Hello Creatio Community,

In our "Lending 7.18.4 Creatio Product" our team wants to call "Fill in product terms" from the server side.

How can we call this functionality (generate application parameters) from the server side?




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Could you please specify from where exactly would you like to call this function and the purpose of it? Is it from a different application by calling a specific URL/endpoint?


Best regards,


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In the word report that I have created I want to use the characters  « someWords here... ». By default creatio uses these characters to indicate a field name but in my case I have to use these characters on my document as normal characters.

I am using a formula in MS word that makes a sentence appear in my word report only if a specific field is not equal to 0

  • Here is the place I have written the formula that contains special characters (which are not indicating any field name)


  • The formula I used: 

Contract Clauses No[#AddTextIfNotEqual|0;words... « someWords here between these chars...  » words again... :#]


  • The result I get when report is printed:

words… \« someWords here between the special chars \» words again


As you can see Creatio reads these chars (« ») as special chars and adds slashes (\) before them. All I want to do is make these chars appear without the slashes before them.


Thanks in advance :)


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As for now, unfortunately, there is no possibility to use word formulas in compose with printables and our R&D team has a problem regarding this functionality and we hope that it will be updated in one of future versions of the application. 


As for now you can try using this marketplace application that can fit your needs https://marketplace.bpmonline.com/app/excel-reports-builder-bpmonline.

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Hello Creatio Community,

This happens in the Application Section. When i fill in the product terms and try to save the Application this pop up is shown. Meanwhile the object SysFinApplicationSpecRight doesnt exist at all in the database. How can I fix this problem ?


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Printscreen of Error Logs


Managed to solve the problem by re-compiling FinApplicationSpec

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I am creating a report in creatio using MSWord plugin.

The report contains a main table that is connected to a detail (ParentTable).

Inside the row of ParentTable i have placed another table with specific filters (ChildTable1).




Row 1 - Text 1

      - Child Table 1 content


Row 2 - Text 2

      - Child Table 2 content


Row 3 - Text 3

      - Child Table 3 content


I have checked "Hide the table if it contains no data" for the child table.

When i try to download the report the whole table is hided because one of the ChildTables inside one row had no data.

Does Creatio Word Plugin offer this fetaure (To add report tables inside report tables)? 

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I have discussed your case with the responsible R&D team. Unfortunately, as of now, there is no possibility to implement your business task and we do have the correspondent problem registered on our side. The R&D team is currently working on implementing this new functionality in one of the future releases of the application.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better.

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Hello community,


I have developed a service in Creatio that will be called from third parties. The service is called successfully in postman but programmatically it doesn't work. The authentication works fine and returns status code 200 and the BPMCSRF cookie. When the third party tries to call the service it gives the following message "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials."  How can we investigate this issue? Does Creatio offer a logging option so we can investigate the request and response or is there something else that we have forgotten during the implementation of this service?

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Please try using OAuth authentication to work with your service.

More details on the academy website:


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Hello Creatio Community,

I have e development env and a test env.

For a specific page schema, the metadata of the page differs from Dev and Test env. The nr of rows is the same , but the content isnt. Is this supposed to be correct ?


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Please be informed that the sole fact of the schemas being a bit different is not a problem, the question is does it cause any actual issues to the performance of the site? Also, please specify if the Test env is a full copy of Dev and if so, was that schema present on the Test env before copying? Also, did you make any changes to the schemas yourself?


Kind regards,


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Hello team,

What is the difference between Compile all and Generate Source Code for all schemas? 

Is there any significant difference between the two? When are the best scenarios to use each of them?

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Best reply
Full generation is needed to build links between 
configuration items. Items can be objects and schemas or 
links between packages and their dependencies.
Full generation links them.

Compilation, in addition to its main purpose also generates
source files along the /src path which are necessary when 
working with no-code elements and allow you to create an 
instance between an object and a table in the DB.
Full generation is needed to build links between 
configuration items. Items can be objects and schemas or 
links between packages and their dependencies.
Full generation links them.

Compilation, in addition to its main purpose also generates
source files along the /src path which are necessary when 
working with no-code elements and allow you to create an 
instance between an object and a table in the DB.

Владислав Киселевич,

Thank you !

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Hello team,

What is the purpose of IsLocked column in the the SysSchema or SysPackage tables.

How does IsLocked affect 

1- Objects

2- Bussines Processes

3- Edit Page schemas

4- Packages

I couldnt find information in the academy regarding this topic.

Thank you

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Hello Petrika,

Parameter IsLocked mainly affects if you can edit the schema or the package.  Only the author of the lock can edit these elements. In the database, this author isn't mentioned and you can see only IsLocked.

The system will check the author on the other level.

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Hello Creatio Community,

Section wizard keeps reloading.

Printscreen below is from the Console:

What needs to be done to open the section wizard ?

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Hello Petrika,


This seems to be an issue that Creatio support should take a look at.

Please contact us at support@creatio.com


Thank you!

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Hello community,


I'm using isDetailEnabled method in client side to remove add button in detail based on specific conditions. For users in "System Administrator" role I want to allow the add button for every detail. 



isDetailEnabled: function(detailName) {
    			var esq =  Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
						rootSchemaName: "SysUserInRole"
				// add filter for current user
				esq.filters.add("UserFilter", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysUser", Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value
				// add filter for role name, joining to SysRole (which is where the name is stored)
				esq.filters.add("RoleFilter", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysRole.Id", "83a43ebc-f36b-1410-298d-001e8c82bcad" 
               esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
                        if (result.success && result.collection.getItems().length > 0) {
                              return true;
                       return false;
                return this.callParent(arguments);


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Since EntitySchemaQuery is asynchronous, it doesn't wait for the results to return before the isDetailEnabled function returns. You'll need to pre-fetch if the user is in the role (maybe in the init, or elsewhere) and save that result in an attribute or something, then just check the attribute from the isDetailEnabled function. Does that make sense?


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