'm reaching out to inquire if anyone has experience in implementing product bundles in Creatio. If so, I would love to hear about the approach you took and any tips or best practices you can share. On the other hand, if you attempted this in the past but encountered obstacles or decided against it, I would be interested to learn about the challenges you faced or the reasons behind your decision.

Your input and advice would be immensely valuable to me, and I'm eager to learn from your experiences.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Best regards,

Paulo Figorelli

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Could you please describe in more detail what exactly you want to implement in Creatio?


Thanks for replying back.

One of our clients wants to create product packages.

For example, they have shampoo and conditioner, each sold for $10.


He wants to create a package that will sell shampoo+conditioner for US$ 18 (10% discount), but if the customer only wants the shampoo, it will cost the full price (US$ 10).


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When Creating a Campaign from an Event, the Campaign fails to link to the related event


See picture


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Please contact us via email support@creatio.com. We will help you to solve the problem.

Best regards,

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can we somehow display empty cell if field value is 0 in Classic UI editable detail?

Otherwise it is very difficult for users to find filled values in the detail

Thank you!


Like 3





There is a workaround for this if you don't need to aggregate these metrics. You can create the field as Text and then implement field value validation to accept only decimals. You can find bellow the link to how to implement field value validation. As a result, the field will be empty if not filled in. 





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Is there a way to remove from an Application field the link functionality? Some time users click here and there in the application and if the field is configured as a link they open new windows.

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Unfortunately, this element doesn't have such settings at the moment. However, you can display the Related object's column. For example, in the Contact section, you can add not the Account column, but the Account.Name column, as by default all displayed values of lookup fields for which there is an edit page are displayed as links.

However, using the method described above, you will be displaying only text columns.


I hope this helps resolve your task.

Pavlo Sokil,

Thank you very much for your suggestion. It works and we can use it. 

Best Regards


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I need a custom button that will change value in a recaord and then save this record. I've tried it on a OpportunitySectionV2 with this code


define("OpportunitySectionV2", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Opportunity",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ 
                "operation": "insert",
                "parentName": "ActionButtonsContainer",
                "propertyName": "items",
                "name": "MainContactSectionButton",
                "values": {
                    itemType: Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
                    caption: { bindTo: "Resources.Strings.OpenPrimaryContactButtonCaption" },
                    click: { bindTo: "onOpenPrimaryContactClick" },
                    "layout": {
                        "column": 1,
                        "row": 6,
                        "colSpan": 1
		methods: {
			prepareResponseCollectionItem: function(item) {
         		if (item.get("MgtImportantFlg") === false){
					item.customStyle = Ext.apply({}, {
					  "background-color": "#cc081c",
					  "font-family": "cursive"
					}, item.customStyle);		  		
			onOpenPrimaryContactClick: function(){
				var activeRow = this.get("ActiveRow");
				var bFlag = this.get("GridData").get(activeRow).get("MgtImportantFlg");

it change the value in my field but didn`t save it, so after reload shows old value.

Could anyone help me how should i change code for my purposes?

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Best reply


In the section module, it is better to use an UpdateQuery class to change the value of the records. You can find the example here.


In the section module, it is better to use an UpdateQuery class to change the value of the records. You can find the example here.

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Hi Community,

We want to change the case automatically when the value of the corresponding field for the records changes.

With current version it needs an additional confrimation from user.

Is there any coding example?


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Hi Community,

Any update regarding this functionality?


Hi Community,

Any update on this?

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