Escape special character « » in word reports.

In the word report that I have created I want to use the characters  « someWords here... ». By default creatio uses these characters to indicate a field name but in my case I have to use these characters on my document as normal characters.

I am using a formula in MS word that makes a sentence appear in my word report only if a specific field is not equal to 0

  • Here is the place I have written the formula that contains special characters (which are not indicating any field name)


  • The formula I used: 

Contract Clauses No[#AddTextIfNotEqual|0;words... « someWords here between these chars...  » words again... :#]


  • The result I get when report is printed:

words… \« someWords here between the special chars \» words again


As you can see Creatio reads these chars (« ») as special chars and adds slashes (\) before them. All I want to do is make these chars appear without the slashes before them.


Thanks in advance :)


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As for now, unfortunately, there is no possibility to use word formulas in compose with printables and our R&D team has a problem regarding this functionality and we hope that it will be updated in one of future versions of the application. 


As for now you can try using this marketplace application that can fit your needs

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