You did everything correct, but the trick here is that trace data cannot be received from "Terminate event". Please view trace data of approval element and check parameter values before this element execution and after this element execution so to get needed data.
We have over 300,000 records in our Process Log. We'd like to delete records that are not Running or Error that are over one month old. They are supposed to be archived, but there are records from months ago that have not been archived. When I select a record, there is no option to delete it or archive it. How do I delete or archive records from the Process Log?
Process log gradually gets cleared by the archivation process. We don't recommend to delete data from Process Log yourself. However, if you really need to delete that data we recommend to send a request to the if your instance is in cloud as it requires very resource heavy sql operations that would not be possible to track with sql executor.
If your instance is on-site you can take the instruction below as an example to adapt it based on your needs:
1) Register SQL procedures tsp_DeleteSysProcessLog.sql and tsp_DeleteSysProcessLogByStartDate.sql (procedures themselves below)
Where 'Error' is the status of processes, '2017-09-22' by which start date to delete processes, '-1' how many processes to delete, -1 means all processes.
Please note that the operation is very resource heavy and time consuming and we don't recommend doing that during business hours.
Best regards,
IF NOT OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[tsp_DeleteSysProcessLogByStartDate]') IS NULL
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[tsp_DeleteSysProcessLogByStartDate]
I found Beesender tried to delete process log by a process to delete items from Process log (actual). Is that correct or is there any risk of doing that way?