
Stop Process When Maximum number of repetitions Is Exceeded

Currently, when Maximum number of repetitions for a process is exceeded, a warning is displayed and the process doesn't complete any more steps, but it is left in Process status Running. When Maximum number of repetitions is reached, the process should end and go to Completed status because there is no way to increase the limit while running and the process has to be manually stopped in Process log.


Hello Janine,

Yes, you are right, this behaviour should be changed. I will create a suggestion to our R&D team on this topic and I hope they will review this logic. For example set the status to "Completed" or they will create a new process status like "Number of repetitions exceeded".

Thank you for this idea.

Best regards,


Agreed it shouldn't be left running - though my preference would either be a new status as you suggested, Oscar, or the process should change state to Error, since processing has been terminated rather than gracefully stopping.

Harvey Adcock,


Thank you for supporting this idea! The project to change the status of processes that exceeded the maximum number of repetitions has been already registered and accepted by our R&D team. Hope that it will be released in further releases. 


Best regards,


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