Hi Community,


I have this situation where I need to excute some process through client side. While executing this process I want to pass a collection of ids to one of the process parameters. These ids are the Quotes that I multi-selected in the image bellow.

Pressing the  "Merge Quote" button will execute the following code.

This code will create a new collection with all the ids selected before and send them to my process. The next image shows the collection created.

I want to know which type of data should I use for my parameter in my process for this type of collection, where can I learn more about these types of collections and its methods and how can I access its values with the various process tasks?


For tests purposes I want to display one of the ids using a "Open Popup Window". 


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro.

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Hello Pedro,


Creatio works with collections if it's needed to process such data but not to display it. You can pass items to sub_process or web_service elements or perform some script_task over it. Please refer to https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/bpm_tools/business_process_setup/process_collections where this process is described.


In case if you want to work with the result of your script that returns a collection as described in your example,  you need to write it in a text string with ";" separator for Id's and then - split it on the next step to parse Id's and reflect them where you want.


Best regards,


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I have simple process and it didn`t start on time. Also in some case it still Running. Why it happen?


Also last month, this process did not start on time and is still Running:


How I can fix it?

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As for the business process in the "Running" status - it happens since you have the script task that is still running (performing actions due to the logic specified in this script task), so that's why the whole process is in the "Running" status as well.


As for starting the process in time: a delayed start can happen in case there are many tasks in the scheduler. You can simply modify the value of the quartz.threadPool.threadCount parameter in the root Web.config file (described here) from the default 5 to 10 and after that the process should run in time. In case you have the on-site application you can simply do it due to the recommendations in the article, but in case it is cloud based app please email us at support@creatio.com and provide us with the name of this app and we will do it.


Best regards,


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Creatio CRM has the feature of exporting data by filtering some records. Then we can export the data using the export to excel option.

However, for customers(end user) it may be confusing to apply multiple filters.


In this case lets suppose I only want to apply filter to only 2 fields.

So I want to create a process which will ask user to input values for those 2 filters. After that process will automatically generate a excel file which have all the records filtered according to the 2 filters input values.


Is this possible to do so?

I tried to create process but how to export data I can not figure out.


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Hello Ramnath,


It is better to use a standard scenario of specifying the filter and exporting records using the "Export to excel" action in the section. If you could create a script-task that could trigger the "ReportService" service and "GetExportToExcelKey" method inside this service based on the filtering parameters than this process could be executed. But we have no examples of this logic implementations so you need to look through the "GetExportToExcelKey" method and test it on your side.


Best regards,


Hey Oscar,


I have very less development experience on Creatio Platform so I can't think I can develop scripts right now.


Rather I came up with another solution - Dynamic folder with access rights. So user will have access to the dynamic folder where they can filter record according to two fields. But I am unsure if giving them edit access may result in modifying the filter parameters. 


For example I want to find all the records that were created in between a period - I can create a dynamic folder with two fields -

(Created on > date_1 and Created on <date_2)


But having access to edit dynamic folder, the customer can also modify Created on parameter to modified on. 



They cannot modify the Created On value of the record (since we are discussing the Created On column for records not for the folder itself (by the way they cannot modify Created On for folders as well)).


Yes, the client can modify the parameter itself (replace Created On with Modified On), but the client needs to understand that he/she shouldn't do it. By the way the client can create such a filter on their own (the possibility of advanced filters was developed for such proposes). Why there should be a process that should do this? It is easier to do it manually than via a process.


Also you can remove edit access rights for all users in the system using the "Change access rights" process element. As a result the client will see the folder, but won't be able to modify it.


Best regards,



I thought of making the the process of exporting data easily with one click. That's why I wanted to see if it's possible with process.

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Dear mates,

Since the Creatio version update, i've an opportunity process which does not open the order pageanymore.

When an opportunity is closed won, it launch a process which create a new order and must open it.

i can not find why the order is not open by the process. the order is well created with all the informations requested, but the order page is not opened


when i look into the Process log, everything is ok :

Does anybody have a suggestion to resolve this issue ?

Thank you,


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Well the process created me an activity name "Open Order", but it did not open the order.

How can i directly open the order with the process ?

LÉZORAY Nicolas,

Remove checkBox from "Run following elements in the background" on your start 

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Hi everybody,


I'm trying to introduce a method that when selecting an element from the grid, it saves the id of an attribute in a variable I created and when I delete that same record it has to start a process.

However, when I run all this pops up this error.

This is the code i implemented in order to achieve this.

Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Best reply

The order of the modules at the top doesn't match/line up. You have this:

define("imdSchema10Detail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator", "ConfigurationGridUtilities", "ProcessModuleUtilities"] function(ProcessModuleUtilities) {

You're actually getting ConfigurationGrid loaded into the ProcessModuleUtilities param since it's the first AMD module listed, which will go into the first param. You need to change the order to this:

define("imdSchema10Detail", ["ProcessModuleUtilities", "ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator", "ConfigurationGridUtilities"] function(ProcessModuleUtilities) {


The order of the modules at the top doesn't match/line up. You have this:

define("imdSchema10Detail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator", "ConfigurationGridUtilities", "ProcessModuleUtilities"] function(ProcessModuleUtilities) {

You're actually getting ConfigurationGrid loaded into the ProcessModuleUtilities param since it's the first AMD module listed, which will go into the first param. You need to change the order to this:

define("imdSchema10Detail", ["ProcessModuleUtilities", "ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator", "ConfigurationGridUtilities"] function(ProcessModuleUtilities) {


Ryan Farley,

​​​​​​The solution you provided is working. 


Thank you.


Best regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hello all,


I have several business processes that my users start from the contact record. Each opens a pre-configured page that allows my users to record information and make connections to other objects. 

However, some of them take longer to start that I'd like. Is there any methods that I should investigate to try and improve performance? There aren't any steps before the preconfigured page so I'm not sure what more I could do.

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Dear Kevin, 


Unfortunately, only from this screenshot, it is hard to tell what could be the issue. Please check that there are no web socket issues in your browser. Also, if your application is deployed on-site, please check that web sockets are set up correctly. If it is not the issue please contact support team at support@creatio.com


Best regards, 


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I am trying to find the parameter values changed through a process execution which is attached to a case stage.

I have enabled the trace data option in process.


But after the process ran, I can't see the traced data in the process log.

Is there anything I am missing to turn off or on?

The process has an approval element. Does it have to do anything with trace data option?

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You did everything correct, but the trick here is that trace data cannot be received from "Terminate event". Please view trace data of approval element and check parameter values before this element execution and after this element execution so to get needed data.

Best regards,


Thanks Oscar.

Actually the process was typically not accurate for the action that I wanted to perform.

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i would like to know how can i access the array of items inside this ProcessRun Button:

I've tried to use "EditPages" and "diff" from the page, but it didn't work.

Best Regards.

Thanks in advance.



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Dear Pedro, 

You can access the content of the list by getting the value of an attribute RunProcessButtonMenuItems:

 var processButtonMenuItems = this.get("RunProcessButtonMenuItems");


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Is there a way to read all the users inside an organizational role and then send those email addresses to the next step of a process?

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The functionality can be implemented using a script task element in order to select all contact emails which are included in the role. The contact emails are selected from the database via EntitySchemaQuery. Then join all selected emails into a string using ";" as separator. After that use the newly built string of emails as an email for sending.

The basic business process "Send email to case group" works in the same way. Please feel free to use the business process as an example. Pay attention to the script task element "Prepare Recipient Emails" (https://prnt.sc/p0tv3t).

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Currently, when Maximum number of repetitions for a process is exceeded, a warning is displayed and the process doesn't complete any more steps, but it is left in Process status Running. When Maximum number of repetitions is reached, the process should end and go to Completed status because there is no way to increase the limit while running and the process has to be manually stopped in Process log.


Hello Janine,

Yes, you are right, this behaviour should be changed. I will create a suggestion to our R&D team on this topic and I hope they will review this logic. For example set the status to "Completed" or they will create a new process status like "Number of repetitions exceeded".

Thank you for this idea.

Best regards,


Agreed it shouldn't be left running - though my preference would either be a new status as you suggested, Oscar, or the process should change state to Error, since processing has been terminated rather than gracefully stopping.

Harvey Adcock,


Thank you for supporting this idea! The project to change the status of processes that exceeded the maximum number of repetitions has been already registered and accepted by our R&D team. Hope that it will be released in further releases. 


Best regards,


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